Friendly reminder that Egyptians we're black

But not the same black we know, they probably looked like ehtopians mixed with Sudan's but with slightly lighter skin.

While they were different races which which were Libya, Nubian,Sudan's some bantu/ethopian mix.

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Snow niggers seeing

Attached: Aah+lets+not+nitpick+towards+the+end+of+ancient+egypt+_d77c789ca2abfa94cb7d23e6a71697a6.jpg (500x281, 73K)

Attached: The-Nubian-pyramids-of-Sudan-685x1024 (1).jpg (685x1024, 128K)

those are some weak ass pyramids

Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the Iphone then the construction of the great pyramids. Egypt has such a long history, the real shit was built by a long forgotten civilization. Arguing about who lived there one thousand, two thousand, even three thousand years ago, is irrelevant. The people who built it were something else entirely.

>4000 year old cargo cult

The last dynasties were black
The first dynasties were white.
It was a shared civilization for well over 2000 years it was colonized from the sea by seafarers.

Attached: nobleman.jpg (480x360, 27K)

let's see your pyramids fag

Finally someone understood what i was ranting about
Still we're not even light black, we're like light brown/ tanned
As for nubians (the blacks you know) were our enemies

Attached: IMG_20190330_181658.jpg (718x785, 245K)

Those are built by blacks
Our big ass pyramids in Giza are the ones the world know

Go tell an Egyptian that

We agree

You aren't even Egyptians faggots you are just some Arab invaders. Plus blacks always with each doesn't matter skin tone. If anything everyone though out who had a country next to then used to fight.

Ie Greek Persians
Japanese chiense

Arabs turks

Attached: AEP79.jpg (800x423, 80K)

you cut out the white those slaves were worshipping kek

Lets make it clear - neither you or me are Egyptians.

stop acting like a nigger

Attached: 54434902_2176811342634600_2188180017907761152_n.jpg (720x564, 22K)

How can little black pyramids even compete?

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That's a nubian artifact you posted, ignorant piece of turd, that's southern
southern egyptian= black
north= light brown (even a local black will admit that)
arabs? yes they live with blacks down south (we call them Saeedi's)
I'm not getting in this argument again, sick of you western motherfuckers fabricate my very own country's history to meet with your desires!

>military coup currently happening in Libya
now tell me what separates Egyptians from all the other crazy north african islamist nations
what makes you not a cockroach

Sure they fucking were

Attached: nefertiti.jpg (768x432, 22K)

Time to reclaim lmao
good luck with 100 million Egyptian & the strongest army in africa
Good luck with El sisi
I'm out.

As a proud Egyptian immigrant. I would like to tell you that you disgusting black animals will never ever be true Egyptians. We were mostly Arab or white. Don't you ever fucking claim to be true Egyptians. You will not steal our culture like you stole the white man's culture.

I love you, man

>US flag
>we wuz kangz
please tell me you're black


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>full beard

That's a good bit.

Attached: happy_birthday.webm (400x400, 1.35M)

Fuck off nigger rape baby you are irrelevant you have no culture lol

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what is this? some gene mapping site you did for yourself?

Bullshit, Egypt had a LONG history as an intersection between multiple different types of people, nubians did exist in Egypt but they were a slave caste until they last dynasty where they took power and subsequently destroyed the country. For most of Egypt's history it was ruled by a tanned basically white arabish race(not like Ethiopians, at least not until late history). Not quite the same as current Egyptians but not far off either. They were an archetypal multicultural state, not dissimilar to India or Rome.

We wuz kangs tho mane

Nigger, sand nigger, here there, same same.
Kill them all.

why were your ancestors too retarded to migrate out of africa?

Asia originally was name for middle east

Nothing light about them.

>posts a bitch with literal black skin

Attached: hez-2574525.jpg (913x700, 298K)

This distinction is dumb.

In my personal opinion, tanned caucasians(arabs, turks, persians, north indians) are basically white. Not in the literally sense, but racially they share an expanse, history, and features with the entire "white" race. Strong noses, straight foreheads, intelligence, height. Just because a caucasion has skin or hair or eye tone doesn't mean they're subsaharan negroid. Egyptians were and continue to be just archetypal mediterranean caucasians. Is there subsaharan admixture from nubians(themselves a hybrid race)? Yes, but not enough to assert Egyptians are black.

We need to start thinking in terms of race instead of arbitrary hex codes of how light skin is. We are all fighting the subhuman negro menace.

Original Arabs were and still are black as fuck, they mixed with Persians(white) to create what we now consider Arabs. Some story with India and the rest of the orient. Black mixing with white creates brown people or white people with black features.

Attached: we wuz biblical n shiet.jpg (735x488, 68K)

Kek. You have never even seen pictures or anything of the original Egyptians because they up and left and then others not like them found what they left behind. With each new dynasty of rulers the know how of how to use what was left behind lost more and more, until finally, the last dynasty. Nubians, who did the least with what was left behind and let the monuments and everything fall into decay.

tfw no more giant bros

Attached: giants-build-the-pyramids.jpg (426x374, 61K)

>wooden stick
>supporting a 20 ton stone
>this is my assumption
My assumption is that you niggers are fucking retarded and would ALL qualify for welfare for being clinically retarded if the US government hadn't lowered the bar for the IQ of those considered literally retarded.

You are a blight on every society you enter, Ham.

>Only white people do stupid st.....

The timespan of that civilization is relatable to the ones that built the monstrocity temple of baal. The sphinx is an older structure than the pyramids.

There are man made structures in the middle east that go back even further than 10000bc. Prime example is the late discovered gobleki tepe, which dates back to times men had not thought man made structures out of (sand)stone were possible. These people, dating back to an era before 10000bc, even had the decency to engrave the 11000bc meteorstrike which is the most logical explanation for a sudden ice age. A recent discovered crater in greenland matches the magnitude and and approximate date of such an event.
Big rock falls down on land ice = ice and debris in the atmosphere = less sunlight enters atmosphere = cooldown of planet.

What happened to these people that were already able to draw exact constellations on stone? I legit have the feeling the ancient civilizations have been visited by extraterrestials.


I just figured they were a shade darker than the Kardashians

He's right. Fuck off back to Europe honkey

Friendly reminder We wuz infact Kangs all pharaohs had blond hair blue eyes. Niggers were just washing our dicks

Miniature-golf tier pyramids.

And you stay put, dirty ooga booga

Am I being gaslit? Do you really not know what black people are? Both of these images discredit your point.

Egyptians dislike arabs?

Niggers always talking about whats theirs but they never fights for it. The race with the least military victories in history. KEK

All carving and painting on Egyptian artifacts and structures were added thousands of years after the construction.

The structures were blank, the new inhabitants moved in and graffiti-ed it all
>literal Detroit-tier nigger house squatters

Friendly reminder that OP is a Somali who posts about this shit in every single thread about it here and on reddit like its his fucking job. I get that its upsetting that as a Somali you have the wonderful civilizations of Egypt and Ethiopia right next to you while you've done nothing but fuck goats for thousands of years but there's no reason to steal their history.

BRUUUHHH you telling me we waz pharohs n shieet?

Attached: je suis nigger.webm (640x360, 2.51M)

>obama presidency.webm