How do I get a BPD gf?

How do I get a BPD gf?

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I dated one. They're absolutely fun. They'll do anything you want them to do. Just don't get your heart tied up in her, really.

I don't know how to help you find one, but I can help you with the early signs. For me, it was sudden emotional unavailability. It was probably the first obvious sign. Like she'd love me to death for the first few days in the relationship, then suddenly hate me, drop all feelings like she never even knew me. Then after the few days, back to loving and obsessing over me for no reason.

This repeated a lot. Sometimes it would happen over the course of a few months, sometimes a few days. We dated 3 years and we had a joke, I'd often tell her we "broke up 37 times".

You're both mentally ill.

Ask girls out at the strip club

You don't want one.

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Young Peoples' 12 Step meetings, rehabs, psych wards, psychiatry and therapy offices.

There are local support groups for Borderline Personality Disorder near you, and you can visit them freely and without charge.

I'd highly encourage you to go to one of the meetings and explain to them why you want a BPD gf.

In fact, you should record it and post it online, with their permission.

This is what you'd call a "double-dog-dare."

You disingenuous inhuman troll.

>you'd call

Correction: maybe you wouldn't, but I would.

wish I was on here when I found out mine was BPD. I hated it, but if I knew what to expect I would have happily done it.

Retarded nigger, why would you want one?

bpd girls > normal girls

>bpd girls > normal girls

They are not. Used to date one for 6 months. We broke up almost every three weeks. She always threatened to kill herself and attempted to do it twice in this short span of time. user, you don't seem to understand how tough it is

why would you want that?

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OP is a fucking retard

OP wants to feel loved regardless of circumstance

You don't actually want this.

if you want that youre more likely going to have a short term relationship. just bang and run make sure its at her house or someone elses because they will probably stalk you.

Everybody wants the Yandere until they have the Yandere.

It's like winning the lottery. Sounds fucking great until you actually do it.

Did like nobody pay attention to "Lost?"

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.

>t. a girl with bpd

Are you cute?

you should date him.