
> be me
>31, girlfriend is 23
>she's my 5th longterm and Im her first boyfriend
>everything is great together
>smart and mature for her age, pretty, driven, hardworking
>legit wife material
>doesn't want to get married or have kids
>we both know it's because she's young
>I would like wife and kids
>know I can't support family at the moment
>we wouldn't be able to move in until another year anyway
>what if she never wants to settle down?
>what if she does but then years down the lie regrets missing her 20s by marrying her first boyfriend
>what if I'm missing the chance to meet someone else because I am with her

what do

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bump for help

That age differnce is too large! you pedo

Take her at her word. try to push it and watch her run. This is your own fault for not expecting this when you started dating someone so young.

First boyfriend at 23? She might be one of those types to be happy to marry her first bf, or she might later feel like she's missing out. It's really up to you to judge her character, we don't know her.

you really think so?

for what its worth people think I'm 25 or 26 so we don't look like a weird ass couple when we go out

she's 23 and you are her first boyfriend, she a-sexual or what?

>what if i'm missing the chance to meet somone else
if you think like this a lot let her go, she's not who you are looking for, if it's every once in a blue moon it's fine

ignore the what if's, you don't sound confident, pave your future make more money, maybe you will feel better about your relationship then.

not at all. she's french so she's had more than enough experience (including at least one woman) though I've got more bed notches.

So at 23, she's had more sex than you, including women, but she's never had a boyfriend before? And she's European?

...I don't know. I think she might genuinely not want to live a "traditional life" as wife and mother.
By the time she might even CONSIDER children, you'll be probably be close to 40 and childless. How long are you even capable of waiting? The longer men wait to have kids, the higher the chances the children will have schizophrenia and other behavioral disorders.

you've misread

I've got more bed notches, even when when I was her age.

She's not some boring conservative chick is what I'm saying

LOL no, it's not. Different story if he was in his 30's and her barely 17-18 years old. The moment a woman hits her 20's it's fair game (so to speak).

Wait are you serious, I know children have a higher chance of having stuff like down syndrome and autism but schizo too? I know my dad was in his 40's and some of my cousins were also born in similar conditions but they're more intelligent than me. I guess we got lucky.

>girl not having lots of sex means she's boring
enjoy your used goods that doesn't want to get married or have kids

user, I was that girl before.
Screwed everything after that boyfriend.
Now I am 33, want to have kids and a good boyfriend that protects me, after learning that the strong independent woman is a meme.
Currently my boyfriend (we are getting married soon), is starting to accept the fact that I have to have kids now. Took him 5 years.
I do not know. I wished I was more clever/mature before.
If you leave her, she won't remember you for some years, she'll have her fun.. but then she will be like me.

no idea if he misunderstand or can't understand.

you are gonna get called a larping incel in a moment
and maybe you are
but this shit feels to real

listen to this femanon

>what do

Stop asking yourself what if questions and overthinking everything. If you can't afford to move in together until another year from now, then enjoy the ride until then. Once you've lived together happily for at least 6 months then it's time to start considering marriage. Talk to her about it then. Chill tout till then. Marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be.

to clarify, it's not that we can't afford to live together, it's that she doesn't want to live with me yet.

Though I'd like to get married, I'm more interested in a long term relationship. I'm at the stage where I'd rather be certain it could be something else than wait to see if it will be this. I'm not getting any younger and she has all of her twenties to go through. Oh man I really can't tell if I'm overthinking it or being foolish

I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this info :-s

If youre 31 and STILL cant support a family, then your genes won't make it.
This post has been brought to you by plumber & retail working class fuckers that are 24/21yo and support twins and many more in future

What a terrible way to throw away your youth

thats cool for you dude. I'm in a different industry and not doing too bad but its kinda of feast and famine (comedy and writing)

admittedly she's worried about my financial stability whereas I've always know this is my path, as much as I've been busting my chops.

But again, she doesn't want kids at 24. And frankly, I think that's crazy you went that way.