What makes feminists acting the way they act?

I don’t want to fall after “lack of sex” meme, but sometimes these folks lose their connection with reality. I’ve just read how penetrating het sex is ALWAYS hurts women no exceptions, so they only fuck men because they are brainwashed by patriarchy. Why are they like that?

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First of all, feminist unquestionably have a strong and legitimate case regarding pay, opportunities, harassment and almost every issue they raise.

But also true is that some people, because of their own psychology, go too far in ANY cause they get caught up in.

You can't blame the cause for the failings of extremists. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every Christian bombs abortion clinics. Not every bullied high school nerd shoots up the school.

And not every woman fighting for equality is driven to exaggeration like the one you quote

Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>legitimate case regarding pay
stopped reading there

I know a good number of feminists in real life and they all like sex. I also know a good number of conservatives in real life and they're not terrified of jews. Don't take extremists you find online as a representation of much in reality.

Feminist is a huge range of beliefs and actions, from wanting rights to have an abortion to saying shit like that.
They're basically female incels. Some are too far gone and not worth thinking about. Trust me, women complain about incels in the exact same way you complain about "feminists". They may have some underlying threads of truth, but their extreme views are only worth ignoring.


OP, I used to be very anti-feminist. It wasn't until I read a bunch of feminist theory that I realized how important and misrepresented it is. I even agree with some radfem theory now. Total 180 from my stance just a few years ago.

Don't let the loudest assholes turn you off from learning about the world. Best of luck, OP.


stopped reading there

I think you’re confusing feminism with radicalism/crazy. When interacting with the real world, disregard what memes have told you.

So you are an easily influenced gullible idiot

You see lots of Christians, Muslims and right wing people who condemn extremism, how many feminists do this?

most if not all men group ALL feminists into the crazy category which is unfair and counterproductive

Well ALL men's rights activists are grouped into bitter women hater category as well

Dudes, I do appreciate your comments but whatever you say is emotional thing like “they are all dumb ignore them” but I’m looking for rational explanation of misconceptions about radical feminism. Sorry, pals

All-female spaces should gain more support among society because it’s a way to exile shits to deal with their shit by their own.

Abuse. A lot of them have fucked up ideas, because they had fucked up experiences in their early lives.

Isn’t it another meme?

If feminists are fighting for equality why are they a feminist.

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The actual source of it all comes from TV shows and propaganda they read on the internet.

I had a girlfriend who was literally brainwashing herself into depression. She'd go on tumblr everyday and look up "self-harm" shit and just tons of shit about wanting to cut yourself.

It has nothing to do with their parents either. I've known girls with conservative parents who taught them to be a certain way, and they still end up feminist brainwashed by TV shows.

The way the TV shows brainwash girls is actually pretty simple. They just take all the guys in the shows and make them wrong. So you'll have a guy who's the friend and he can even be gay or something and then he will pressure the girl into doing something that will ultimately hurt her or just be a bad decision. And of course the bad guys are always male and if the bad guy is a woman they'll make her conservative somehow.

And a lot of these propaganda media brainwashing actually come from horror shows. So girls will watch horror about stereotypical southern men trying to rape women over and over and over again until they actually think the world is like that. All those southern men are out to kill them.

Once you know what direction to look in, everything becomes pretty fucking obvious and obnoxious and women are completely blind to it because they've already been fed some kind of propaganda that makes it impossible to change their mind like something about the Holocaust or slavery. They make connections with everything bad that has ever happened with men and therefore it justifies whatever they think.

Which ones? You find more in common between christfags/jews/muslims than different strains of feminism.

A lot. All of the time.

That's right, don't be an idiot. Once you form an opinion, stick to it no matter what!

It's really weird how sticking to one opinion whether right or wrong is often considered virtuous.

>Why are they like that?
Feminism is just femininity unleashed. Women were always like that. If you understand female nature, you'll understand feminism.

Some interestigng point, please, elaborate. They usually say that femininity is a construct, so whatever people consider as feminine is made up. I guess otherwise they'd be acting alike to males.

I actually had the opposite experience, used to self-idenitfy as a feminist until reading some radfem theory, like 60-70% of it is off the walls bananas, there's logical leaps fucking everywhere in the theory, so even if you're following it as they're making the arguments they'll totally jump to "and that's why this means this, actually" without actually explaining it, and they base the rest of the argument off the logical leap, and then KEEP doing it, it's fucking bonkers

Don't get me wrong, most of radical feminism is ridiculous. Some aspects do make sense, but I take them with a grain of salt and form my own opinions.

Feminism has been co-opted by the corporate institutions. All the women who used to zone out to their favorite reality shows and go shopping at Victoria Secret for fun were suddenly thrusted to the forefront of political activism. You can expect a lot of retarded bullshit to crop to the surface. Despite that, there is a legitimate case to be made for feminism.

Yeah, a lot of radfem is aggressively dumb and serves no use other than fodder for unproductive, elf-righteous armchair activism by women who are more privileged than they realize. I still agree with bits of it and at the very least understand where some ideas come from.

>I also know a good number of conservatives in real life and they're not terrified of jews.
When have they ever been?

If anything most conservatives fucking love Jews. It's only the nazis and aut right that has a beef with them.

>egitimate case regarding pay, opportunities,
nah. However you are right about harassment.


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Blogs and breitbart, much source.

There are tons of the female incel equivalent for sure but because feminism means so much to so many women it also means that there feminists who have sex all the time.

The term incel was actually started by a lesbian in the 90s early internet or something. But now it's almost entirely just people who have pepe folders and say things like based and red pilled.

Mazel Tov!

>The term incel was actually started by a lesbian in the 90s early internet or something.
Sounds too funny to be true but then again, the same people stole the red/blue pill shit from a movie by two trannies.

same they're all damaged ex-sluts who need the double-standard comfort bubble third-wave feminism provides them

Don’t they actually have a right to blame men for not fulfilling their gender roles? If women don’t do, they can’t expect that from man. Also it’s focused on men’s output and therefore doesn’t fit radfem agenda.

Being a non-radical feminist is basically the norm in developed and and most developing countries, to the point that it's not longer called "feminism", but is just seen as the normal state of things. Being a feminist is as mainstream as believing that all humans have some basic rights.

Every woman in the West who makes a special point of being a feminist is a radical one, and these are usually women with existential issues who are looking for something to have a "struggle" about. It's like militant atheists pretending that Christianity is actively ruining their lives on a daily basis.

They are envious that men get higher wages, more opportunities, and are taken more seriously. Of course many of them also want these things to achieve this they first need to undermine our patriarchal culture and replace it with the idea that men and women are “equal” and identical, they argue that women are discriminated against and deserve a special legal status to protect them.

Historically women seriously suffered from the patriarchy men actually confined them to the kitchen which is ridiculous.feminism was right women are much much more capable than men thought.I think women are right to want more equal pay because many times they are underestimated for no good reason.

All that said it is still true that men and women are not biologically identical and scientists have known for a very long time that the brain is not any exception, men on average definitely have advantages in math and spatial reasoning that is not sexism it is just what has been often observed in research.

Sexism is very real and deserves more attention there should be a system implemented where maybe the gender of applicants is not visible to protect from biases.

>What makes feminists acting the way they act?

Short answer : the original sin does.

Women have MORE opportunities than men you dumb slut

A sane post, on MY Jow Forums?

When was the last time a christian bombed an abortion clinic? Stop trying to put Chrstians and muslims on the same level of evil when we al know muslims are way more likely to carry out and support terrorist attacks. You must be retarded or intentiionally trying to make christains seem as bad as them.

thing is some of those legitimate pay problems stem from a business that is privately owned aside of minimum wage deals. However I think the real issue comes down too, when regarding the pay gap, is this concept of women needing more time off for family issues. Problem is it's not always the case so women are put into a bracket where " she probably needs more time off so let's make her wages compensate for that." that's really the problem with the pay gap, so companies need to stop doing that shit.

If mens rights are fighting for equality why are the meninists?

Because the white feminists are spoiled and can afford to be pieces of shit. Mom and Dad support them while telling them they are perfect only to find out they arent in an imperfect and corrupt world.
There are things that the feminists focus on that are indeed important, but there are too many now that focus on looking for problems rather than fixing them.

Can confirm, my feminist tard mother downloaded loads of horror movies and ive been watching horror movies since i was 10.

I was scared of men for some reason but when i thought about it i realised females were the only ones that caused problems in my life almost always.

I reverted back to my childhood self that didnt buy female bullshit, ill never fit in their groups.

You're not wrong about media messages but you've never lived as a woman to think the threats we face aren't real. There's a difference to being paranoid and to being careful.

lol k
whatever jan

>The way the TV shows brainwash girls is actually pretty simple. They just take all the guys in the shows and make them wrong. So you'll have a guy who's the friend and he can even be gay or something and then he will pressure the girl into doing something that will ultimately hurt her or just be a bad decision. And of course the bad guys are always male and if the bad guy is a woman they'll make her conservative somehow.
to be fair that's pretty much all stories in female power fantasy. Female empowerment has shifted from "women are just as capable as men" to "men are holding you down and they are wrong."
Arguably though, not all women adhere to the bullshit and know certain knowledge is genderless and the only thing that holds women back is themselves.

often than not that line is blurred too much. Take the #metoo movement it started coming to a screeching halt when men were actually being falsely accused. This form of crying wolf isn't limited to just women though, any movement will have your false flaggers. Now the issue is focused on women at this point.

really, what's the threat that women face that men don't that justifies their paranoia?

>there's a difference to being paranoid and to being careful
>"justifies their paranoia"

Nothing will reach you at this point

Is this recent enough for you?


Women dont enjoy sex with weak men

>Don’t they actually have a right to blame men for not fulfilling their gender roles?
No because they blamed people for everything all the time; ever since the founding of their shit ideology

Inclusion is a hell of a drug, my friend. Flat-earthers, SJWs, incels, fanbases... It all makes sense if you think of lonely people reaching out in whatever ways they know they legally can. Sure, everyone on the planet knows the planet is a giant ball, and they're not even trying to convince you it's not. You'd fucking roll their panties right off if you said "I'd love to come to the flat Earth meet with you guys," and shit like that.

They're sad. They're lonely. And in all honest likelihood, they're hurt and wounded and bitter from the lack of amelioration regarding these wounds, and so a comfort in numbers is an easy thing to seek.

All they really want is to be happy, ensured that there's no powers-that-be waiting to snipe them from their high points in life.

>Take the #metoo movement it started coming to a screeching halt when men were actually being falsely accused.

False rape accusations have existed long before #MeToo and before feminism even existed.


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I went to a museum just today and saw the pictures of this kid. His mom looked absolutely devastated. He was just a fucking kid. Fuck that colossal cunt of a woman and I hope she burns in hell. All he was doing was whistling in a goddamn store and she accused him of fucking rape. What the actual hell.

That picture is legitimately horrifying. Something about mob mentality is so unsettling

I think there is a lot of this going around right now

They don't have a legitimate case for anything anymore, the legitimacy dropped out in around the 1970s, before that yeah I agree but now they're just insane

Why? It's like a party atmosphere, people are having fun!

A family party at that. Most of them look so inbreed it hurts.

And yet somehow atheists and anti-feminists still exist and are not bat-shit crazy.

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you have a link to this article?

And that's why men exist. Find you a man to defend you. We evolved FOR that purpose.

Sounds suspiciously plausible. I'm hesitant to jump to conclusions here, especially since I don't know shit about feminism, but I can confirm that every feminist friend I've had turned to feminism after their boyfriend broke up with them/their crush rejected them.

It's really interesting to see this correlation. Perhaps it is justified to a limited extent, but I think a lot of modern feminism is misguided at best.

But they don't.

Any quality data will show equal workplace opportunities. Especially now that employers have to show they are a "diversity" workplace. Basic feminist complaints don't even follow logic.

> we get paid less
So why wouldn't an employer hire only women?

Any body worth their salt in the work world has seen droves of lazy incompetent women. The fact that they aren't successful in a free market economy is purely a fact they are they are not equal to me.

And they get special treatment in social aspects of western life.

The complaining is insane.

Feminists and Incels are almost the same. They both are individuals with shitty lives who complain that the reason their lives aren't fair is because the world isn't fair.

SAD! (read this in a Donald Trump Tweet voice)

tl;dr because they're retarded sheeps, have lower IQs than men given their small body and brain frame and will never accept sex differences despite being prevalent everywhere in nature.
Of course, you will never see this fact IRL outside of underground research forums and 4channel, so they will always be free of being that stupid by lacking critical thinking skills, being unaware that the job market doesn't want their stupid liberal arts degrees and they will forget their 4-week job training that actually took 12 weeks (and they still forgot about it 2 weekss later), hence the lacking promotion opportunities for them.