USA Today Immigration Journalist gets wrecked in Reddit AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
>immigration journalist
he's an activist
>as an intellectual I understand the Democrats and Republicans are at opposite ends of the political spectrum and I am in the center, wishing they would compromise
and you channers told me reddit wasn't based and redpilled.
Embarrassing, Alan kind of BTFO of and set himself up with that answer.
CTR must not have been paid to astroturf this one
Here is what we should do with illegal aliens - treat them like the criminals they are and imprison them for violations of American law then deport them.
huh, interesting how even reddit is sick of his shit and the blatant lies they spew about illegals.
I'm surprised everyone isn't banned yet.
Wait what did you guys take over reddit now too?
eeeeevery once in awhile some good stuff gets through on leddit. These AMAs are usually where it's at, even though most of them are trash.
wtf i love reddit now
Goddamit, which one of you niggers did this? Owning someone this badly is illegal
>ask me anything
>wew lads these questions aren't the softballs i was expecting to use for easy virtue signalling, uhh good talk! later!
This was encouraging to read. Thanks OP.
815 comments, nearly all critical, on REDDIT of all places
What subreddit did he post to?
The simulation is the artificial bullshit forced to us on a daily basis.
GalaxyDeity with the galaxy brain take.
(USA Today article)
>"As the online community becomes more and more toxic we have to ask ourselves who's to blame? And why is it Trump?"
If even reddit is expressing frustration and anger over the issue, then awareness is spreading. This is a bit of a white pill.
Something has to be done about this propaganda lads. It's gone too goddamn far.
The only reason plebbit isn't ours is because the kike admins and faggot mods actively censor and ban users on it every waking second of every hour, every day with a clear slant towards protecting cultural marxism.
We win wherever truth can be spoken, because we speak the truth.
it's on ask me anything
Thanks user
No matter what, the mind virus of the truth will infect every corner of the internet and bleed into life itself. That's why they are so afraid of us.
THis is the best one
Fucking lol
honk honk
Fuck that pic is me everytime my gf watches netflix
Saved, thanks breh
Do you ever try to get her to watch The Greatest Story Never Told, I always try to get people to watch documentaries like that or the Empire of Dust.
He probably had to cut the AMA short to go in his quiet room and deal with a mini panic attack.
Most of these MSM types avoid comment sections at all costs or are used to heavily moderated bubbles like twitter, facing any kind of criticism or differing viewpoints must be traumatizing.
I don't reddit but is this normal? And are the commenters normally liberal/leftist?
this is light shining through darkness
it's unnormal. I'm guessing shareblue doesn't work on AMA
Reddit can be more fucking based than Jow Forums at times. Its the main subreddits that get fucking moderated into leftwing circle jerks. The sub's with minimal moderating ALWAYS end up like this. There is a reason why people like Bill Nye got btfo when he showed up in that same subreddit the thread is talking about. The Mods I'm that sub aren't pozzed.
I think its one of the few subs where the shills dont astroturf. I think the reason being is that AMA get massive amounts of comments but the threads dont get as much upvotes, so the AMAs rarely land on the front page, so the shills dont bother. I remember in early 2016 or so there was a thread about trump, how he was as a person. It was unanimously positive, I think there was not a single negative comment.
jesus i skimmed through the whole thing and they fucked this guy and the pro immigration people up so bad he couldnt even respond to anyone properly. holy shit im fucking proud of that and im not even involved
yeah I vaguely remember that, thing I might have seen that trump thread you're talking about
when faggot kike mods aren't censoring people, there's a massively larger right wing contingent lurking underneath the shallows than lefties would dream of
For once Reddit wasn't gay as fuck.
Holy fuck Reddit is becoming based. What fucking timeline is this anyway?
well I mean, why do you think they're so intent on censoring us/right wing opinions in general?
The mass censorship will be considered to be the biggest mistake the left and corporate sponsors ever tried in the US. They have no idea what they have done, consequences will never be the same.
Only thing i saw was 2 mods and one person with low karma got their questions answered, smells fishy for sure
That pic is me IRL, except the girl is hotter and naked right now, and I have more crossed out than him. Four?? Come on guy. There are millions of them.
>reddit realizing they can't keep banning/shadowbanning everyone who doesn't tow the line because they'd go out of business
Funny, isn't it?
Why do whites humor people like this when they know what side they will ALWAYS be on?
Same with the Krassenstein kikes. They got wrecked in their AMA.
Looks like he should've just done an ama on Jow Forums
I don't understand the respect for modern journalists. These people are too stupid to get into Law and are in general poorly informed about topics that someone with even a basic interest in the subject would know more about.
Journalism is a relic of an age where we as a species didn't have instant access to information at a few keystrokes.
Lawyers are mostly even dumber than journalists and cite journalists as authorities. Both professions are largely populated by hucksters and kikes for a reason.
I like how they see lefty views aren't gathering thumbs and conclude it must be brigading, because of course that couldn't be the average person's opinion.
>Lawyers are mostly even dumber than journalists
This is objectively incorrect.
Any and every skill a journalist performs, a Lawyer is required to do at a higher standard.
When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach. 15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth
Is reddit, dare I say, /ourboard/?
It's almost like reality has a right-wing bent
that sub also has a history of calling out fuckheads who don't answer any good questions and are there to just put a link to something they are promoting
kek, he got fucked. also replace with ceddit to see deleted posts
Has it been retconned/memoryholed?
normal fag get off my board. you don't even know what that pic is about
bahaha that is EXACTLY what's gonna happen
I must say good sir, it is refreshing to see such a nuanced view on such a hot-button topic. I bid you adeiu!
>tips fedora
>crabwalks back under refrigerator
That's a nice, shiny ass