Why are we letting internet people from retarded nations have an opinion about us?
America is best country
Ryan Hughes
Aaron Bell
Because the GOP disagrees; they say Israel is the best country.
Ethan Martin
Because you fat retards can't stop sticking your nose in our business
Jace Russell
What do you mean? It's always some bitchy German lady screeching liberalism and having something to say to us.
Matthew Anderson
Why pick on fat people? We don't call you poor?
Jayden Torres
Israel is better than the rest of the terrorist nations. It's not 1946 grow up
Eli Powell
What like protecting your dogshit soon to be 3rd world country with our military?
Carson King
I rate this post boomer/10
Jackson James
>merkel is my leader
Anthony Collins
Someone who likes the French is known as a Francophile.
Someone who likes the English is known as a Anglophile.
Someone who likes Americans is known as
An American.