Is it possible that a guy really finds his girlfriend the most beautiful woman in the world or it's just a convenient white lie?
Is it possible that a guy really finds his girlfriend the most beautiful woman in the world or it's just a convenient...
I mean, it's possible, sure. Whether it'll last though? Unlikely.
Consider that emotional attraction affects how attractive you perceive people, so there is a boost coming from that for sure.
Yes it's very possible, men are rational
Every beauty is itself a projection, an emanation of the need to love
I do not love thee with my eyes, for they a thousand errors see, but tis my heart that loves want they despise.
>men are rational
It doesn't matter if its a lie or not he better tell her and keep telling her how beautiful she is because if he stops some other guy is telling her and she'll cheat.
Honestly yes, I physically dont find any deep attraction in women other than my wife, to the point that it's near impossible to get off unless I'm thinking of her. She never believes me when I tell her, and anytime I convince her I'm serious, she thinks there must be something wrong with me. Sure there are times when I'm not really feeling any appreciation for her beautiful form or the emotional bonds to the person that she is, but those times are few and far in between, usually accompanied by bouts of depression and incredible apathy to all things. Along with being my best friend, she is also physically stunning to me on a daily basis. In reality she might be just above average, but who gives a shit what reality is?
I’d say so, but emotional attraction plays a role in that. Isn’t that what oneitis is, essentially?
Basically this for SOME men. When I'm with a girl I like I really only have eyes for her [spoiler]and anime girls[/spoiler], other girls don't arouse me. This isn't true for all guys though, but it doesn't mean they love their girl any less just because some bimbo made their dick hard.
It's a lie, because looks fade and personality can change just as much of the rest of life can.
Don't expect perfectionism in a relationship, but also don't accept too much abuse or you'll get ptsd.
It's reasonable, and even desirable, to find one's girlfriend to be the most beautiful woman in the world.
If you are in love, there is a emotional attachment
The emotional attachment increases partner value to the maximun possible, and then you ask yourself. Why would you go out for a sloppy burger, when you can eat steak at home?
Men are trully the most rational beings, they can channel their emotions to make a lasting bond.
For some, but probably very few.
I get a little sad every time that I think I'm going to have to compromise some day and not end up with a girl I truly find beautiful. I don't know how people do it. I might just stay single for the rest of my life.
Look fade, what matters is sex.
If you have a good sex life with your girl/wife until you are both old, the bond will last well until it doesn't matter how both of you used to look when young.
Looks fade, but part of that lasting relationship is being able to look back on that chemistry that you had when you WERE attractive to each other. I can't just get it up for some fat chick and have good sex. It doesn't work that way. I'd rather jerk off alone.
Can't have good sex if it's not even appealing in the first place.
its really more about personality traits and memories made together than it is actual physical traits and looks. So "most beautiful woman" is a label that doesn't really apply to any single female just defined by her objective attractiveness, but who she is as a whole. And let me tell you very much for better or worse its very possible for men to feel this way about a woman, and the reason so many white knight fat neckbeards exist is because they fall this hard in love with a girl whom the feeling isn't mutual.
>it's just a convenient white lie?
This one
99% of girls are fickle whores and if they don't hear that lie constantly, they will cheat the first chance they get
Hey you right, but looks without good sex is a waste
I think it can happen, love can grow and true friends can last a lifetime, and imho once hot always hot.
Unfortunately, no; not when women like pic related exist.
>Blonde white girl
>Worth something
Choose one
Why even be with her if the only thing stopping her from cheating is telling her that she’s pretty?
My ex was a 6.5/10 at best and I'd still drool for her each time I looked at her. She never believed me tho.
I was gonna make a thread about this shit, but this thread works too I guess. I'm really attracted to this girls personality (recently started seeing her), but not as much with her physically. She has a bit of a gut and is heavy in general. I feel shitty about this because it's not like I'm a model either. She's easy to talk to, fun to be around and she's incredibly sweet. She really likes me and I like her too, but I feel conflicted. Should I try to see where it goes or is it a fools errand? I'm leaning towards still giving it a shot.
I mean sure, if you're into chicks with fetal alcohol syndrome.
OP here.
I find my boyfriend the most gorgeous and sexy guy on Earth. Really, I just cannot find any guy prettier and sexier than him. I also tell him that a lot, maybe more than I should. The thing is, just can't forget one thing he said one day, "you are not perfect and that there are dozens of girls I would like to fuck but I like you so I want to be with you". That hurted a bit at first, but at the same time, I understood what he wanted to say, he was honest and I don't even understand why I still think about that sentence. He never told me I m the most beautiful girl in the world, and I lot of guys I don't even know did it.
Just want to be him saying that once. And most important, I m afraid one day he'll feel the way I do but with someone else.
yeah, I mean that's love for you. Thing is that it's a white lie when he isnt in loved.
for a time yea
generally 1st 3 months
then you notice that nice ass and think about how youd plow it
now generally that means you start thinking about the home ass to plow because her pussy just grabs your dick the right way, if not then problems start
did you tell him that? Thing is saying that stuff from a guys perspective is just trying to get you in bed. But if you need to hear it from him then tell him that.
This guy has no special feelings for you. If it's ok for you, so ok
why do you say that? I mean really, want to know what makes you think that
What makes you say that?
>convenient white lie
yep there are still more hot ones for sure. even if there was not a more hot girl, the human mind will eventually find jealousy
I can't imagine and never knew a person who tells his beloved one such things and makes him or her feel not special. When it comes to seeking reasons and rationalisation, it is not love. Not that sort of love which is chemistry and what you probably feel for him.
That is my vision only, don't take it too seriously
guys don't love they take what is available and would leave it for he next best thing
he thinks the girl is beautiful enough to fuck and that's it
women are better off not dating to find happiness I think
Depends on guy. 10 years ago I'd have laughed my ass off of you'd've showed me a picture of my now gf. After 5 years of relationship, she grew on me so much, I am basically blind to all her physical flaws, making her the most beautiful to me.
Love and mania are both good at making someone ' the most beautiful woman'
It's very hard to explain to a literal animal what rationality even means so I get your comment...
When you are attracted to the person inside the package, you find the package attractive, whatever the objective reality
With my last girlfriend for the full 2.5 years we spent together i basically lost all physical attraction to other girls so yes absolutely.
It might vary from guy to guy but when you love someone as much as I did they are truly the most beautiful person youve ever met
>After 5 years of relationship, she grew on me so much, I am basically blind to all her physical flaws, making her the most beautiful to me
My girlfriend is too insecure to believe this. She literally can't understand that it isn't her body pushing me away but her insecurities and how they compel her to act.
>read this thread
>men discuss actually being capable of pair bonding
>on Jow Forums even
This is proof to me I need to get the fuck out of manhate circleschlicks. You've made my day, anons. That is all.
No it’s not. At least, not always. Depending on the person, sometimes they’re only going to desire that specific girl/their partner. It doesn’t mean they don’t find any other girl attractive, but they end up comparing other girls to the person their in love with/infatuated with and thinking to themselves that those girls don’t match up. Emotional attachment tends to leak into physical attraction.
Sorry to hear your mind has been infected by that tripe.
It's okay user, do not fear the ever blowing winds of change, embrace it and move with the current.
Man, that's rough, idk what to tell you. My gf is self aware of the fact that objectively, she is on the lower end of average looking face wise (but with very nice body), but she values our conversation flow and the ease of our jokes a lot. Our relationship is based on communication and shared values, so even the rough and awkward topics get adresses and discussed at lenght.
>At strip club with GF, her choice
>Be there for a couple hours and several lap dances each later
>Not once did I get hard or even a slight chub
>Drive her and I home
>In driveway, backdoor light casting shadows on her semi asleep face
>Kiss her cheek
>She sort of wakes up and kisses me on the lips followed with 2 small pecks
>Tells me she loves me, half smiles then her eyes roll back and starts to pass out again
>Absolutely rock hard
If seeing dozens of naked women, some even grinding on my junk and face didn't do anything but a small kiss from my GF did, I think it's safe to say that I prefer her and only her.
What a trashy yet heart warming story
It depends on how much he likes you I guess?
Ever since I started talking to girl I quite literally do not find any other girl more attractive than her. It's fucking crazy. It's like she became the very standard of beauty for me.
Why not just post this in that "ask the opposite gender" thread? Anyway, if you're not physically attracted, then I don't think it's a good idea. If you're both out of shape, maybe hit the gym together?
It sounds like the beginning of a tailor trash romeo and Juliet love story desu. Did you wisk her way into your double wide?
all jokes aside, p cute. Why did she want to go to a strip club to watch you get grinded on ?
>It's fucking crazy. It's like she became the very standard of beauty for me.
You put it perfectly.
Maaaaaaaaaan, I'm jealous.
stop fibbin over there
I truly believe, if the person truly loves a girl like with every ounce of their being, that no matter what physical changes occur that love will remain intact.
All relationships have problems , arguments, and bad times. But if there exists mutal deep love and apperciation. I honeslty belive that it wont fade, but get stronger.
Be this a romanticized feeling, or not , its what i'm currently experiencing right now with my girlfriend. And its been on the incline for the past 4 years.
shes my person , and i have convinced myself that nothing else matters just as long as i have her.
She and I were hanging out and she asked what more I wanted to do that day, and I meme'd about how there were a bunch of strip clubs in the area and that I should take her to one. She gasped and said omg yes, I've never been to one we should go, so we did. She had mentioned the idea of experimenting in a 3way before, and she said watching me get lap dances turned her on because while other girls did things to me, I was still going home with her that night and she was getting the dick, not them. I had also never been to a strip club either, prior to this.
>3 way turning her on
I guess i really cant say anything about that, as my girlfriend has actually talked about that too. Tbh i just think its degenerate? and would honestly turn me off having another girl there. idk
still baffles me that alot of girls find that attractive tho? watching their bfs getting grinding on or having female attention like that ? idk its weird
God that sucks. Sorry.
Literally all of my friends, even the normie ones, are capable and dream of a complete pair bonding. Like not even the putting a girl on a pedestal bonding, like equal pairs longing to succeed for each other.
That's my current dream at the moment
Funny you say that, another couple were across from us at the club, and she bought him a dance. Her face told the story better than she ever could, immediate sorrow and dissatisfaction. But, she wanted to be the cool girlfriend or something, until a girl pulled her parents to the side and rubbed her junk on his chin/cheek. I swear she was going to have a panic attack. Makes me wonder if strippers do it to torment the girlfriend.