NEET status threatened

My mom is insisting I get a job. What can I say/do to convince her to let me stay a comfortable neet?

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>tfw my mommy told me to get a job
>she doesn't have a job herself
Check and mate, roasty.

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Please help me she’s banging on my room door with a job application and says she'll force me to write it with her hand

FUCK the last thing I want to waste this summer on is fucking bagging groceries as a cashier at some stupid fucking walmart

It's not what you'll want to hear, but I'd strongly advise you to get one. I'm a twenty-seven-year-old NEET, and I can't think of anything that would have made my life better than getting a job years ago. I'm too ashamed even to apply for one now, and, with each passing year, motivating myself just gets harder and harder. You're lucky that you have someone who cares about your future; some parents are content to watch their children rot. Don't let that happen to you, OP.

It’s just fucking life dude.

Getting some bullshit job and giving a slice of your labour to autocrats probably kills you inside if you have any moral bearings, yet you can’t reasonably expect to eat food without expending any effort in sowing or harvesting it. You can help ease any financial strain on your parents by contributing some labour, and although you might detest it (reasonably, too) it is necessary to learn that everything in life has to toil a little bit for any reward, and ultimately the reward of toil is one of the most gratifying things to experience (rather than reap the rewards of others’ toil)

Ultimately if I ever make it, I’ll try and make a NEET commune farming coop where we can all help fulfil our need for sovereignty, independence and a possible way to flourish, while bearing the responsibilities that nature and the earth has placed on us.

I really don't see why I need a job. I do all my chores for her and myself, I don't see why I need to waste my time for green paper

You won't get a job anyway, so don't stress yourself out.

Communist pipe dream

Is this a larp? You need to work retard. There's tons of jobs that pay well and require no previous experience, especially physical labor of any sort because women refuse to do those jobs therefor half the work force is unavailable to those employers, increasing the starting wage.

I met a kid working at subway and after talking to him found out he was quiting his subway job to go repurpose cargo trucks for 15/hr full time. There's jobs coming out of America's asshole right now and a lot of them is stuff you wouldn't even know existed.

You don't get it, I don't want to work

You are clearly retarded enough to be receiving a full disability benefit.

Not communist. I firmly believe that free market capitalism is the most peak and perfect system for economy (if perfection can even be a qualification here), the downside of that ‘perfect’ system will always be that ONE (1) entity will ultimately acquire all the jelly beans.
The NEET farm will counterbalance this inevitability through good moral framework and compassion as a way to curb excessive greed.

There won’t be any seizing of anybody’s means of production; rather, the prerequisite for allowing new entry will be to take part in an iowaska ceremony.

Yeah, well, you and the shrink that checked me out for neetbux are in a disagreement.

Well why does your mother want you to get a job?

Work for a year while staying with mommy and then use that money to get some kind of associates degree that pays fairly well.
Currently three months into a factory job and I plan to stay there at least a year and then start working towards a degree from a community college.

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Work or die nigger, those are your options.

get a part time job
or just fuck up in the interview

I don't know. She just says I need one

Fellow neet with naggy live-ins here.

Work online. It works for me. Don't bother with monster or the other normie job sites as it's full of shit when it comes to anything "remote". is good, though, with a lot of options for "careers".

Your mom won't complain about you never leaving your room once she sees you are actually pulling a wage from there. Also you can work in your boxer shorts. It's comfy.

As a warning: NEVER pay upfront for a job anywhere. Period. Some jobs may ask you you own a headset with mic or other equipment. These are low tier jobs, but legit and not the same as "pay $50 training cost to start" which is a job.

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> "pay $50 training cost to start" which is a job.

Which is NOT a job I mean. It's a scam.

Stupid enter key and typos.

sorry to hijack response, not OP, but does this apply to uni sufdenfs? I’m in my first year, and realistically, do very little work. I get good grades in my assignments, but I can go literally weeks without doing much apart from just attending lectures; sometimes I feel like I live a very charmed existence.

And on another note, I like how my description of a “pipe dream” is how our species functioned for like 99% of existence; and yet the “normal way” has led to absolute surrealist nightmare clownery.

Well you should ask her. She might have very good reasons (e.g., money problems, wanting you to become a functioning adult).

Unbridled capitalism is like the stupid flash game with the fish. The more fish you eat the bigger you get which gives you access to eating bigger fish. In reality we need to eat like 3-4 fish a day and store some for optimal min-maxing, nothing excessive.
you cannot acquire a wagie in NEETland. it is voluntary and love-based and hopefully ez thru cooperation and techmology.

Play along, write a shitty application; if she actually checks it, play along further and pretend to be even more retarded than you appear to be during the job interview. If they still somehow hire you, play along and do silly (but not illegal) shit during your first day.

She pretty much said she wants me to be independent which is something I don't really care about. She started talking about how people have to pay for things and money has to go into it and if you want something you have to work x amount of hours to get it and it all seems so fuckin pointless. Like, I'm a rat running on a treadmill endlessly for bits of heese, idk.

I think what you see has turned your perspective on life’s toils into something dehumanizing. You describe it as a lab rat and a snack when it is usually like a guy rolling a rock up a hill
the key middle-ground between both pushing a rock up a hill (hard and requires effort, yet there’s prospect in always getting to a higher place) and having your rock falling (ultimately effortless, except at the end of the day your rock ends up in a lower spot) is to find a life in which you are pushing your rock on a pure flat surface with no friction aka peak apex boulder-pushing

He's right though, life is an endless and futile pursuit. Nobody will ever reach the supreme good.

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You could try getting a part time job for about a month or two then save all the money and quit. She might lay off you for awhile.

>a comfortable neet

No such thing. You don't want to wake up as a middle aged man with nothing or no one to your name. Being a neet in your 20s or teens is just being on vacation. Time catches up though.

> Time catches up though.
Unless you live in a civilized country.

Not OP but I know a few NEETs far into their 50s and the ones who do it out of choice are happy as fuck.