I am uncircumcised and I masturbate by moving my foreskin. When I cum...

I am uncircumcised and I masturbate by moving my foreskin. When I cum, I just hold the end my foreskin tight and cum within it. I then run off to the bathroom and let the cum out.
Is this what everyone does? What else can I do?
This is a serious question and I want to know.

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Just let your underpants soak the cum in

I've only done that when I fucked up my edging and was not ready to ejaculate.

The fuck

are you uncircumcised? do you just let the cum run free and then later waste time cleaning it?
what? isn't it an easy disposable and clean way to masturbate?

I am uncircumcised and I still don't have enough foreskin to do this.

hahaha I've done that but it gets too messy
just cum on the floor nigga

I'm uncircumsized and I think most uncircumsized men don't have enough extra foreskin to do what you're talking about. It honestly sounds like you have a freakish amount of foreskin. Most uncircumsized guys can't pull their foreskin over the head of their erect penis. The entire idea of it just requires a crazy amount of foreskin. Considering that, I suspect this is bullshit and bait, probably just a cut guy trying to make fun of dude's with foreskin. Whatever dude, enjoy your mutilated penis. Or your excessive foreskin, if you're telling the truth. Whatever.

Yes and I never expected this to be not the norm. Always amazing to learn new things.

>The entire idea of it just requires a crazy amount of foreskin.
It doesn't. Your calculation seems to miss that the dick is rarely 100% erect when jerking off.

you must be really small

it's a waste time to clean up

I know its hard to believe but I am not bullshitting or baiting. I was just curious

strangely I thought this was a norm, somehow seems so natural to me.

I've done what you've done a couple of times OP but nobody does it all the time lol. I use towels or toiletpaper.

But that shit is still sticky and falls to pieces. Outside of shower the foreskin method is clearly the most efficient one.

I hate paper because it gets all over the place. Also, I don't want to be cleaning towels.

>cumming so little that your foreskin can even hold it all
It's like you're not even fertile

Do you have a tiny dick or something? If I'm hard my foreskin is barely long enough to cover the edge of the glans when pulled upward.

Foreskins can have different lengths user. Have you heard of genetics.

I cum on my stomach, wipe it off with wet toilet paper and dry.

Dicks have different lengths, too, and yours is probably short lmao hahaha

I am uncircumcised too but i masterbate in either an empty bottle or a tissue

I have a lot of foreskin like you and yeah, I've done this before. It's good.

Yeah pretty much