I'm trans but red-pilled myself and now I don't know what to do with myself or my trans and left/centrist friends
I'm trans but red-pilled myself and now I don't know what to do with myself or my trans and left/centrist friends
Falling for self hatred and shit that supports it is pretty common for trannies from what I hear.
Learn to be more self-critical to free yourself from memes and start using your brain more often.
hang out with mras, incels, autists and other male brained people who will not judge you for your fetish.
I know of two trannies on YT who are anti-sjw that you could try asking advice of on twitter. Lilith Lovett and Blair White
what r u smoking
ecelebs dont talk to nobodies
Question, how do you feel about contapoints?
you redpill them. anyone with common sense can see the facts. some things I found out made me very uncomfortable as well, but I accepted the facts.
Imagine using random charts to justifying being a pedo - sorry, a hebephille.
you're not "trans" you're just mentally fucking ill. you cant be trans and red pilled you dumb bitch.
In ways in proud, I have nothing against trans people on their feeling of sex identify. The issue for me comes from those who those on the far left. I know a few trans who fit in with normal people without being too far left or right. Goodluck though, keep chin up and keep trying to find prior who fit your type. My friends end up ranging from both sides. I avoid political talk or do not really talk when it comes up. Even if you disagree if it's only a thing that will rarely come up I avoid.
My friends are overall okay, even if some have shown stupid beliefs.
I've talked to plenty of people around 100k subs. Guess it's kind of hard to hang out with people over a million though, too much spam.
just be a gay guy that looks feminine
>i am trans
>i am redpilled
Pick one.
Teach western women to be comfortable with living in a traditional lifestyle.
The left is self hatred
"White people are evil, and need to stop having babies, and migrants and diversity are better, and they need to take over our countries so we can be a minority"
That's self hatred
red pilled right wing stuff is self love and love for race and responsibility. If you hated that sort of thing though, i can see how you would lie and try to act like that is self hatred
Maybe the best thing to do isnt keep your friends based on politics. I have friends that vary in politics. I am a moderate libral and have buddies who are liberal to conservative. We dont like eachother based on politics. Maybe your problem is that you make friends based on self image rather than common intrests like hobbies and such. How about you dont think how the world views you but think of what you like to do and find friends there?
>White people are evil
Most white people have an intersectional privilege that they refuse to recognize, which is fairly understandable, but some of them are so contrary that they will ignore other's hardships to act like theirs are worse. They're not evil, usually they're ignorant morons.
>need to stop having babies
Everyone needs to stop having babies. I'm not sure if you've noticed but our planet is currently, idk, exploding and humans are literally the worst thing here for it
>migrants and diversity are better
No, the argument here is that migrants are acceptable and diversity isn't actually a bad thing. Imagine being so anti-anything that someone just accepting it makes them pro. Oh wait this happens with abortions too, looks like it may be a common right wing tactic.
>they need to take over our countries so we can be a minority
Oh waaaaaaah muh white genocide. I'd rather never socialise with white people again if it meant I never had to see another little bitch like you, and I'd lose out on my family in that. You people are just so annoying.
As a redpilled trans perhaps you can answer these questions I've had that others have replied with transphobe or similar non-answers.
1. If you yourself can't accept who you are, why must the rest of us accept who you aren't? Like the wrong pronouns, "it's ma'am", etc. I can slap a Maserati decal and maybe replace a few parts on my 2009 Toyota Tacoma but that doesn't make it a Maserati.
2. How did you snap out of the mental gymnastics to justify your illogical actions/What's the Achilles tendon to shut down the thought process? I had a psychology professor who was going through the most extensive mental gymnastics I've ever encountered. Prof was born female, became gay after rejection by a man, got a butch lesbian gf, had a mastectomy as part of a sex change to prove she wasn't gay but a man in a woman's body, gf broke up with her because gf wasn't into dudes, prof got fake tits and stopped the hormones to reverse the sex change, and now identifies as a man who isn't gay despite being sexually attracted to women because she's not a woman despite never having male anatomy. I see some huge logical flaws here yet nobody dared question her.
Shoot as many as possible then an hero
Not OP.
>1. If you yourself can't accept who you are, why must the rest of us accept who you aren't?
People might say you have to use the right pronouns for trans people, but you really don't. I guess. If you don't, you're just hurting someone to some degree, and depending on how far into transition the person is/how well they pass, looking silly. I've stopped caring about pronouns for myself because I've been living as a man for over 10 years and anyone who intentionally calls me "she" would look like an idiot. It takes care of itself, because pronouns are not merely about genitals or chromosomes, they're about social role and secondary sex characteristics--and the male version of those, I have.
>2. How did you snap out of the mental gymnastics to justify your illogical actions/What's the Achilles tendon to shut down the thought process?
I mean, if you're talking about how to get transsexuals to stop wanting to do all this shit, you're out of luck. We're mostly compelled by physical sensations and experiences that aren't really debatable. Not because of social rules, but because there's nothing to debate about. I wanted to remove my tits for 11 years-->I did remove my tits-->I have been happy I removed my tits for 7 years.
Many people, like your professor, it sounds like, have (purely) socially-based motivations for transitioning that do not relate to physical dysphoria, and those people will find themselves unpleasantly surprised whether you say anything or not.
Mate just get away from the shithole that is 'red pill culture', Jow Forums especially. That whole scene, which you're definitely interacting with if you use the term "red-pilled," is not about seeing past some illusion that we're suffering under. That may have been the original metaphor established by the matrix, but that's not what it describes culturally now. It's about hate and fear. Specifically, hate and fear for people like you. The world is really getting quite shit, and there are a lot of people who point to minorities and 'western decadence' as a scapegoat. The internet makes it really, really easy to go down a deep ideological rabbithole like that, especially when everybody's so anxious and depressed.
You're trans. We can get really technical and refer to body dysphoria as a 'mental illness'. Sure. What's wrong with curing that by changing your body to the gender that doesn't cause you dysphoria? If you're an adult, why shouldn't that be your choice? Religion can fuck off; it's spirituality for people who're unable to move beyond father figures and recognise that all humans equally have no clue. If there is a God worth serving, he would love you despite you being trans.
You might think that I'm assuming a lot about what you believe, but if you're describing yourself as "red-pilled", I would strongly suspect you've internalised some of that hatred. Love yourself, nigga.
Nothing wrong with being trans and based
>red pilled right wing stuff is self love
Says the guy who feels so worthless that likes being cucked by "superior" black dick. What a joke bleach nigger
Stop trying to suck up to people who don't think you should exist
But they shouldn't exist, they're delusional at best. Its not even a red-pill for that matter its just common sense.
>PT 1
Most humans are ignorant morons. Whites get pissy when you act like whites are the only ignoramii on the planet.
>PT 2
Humans are a parasite. We consume more than we produce, thus parasitism.
Earth will expunge the capacity to carry us long before we damage it permanently.
>PT 3
So people who are victims of interracial crimes want comeuppance. It's a natural response and this "N-NUH" answer just serves to make them mad. You know that and yet you issue the argument. Why?
>PT 4
So you become part of the problem at the end? What?
Why do you think you deserve some even level of respect? You most certainly have not offered it, so for what reasons would you receive it?
>inb4 I was the disrespectful one all along
The left and the right are full of self hatred. It doesn't matter that other races throughout the world despise or even just dislike Europeans. Its ultimately the Europeans fault for becoming so vulgar and so full of hate for themselves and everything they once stood for. Just consider the fact that even the 'right' wing groups are full of self-hatred, since they don't even care about their roots, culture or heritage. All they care about is money, so called families (no matter what it might be) and patriotism (which is basically worthless glorification of nothing).