why does he deserve profit
>Landlords provide you buildings.
I thought the builder provided the building
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why do we have landlords
But that's mostly "studenten huizen" right?
Normal rent housing is mostly owned by corporations right? Or am I actually retarded on this topic
studenthousing is way worse than regular housing, mainly because students don't know what right and are in too vulnerable of a situation to fight back, but regular renting also has this type of shit. just less because in general adults are in a stronger position to fight back
sit that clam on my sniffer m8
They're supposed to maintain the property, and that occasionally includes kicking out tenants.
They provide housing for those people too lazy and/or stupid to figure out how to buy a house of their own.
Not for free, that would make them stupid.
Get a fucking job.
Rent cucks absolutely SEETHING itt. Don't forget to pay your rent while matching for Bernie 2020!
There is shortage of caves, Achmed. So some humans are specialized in the field of making artificial caves for you.
It's also raining right now here.