Brother gets gf finally (he's 28)

>brother gets gf finally (he's 28)
>she's 18
Why do guys do this?

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good on him
>Why do guys do this?
The vast majority of girls are more attractive at 18 than 28.

Fucking gross

10 years is pocket change dude. Time is relative. It's not like when kids were dating in high school and whatever and If you dated one grade below you it was gross.

Lucky him. Ask yourself why a woman would go out with a man 10 years older than her... There's your answer. It's a trade.

The bigger question is why does this bother you? Don't tell me you're jealous of her

He's probably a pedophile.

It's only given to go for the easy option.


You want one know the honest truth? Tight pussy. I'm sure there has been an age gap relationship like that that has last until they both died, but more than likely he just sees her as a pussy toy, and if your bro has money and a car, that's why she's into him because she has no real life relationship experience, so it's like a brand new world of freedom.

Your brother is a lucky man

I really don't see anything wrong. No idea if it'll last but it's just a relationship between two adults.

>two adults

I'm 22 and still feel like a kid, feels bad man

what's wrong with that? my friend who is 19 prefers guys who are around 30

It's just how our society is hardwired.
>dating a 20 year old

Ah yes, 18, a prepubescent age for many

Correction: nobody older and less naive would date him and she'll figure it out soon.

This pairing can only work in rare cases.
Betting this isn't one of them.

>also I just keep getting hotter as I age
>can't say the same for the men around me

Yeah, I'm even a bit older than you. Really what is an adult is a very loose thing if you do not consider the law. We should not coddle the older adolescents.

Why aren't you asking why girls get with older guys? Stop gender shaming

Anyway, he's with a young girl because she's the only type naive enough to go for a sperg like him.

If you were talking about 30 compared to 40, then I'd agree. But 18 is pretty still a kid, meanwhile 28 is getting into middle years. There's a big psychological difference.

Not only is that wrong, it's also scientifically inaccurate. At worst, this puts him in the ephebophile/teleiophile range.

>meanwhile 28 is getting into middle years
Not at all. Even 35 is still young.

>There's a big psychological difference.
Psychological difference between age has always been a moot and generally unreliable science. Too many factors at play. Hell, for some people, the PFC, the part of the brain responsible for consent and decision making, doesn't fully develop until age 25.

I'm 27 and only now beginning to feel like a genuine adult. A lot of emotional maturation seems to occur in your 20s; at 18 you've been an adult for only a few months, while at 28 you've been one for a decade and had time to make mistakes snd accumulate experiences.

There are exceptions: those who struggle through life mature faster and its not out of the question to be 18 and behave courteously and responsibly. The more likely scenario though is that your brotjer is an aspie and is looking for an intellectual equal (and as a sperg myself, he's livin' my fuckin' dream).

girls like older guys because they think they're more experienced and mature

>Even 35 is still young.
>I'm 27 and only now beginning to feel like a genuine adult
Get real, autists. The average life expectancy for males is 76 years. 28 is just 10 years from half of your lifespan.

big oof

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>Hotter as i age
Oh honey...

>The average life expectancy for males is 76 years
Should be lower, since men die faster than women.

The average for women is 81

Cool. I'm still pretty sure the life expectency for men should be late-60s, considering how expendable they always are (job accidents, wars, higher risk for suicide, etc).

There's even this:

>this goes against my philosophy and my own genetics pattern so I'll just use catchphrases instead

First puberty hit me soft, second puberty hit me hard. I looked good before but after filling out I am peak attractive. I'm nearly 30 but people still think I'm 16 or 17. It'll keep going up until 60s, but I suppose according to my grandparents 70s. Taking care of your body and good genes are key.

That's nice, but you're wrong. 76 is the average.

Because pussy is a hell of a drug

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you're a fucking idiot, because men's life expectency is 68 for men and 72 for women. and lower according to some statistics like the un

Show tits. Pls ;_;

Give him a high five. My first GF was 16 and I was 22, shit was pretty cash. I still date girls under 20, when I can

>Because pussy is a hell of a drug
You just know Harvey Weinstein used this excuse at least once.

You're a moron.

that's for north america, dipshit. that's not the average life expectancy.


>tfw your country is in the top 10

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you should be happy for him

were watching user, specifically who your brother bangs



well I guess we aren't called burgerland for nothing

>bragging on someone else’s thread on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
>without pics to prove

user we know you’re a fat roastie unless you prove otherwise.

How the hell does the US have a lower expectancy than Spain, Italy, Israel, Malta, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, and fucking Slovenia?


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Capitalism, fuck yeah. If you can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps, you deserve couple thousands of medical bills or death.

People in Slovenia eat better food and less of it, they also move more, since there's no retarded ideas like fat positivity or toxic masculinity. Plus slavs are generally superior to Americans

>fucking retard didn't even open the link
Fucking retard

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that's north america, moron. not the average life expectancy. by your logic, the average life expectancy would be 83 because of japan.

>that's north america
Look at the chart, you illiterate fuck

Those only say "North America," "Canada," and "USA." Which only show an ALE unique to a specific region.

Attached: north-america.png (679x441, 26K)

Go to your European website, dumbass.

And find what? The same statistics saying that ALE for men is 68 and for women 72?

If we count every shithole region which has nothing to do with American discussion on an American website, the life expectancy for men is 71. Not 68. You can kill yourself now.

If you're a racist, perhaps. Not to mention the citations are questionable at best.

Nigga you can keep a tight pussy for your whole life just do squats and kegels. It's all muscles.
Men, the masters of female anatomy

Because getting girlfriend of your age is incredibly hard. A lot of women prefer older men and they have typically more to offer.

statista isn't a reliable source

>stupid argument for the sake of arguing
>inability to articulate or stay relevant
>misusing terms like racism
>seething cope because you can't admit being wrong
You're such a moron.

>I'm a 30 year old loser just now feeling like an adult so the girl must be totally immature
Man the projection in this thread.

It's hard to find girls around his age because a majority of them are married.

And you were wrong.

says the worldwide expectancy is 70/74

So much hate on guys dating younger girls. Incels at that same age feel they getting robbed or some shit while not being aware how unattractive it is to be broke, emotionally immature and clueless about life. No wonder girls date 10 years younger, it takes that long for guys to grow up lol

>middle years
Lolwut. Are you 15?

>Get fit, make money, be established in life
>Don't be fat and spread your legs

If they think mid-to-late twenties are the middle years, they're likely at least 35.

>still trying to bait

Yeah and I'm chad lmao. Why are you so buttblasted that your brother scored a cute young girl, did you want to fuck him?

So you are 15? At 28 you have been an adult for 10 years. You can expect to have another 40-50 years of adulthood left. So call it fifth or sixth years.

because you seem to think guys have the pick of the litter so to speak. We dont, when a girl that is hot wants to go out with you, you take the opportunity.

wow lol glad I came back to this thread. sorry to disappoint but I'm not op and really confused how you even made this mistake because it's like obvious isn't it? ok well.. take care

same op figure your life out and take care
I came for a somewhat related sidepoint and not your thread so my bad

What's with all the buttblasted teenager incels in this thread?

>implying they're not in every thread

I just turned 30 and my gf is 18. I'm closer in age to her parents than I am to her. I've tried dating girls near my age, but the vast majority come with heaps of baggage like psycho exes, kids, abusive relationships etc. Much better option to get a younger girlfriend.

Women experience puberty from age 10. You're way off.
That doesn't have anything to do with what he posted. If you're 22 and feel like a kid, well over a decade after being a kid ended, then you have maturity issues. You're a grown man.
>>also I just keep getting hotter as I age
Don't make me spill my coffee :p
oh fuck too late
thanks I needed that :D
Probably all the artificial foods, pesticides sprayed on foods, antibiotics drenched in your livestock, the HFCS plague, possibly GMOs, radiation treatment on your peppers, widespread use of sodium benzoate, fluoride in the water, chlorine in the water, widespread use of automobiles instead of walking, the artificial butters, fillings, and the "cheese" Americans eat.

Like seriously. The real question is how do you live SO LONG despite it all.

Also something I have to point out,
>How the hell does the US have a lower
This is called "American exceptionalism". By almost every metric you can use to measure a country, the Unites States is not first place. Some other nation around the world is doing everything better. But for some reason Americans believe they're the best at everything. It's a false belief.
That's not to say that America is a great nation, that you do every thing great - of course. But you're just not first place in almost everything. High, but not first. Even stuff you think you have special , like free speech and gun ownership, other nations like Iceland and Switzerland are doing it better.

if shit was ideal for him he would have had a gf before that. Don't fucking judge.

Women generally tend to prefer to date up, in age, status, etc. For example, women that are CEOs of companies tend to have a really hard time having long-term relationships. The age difference can be a sort of a power dynamic thing. Ten years is a big difference but whatever works for them, I guess.

nobody cares what you think but you still go to every thread, skim through every single post, and reply to every single one. you don't have a life outside of this site so nothing you say has any value.

I thought it was best to tell you
but I know you'll keep doing it unfortunately....

Stop demonizing and trying to constrain male sexuality

>wahh I'm a man and it's sooooo hard
>I majored in false biology and can't source anything but I know it's true!!!
>I hate womyns grrrrr

you right now

I'm sorry you have to cope so hard about the shithole of a country you live in that you need to play make believe fairy land. America is the best country in the world and I'm sorry you fell for your government's bait. You have been lied to. For good reason. We american's do not want you here. We will keep the greatest country this planet has ever known to ourselves. But for the lawls I'm going to go point-by-point and refute your argument.

>artificial foods
This is not just an american thing, this is all over civilized society, If your country does not have microwave meals, it's probably because you can't afford microwaves
This is called farming. it's sad to see how sheltered you are that you think this is a bad thing. Please go tour a farm and see how it is done. It's fascinating work. And in the US it is highly modernized.
See above.
This is the same as sugar, it just comes from a different plant. Your ignorance of basic organic chemistry is comical.
You REALLY need to read up on what a GMO is. You breed a trait into a plant and reproduce that plant. If you are anti-pesticides and against antibiotics then you should be FOR GMOs. The new wave of modified plants will ELIMINATE the need for pesticides. a good thing, eh?
>sodium benzoate
an inert preservative, please read more than lolmedia
Watching infowars again?
Because we value not having bacteria and untreated sewage in the water. do you even know what chlorine does?
>widespread use of automobiles
Do you know what land mass is and how large our country is compared to your shithole? vehicles are not only a luxury, but VITAL to the survival of small towns, we don't all live in shit covered cities like you mongrels.
>the artificial butters, fillings, and the "cheese" Americans eat.
Ran out of room on this post.

>High, but not first. Even stuff you think you have special , like free speech and gun ownership, other nations like Iceland and Switzerland are doing it better.
Are you stupid or just uneducated? I'm sure by the sounds of whatever shithole you come from that a 9th grade US education is as good as your graduates. But for civics, we again are the best. Our political system is working properly, our government agencies are light years beyond whatever corrupt shithole you claim to be from. Our freedoms are above and beyond anything the world has ever seen before. We are a nation built on the principle that you as a citizen hold all the power. we don't kneel to monarchies or grovel at bureaucracy. Any person at any time can start a business and be successful. there is nothing stopping an individual form succeeding except themselves. You are free to have unlimited wealth, and you're free to be poor and live off the government. I'm free to say whatever I want. I won't go to jail for wrongthink. Our constitution is revolutionary because it does not say what the government can do. It states what the government CANNOT do. It is laws against the government that protects us as citizens of this great nation.
You need to read more than just the sewage that lolmedia produces to get you outraged. It's not healthy for you.

Where did he say he hated women?

You mean you?
Okay let's talk about feminism.

I'm asking where he said he hated women. In the least tell me why you think he hates women.

(Also it might not be a 'he', come to think of it)

it's you. what's the point of this?
whatever talk to yourself, please complain some more about how hard it is to be a man in a dead thread.

It's hard no matter what you are.

Also I'm not .

This is bait. Don’t make us look bad, do you know who uses microwaves? You the Poor and disgusting. Like 90% of our country. America is the Godseed of Britain, but not for anything you and yours did, but by the grace of the Lord alone man. Like, did you create the positive things you like in America, or do you just use whatever they sell you? Go outside you commercialized hick.

good for him.
even if it doesn't work out, he'll at least have tasted prime pussy before he starts dealing with old hags


Guaranteed replies. But if you wanted to watch insecure men cope, why make a thread at all? Jow Forums is literally 90% coping at any given time...

Because pussy, she's legal now, her cheeks are his, cry me a river

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It could be for a combination of reasons
It could simply be that due to your brother being a late bloomer so to speak that he feels more comfortable dating a girl who is 18 because they may be more on the same maturity level. He may just prefer younger girls, he may feel it's easier to attract younger girls because comparatively he has his life together whereas he might be intimidated by women more his age who have a career and a life and know what they're looking for. I don't honestly see anything wrong with a 28 year old dating an 18 year old, it's certainly not illegal I, the only people who seem to be against it are older roasties and young incels

You suddenly realize you're an actual third worlder and it wasn't all memes. But at least you've got freedom and sjw, can't go wrong with that

I wouldn't exactly say it's hard but I can see why the idea of dating a 28-32 year old woman wouldn't appeal to a lot of men. A lot of women in that age range are kind of cunts who have made no attempt at personal development and acted like shitty people in their younger years and continue to be a shitty person but still act like they're entitled to a good guy. If a guy is 28 and tries to date in his age range he's dealing with women with a lot of baggage whether it's kids, emotional problems, trust issues, all problems that are often unfairly dumped on the guy in that situation.

This is the painful result of american exceptionalism. You really think you're the best in everything, but the truth is, for any given metric, there is usually another nation doing it better.

I'm not a foreigner like you assume, I'm an American, and left the country in my early 20s.

Yeah I come here a lot. It's become my favorite hobby. I've learned so much. But you're right it's taking it's toll on me. So just for you -- I'll quit for a week.

See you on 22nd May. bye.

America has no universal health care plus a raging obesity and drug problem pushed by capitalism. All of those countries besides Slovenia has universal health care for it's citizens.