Over the past few weeks I've decided to become Christian and follow the Lords way. I'm smack dab in the middle of conversion, and still figuring things out on my own.

I have a few questions left, I hope some of you might be able to help this (former) 31 year old atheist.

1. What bible to read? Looking for the bible I literally found 100s of versions, from kid bibles to the well known King James Version. I am not a native speaker, but a good reader, however the old english is still sometimes hard to understand.

> I don't want a watered down version, I want the true word of the lord, without too much interpretation of the translator.

2. Do I also need to read stuff like the Dead Sea Scrolls?
(2.1 why isn't the bible complete? and is there a complete version somewhere?)

3. How to convert? Some say its enough to accept Jesus into your heart and understand he died for all our sins, past, present and future. Do I still need to get baptized? (I was when I was a kid, but doesn't count I think, I also didn't do the communion).

4. Do I have to go to church to show the Lord I'm changing my ways? Or is this a human construct, and again, whats in the heart that matters?

5. What do I tell my friends. j/k but:
I've been an avid atheist my entire life, scolded and ridiculed others for their religion. I think it's time to come home....

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Other urls found in this thread:>rck=aGxPUHYyU3NvVHZFSnVoUFZaYm5YbzQrTUtGVjdSZ3h0WmduUEVrZVNzUTdXVmNCdW5wc0JqOWRqRlVDR05XZWN4Q3BickFaQ0sySXNtckNhd3I5VXc9PQ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIurjsnc-44QIVCLvtCh2EZQdvEAQYAyABEgI3vvD_BwE

KJV is the most accurate, Pray to jesus accept him as your savior and ask for understanding of his will in your life. You should get baptized (i did with a 7DA church but you can be baptized by any other christian full immersion in a body of water some choose natural bodies of water others pools / bathtubs i did the ocean) and follow the ten commandments. The KJV is sufficient but i find the dead sea scrolls and the book of enoch to be interesting insight to that time period. Repent from your sins, accept you need a savior turn and sin no more. God will forgive you if you ask it. it's hard to come back to God after making mistakes it's in our nature just like Adam hid from God to hide from the Lord when we know we've dissapointed him. Do not fall for salvation through faith alone, faith without works is meaningless.
both helpful channels that God showed me during my own awakening congratulations and welcome to the family, walk with God user.

You dont need to get baptized if you were alreday,atleast in Orthodox church(i dunno about others)and while going to church is nice from time to time it isnt neccesary,you can pray and read bible anywhere you want

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>I was retarded in the past and I've decided to go full retard.

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dont be a faggot, and learn latin. this is the true bible

go to traditional catholic mass, dont worry, you will be accepted. also learn latin.

You might want to consider what evidence there is (besides his self-proclamation) of (((Paul)))'s apostleship and thus the legal standing of his letters.

children can't make the decision to give themselves to God consciously he needs to be baptized again especially if he was an infantile baptism.
Catholics change commandments and practice pagan idol worship of Mary, patron saints and arch angels when they pray to them instead of Jesus as Jesus instructed.

>Do I still need to get baptized? (I was when I was a kid, but doesn't count I think

If it was performed correctly then it is valid. There is only one baptism.

>I also didn't do the communion

If you're a catholic then yes. There they'll teach the basics of what is a christian and such.

Death to Christscums

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there is plenty of evidence for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Daniel just guessed the name and order of 4 world empires 100s of years before they were formed by pure coincidence i'm sure.

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This brought a tear to my eye, thanks. There are some Christians in my neighborhood, can I ask any of them to baptize me or does it have to be a special person, like a priest?

Lots of videos on those channels, will check it out for sure! Thank you!

Only once though.

Conversion? Like, they put you up on the holy hoist, open your nut bucket with the sacred air hammer, then stab each and every brain cell (2.45) you own with the Straightened Coat Hanger of God, and you're a Christian conversion? Can I get one on propane? Petrol's getting dear...

If you find a church that you feel comfortable worshiping at then you may decide to use a priest or you may feel more comfortable sharing your faith with someone closer to you who is a christian and have them baptize you. The important thing is that its a public declaration of your commitment to Christ, the death of your life of sin and the rebirth.

That was my thought too.

Another question guys.
I know Jesus is like retconning the Jews, but islam wants me to believe they retcon Jesus. Whatdo?

Islam believes jesus was just a prophet, jews believe jesus was a blasphemer, Jesus revealed himself to be God and they tried to stone him. Before Abraham was I AM

John1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Have faith in Christ many people will try to lead you astray and say he wasn't the God the son but the bible makes it very clear Christ was who he said he was.

So basically, in gods eyes it doesn't matter who does the baptising, as long as I proclaim my faith?

1.) I use NASB. Go for a study Bible. The references will help.
2.) Completely up to you.
3.) You simply need to believe. Understand what you're believing. And have a real conviction about it. We are saved by faith. Salvation is a GIFT. You can't earn it. Just humbly accept it and live your life as if someone just saved it - with humility and appreciation and reverence to God. Ignore anyone who starts pushing you into acts in order to somehow earn God's gift. They are full of shit.
4.) You don't have to. There are people which go to church who don't know anything and are fake. You don't get brownie points with God through rituals. But church isn't a bad idea if you meet the right people. Shop around. Ignore anyone who says their church is the one true church. They're full of shit.
5.) You're making this change for a reason. Let that be your story.

if you have any questions i really advise reading the KJV and checking out those channels for specific topics (my favorites are bible flock box's mark of the beast video but you may have questions that i'm sure they can answer) the reason i enjoy those channels is they only preach what you can find and support in scripture and they give historical context for understanding. Biblical prophecy is an interesting topic to start.

You were on the Baphomet thread last night tooth paste. Good times.

Stop listening to an American for theological and spiritual advicec, especially one that’s most likely some Baptist, they are the loons of American Christianity and offer no spiritual insight at all. They lack any historicity and thought.

You as a European(not saying much today) have the Catholic Church to lean on. Go to your nearest one and talk to a priest.

As long as they were baptized and are a practicing christian as well. It's a declaration of surrendering your life to Jesus and a commitment to follow his teachings. invite people you know, atheist or otherwise it doesn't have to be a huge thing, for me members of my church attended i was grateful for them being there.

>children can't make the decision to give themselves to God consciously he needs to be baptized again especially if he was an infantile baptism.

Thats nonsense, the point of baptism for children is to rid them of the original sin.

>is an american catholic
>don't listen to americans for spiritual advice
So let me ask you where in scripture does God hallow sunday the first day? Let me ask you who gave the catholic church the authority to ditch the 2nd commandment? let me ask you what could the patron saints, the arch angels or the virgin mary offer me that Jesus Christ, the son of God, God in the flesh our savior and messiah could not? Why would you pray on their names instead of The Lord your God's when Jesus Christ specifically said to pray in his name?

No thanks. Not interested in judaism.

No and Yes, the baptism has to be done by a priest or a deacon, but if certain extreme cases (such as inpending death) any person could do it.
I listen to this death sea scroll,The gospel of Thomas.They are the teachings of Jesus.

I am a Hermetist and i believe in the teachings of Jesus.

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the point of a baptism is to surrender yourself to God and leave your life of sin behind you, children can't consciously make that decision and infants certainly cannot.

Thank you Kees

>Thats nonsense, the point of baptism for children is to rid them of the original sin.
Which is fucking stupid. Original sin is a theological concept and no where did Jesus say dunking babies in water negates the need for a person to accept and believe in Christ. None of this is logical. Baptism isn't even that important. It's symbolic.

It's honestly dumbfounding to me to see how many people have a taken a religion where salvation is an unearned gift, received through faith, and substituted all of that with their rituals as if we're a bunch of fucking pagans summoning or appeasing a genie. Christianity is supposed to be the opposite of all of that. (you may need to restart this video i was watching it recently)

If baptism wasn't important Jesus wouldn't have had John baptize him. It's important to have a baptism but it's also important that it's an adult, full immersion surrender of your sinful life to christ

>children can't consciously make that decision and infants certainly cannot.

Christian law is for adults and children alike, if you do not get baptized you dont go to heaven, simple.
Also: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14)

>can I ask any of them to baptize me or does it have to be a special person, like a priest?
Water Baptism is usually a public statement of faith and conversion that you do after you have established yourself in a church group. Various churches have certain things you’re supposed to accomplish prior to that event though. Blessings to you and don’t look back.

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. (John 3:5)

Protestants never fail to amuse me. Denying the original sin, Whats next? Denying the holy Trinity?

Let them come to him, not force them to come to him which is what most (albiet not all but most) children baptisms are and ALL infantile baptisms are forced which is why they are invalid in fact most infantile baptisms are just sprinkles of water these days it's not even a full immersion.

answer the questions pagan

Why would you want to become a Christian ?

Because Christianity is true

You’re making the mistake of asking a layman. That’s why I told him to go see a priest. This is what happens when you’re away from the church and submit to the cult of Protestantism, you have no authority over faith and nothing to declare except the Bible. There is faith outside of the Bible, before that there was the traditions of the early Christians and then the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Who Christ gave Peter, the apostles, and their successors power over the church, especially Peter as the ‘rock’ on earth.

We pray to saints because they are already in Heaven, they help our prayers reach the Lord, maybe for their patronage too. You pray to them to pray for you, like you’d ask anyone else on earth to pray for you.

And these “idols” are completely misinterpreted by those outside the church, especially American Protestants. They are icons, images that serve as reminders to the faithful and serve as a visual narrative as well, of the biblical stories to inspire faith.

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Answer the questions pagan

Same as all Christians. To justify his cowardice.
>w-well, jesus is coming back a-any day now anyway so let's not gas the kikes, jesus will fix everything for us if we believe hard enough!

>1. ESV, NKJV for most literal translation. Message or Amplified version for literal and "heart" of the message.
Buy one hard copy and use a Bible mobile app for access to all versions.

>2. Book of Enoch and epistle of Barnabas are required reading in my book. Why? They communicate spiritual principles not mentioned elsewhere. These books are canonized in Ethiopian church of Christ.

>3. Ask Jesus into heart by a confession of your spoken word, ask forgiveness of all sins, and to be your Lord and savior.
>3b. Get water baptized again if you desire to publicly proclaim your faith. MORE IMPORTANTLY ask the Father to baptize your in the Holy Spirit, the advocate and helper promised by Jesus as a reward for our faith and to carry us into eternity and give us spiritual gifts.

>4. Heart matters, Jesus hated religion. Don't forsake assembling in love however.

Gospel of John chapters 3 & 15-17
1 Corinthians Chapters 12 thru 14
Galatians 5
1 Peter 1

Also the saints are not in heaven, that is deception the bible makes it extremely clear as in the case with Lazarus that the dead are at rest and specifically forbids reaching out to the dead in any shape way or form in Deuteronomy.
If they are misinterpreted why go through the trouble of ditching the 2nd commandment and why go against what jesus said when he said to pray in his name, and his name alone.

True in what sense ? Christianity has been false since Constantine made the most pagan version of it become the rulling dogme in the Christian world

He definately needs to be baprized. If he was Catholic, its something like baptism activation me thinks

How people choose to practice Christianity =! Christianity itself
The resurrection and Messiah-ship of Jesus is essentially a historical fact

1: New American Standard is the most literal translation. English Standard Version is the most easy to read while maintaining literacy.
2: The Dead Sea Scrolls make up the new testament I believe. 2.1: The bible is canon as it is. Anything else added or taken away is heracy.
3: Pray that the Lord will forgive you for your passed sins and doubts. It is enough to recognized that he died for your sins.
4:Yes. It is written in Hebrews 10:24-25 - "24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
5: It is, and welcome home to Jesus, Brother. We love and will pray for you! Blessed be His name.

not essentially a historical fact, it's a fact.

If you're a gullible brainlet.

well put user

>believing a dead swarthy jew to have come back to life and be the savior of mankind

God bless and good luck, i really hope you check out those youtube channels they are some of the most well versed christians i've seen.

>believing an explosion caused by nothing created everything.

Yep, it is true.
>That's my habit of understatement at work again...


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So you believe in your own christianity, so dumb, it's even dumber than killing 500 billions palestinian with a donkey jaw
The resurrection testimonies are as true as the testimonies for the Shoa, look into the details and you'll see how incoherent the facts are

your in for a treat dude

no troubles wasn't trying to be condescending or anything, God bless but i gotta go this time. Good luck OP user pray to jesus he'll guide you through the process

KJV is most accurate if you were born 500 years ago. NASB is the most accurate currently and ESV is the most easy to read while maintaining literacy.

Shroud of Turin is evidence

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Have a good one m8, may God bless you.

I already know for a long time that these images filled with information are the dumbest shit an user can post and you eat that retardation like a dog
You really think i have time to debunk all this crap ?
Make your own argument

Having a midlife crisis mate?

Why don't you get the snip whilst your at it?

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Welcome home,brother. Glad to have you back.

>believing a jew god caused said explosion

Oh no a Jewish fairytale will come punish me

>Claiming God was a Jew
God created the jews. He also told them to fuck off when they disobeyed him. That's why Zionism is satanic.

The saints aren’t in heaven? Abraham? Moses? They’re dead. They’re just lying in the dirt too? We are not praying in anyone’s name but Christ. We ask them to pray for us, we pray to Christ and the Trinity directly. Citing the old books to bring any law is irrelevant as all except the Ten Commandments are null and void when Christ fulfilled the law.

Jesus spoke to Moses and Elijah in His prayers, did he break His own laws? No because he is PRAYING. Deutoronomy refers to the conjuring of spirits like wizards or witches do, which is not the case.

And Protestants of all people should not be talking about removal of texts when your bible is incomplete.

This is not an argument.

You don't need to get baptized, or show Him you're willing to change--He knows. Just give your life over to Him and trust that He will produce a change in your character for the better.
That's the whole point of Christ, user. Accepting that we can't do it on our own, and that we need Him to save us. That's the #1 thing that I've been struggling with lately. I kept going back to my vices time and time again, in an endless cycle of transgression and apology. That's not how you do it; I was still relying on my own merit, bargaining for my salvation.
Only after I completely broke down and admitted that I CAN'T be better did the urges and desires to sin really start to go away (they're still here, just lesser. I'm no saint).

Faith=Trusting in Christ to deliver you from sin, not offering to be better in exchange for forgiveness.

Jesus is the son of God. Jesus was a jew. Thus God is a jew.

Read that. You don't even understand the context of the scripture you're quoting. Everything you've said about baptism is blasphemous. Probably a Catholic. No one is better at playing the part of Christianity without understanding the purpose of it, than Catholics.

He was also the son of Mary, a Jew. By Jewish tradition, through His mother He is a Jew.

Jesus was concieved by God in the virgin Mary. Mary was a jew yes, but Jesus was of God. God just used Mary as a vessel to concieve Jesus so He could save His creation by using His perfect son as a sacrifice to appease his wrath. Read the Bible brainlet athiest. And enjoy hell when you go to it.

New American bible is what Catholics use in America.

>Let them come to him, not force them to come to him which is what most (albiet not all but most) children baptisms are and ALL infantile baptisms are forced which is why they are invalid in fact most infantile baptisms are just sprinkles of water these days it's not even a full immersion.

You dont understand what baptism is. For you baptism is simply a sign up to some church.

Baptism is a way to put people (including infants) to the path of salvation, if a children dies before baptism because you didn't want to,man, let me tell you, you're already with a foot in hell.

Catholics aren't allowed to read the bible. They are heretics. NASB is what protestant Christians use because we know that God's word is for everyone.

You need to attend Sunday mass and ask the priest after mass if you can take classes for baptism,communion and confirmation.
You might have to wait a year attend mass regularly.

KJv only, ask God for everything, God will provide all that you need, no doubt.


Where do you reside in the low lands, fellow Dutchie? I live in the South

Salvation by works is not salvation. Jesus died for our sins. Any works or traditions added to Christianity is idolatry. He died because we CANNOT be perfect and no amount of works will get us into heaven.

You are literally retarded. We can read the Bible and are even encouraged, but due to the admittedly lack of interest no one really does. The traditions of the church suffice as the only real salvation is the Eucharist.

>1. What bible to read? Looking for the bible I literally found 100s of versions, from kid bibles to the well known King James Version. I am not a native speaker, but a good reader, however the old english is still sometimes hard to understand.
Tyndale bible with modern spelling. Tyndale's New Testament was the first (and still the best) translation that used the original Hebrew and Greek texts, instead of using the Latin Vulgate. Tyndale was executed for heresy for translating the bible, yet the KJV some 70 years later copied most of his work.


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No YOU are a heritic, catholic pedo.

was going to reply but you summed it up far better than I could.

>Any works or traditions added to Christianity is idolatry.

What in the fuck?

>KJV is the most accurate,
Tyndale bible with modern spelling. This edition, specifically, is the one I read.>rck=aGxPUHYyU3NvVHZFSnVoUFZaYm5YbzQrTUtGVjdSZ3h0WmduUEVrZVNzUTdXVmNCdW5wc0JqOWRqRlVDR05XZWN4Q3BickFaQ0sySXNtckNhd3I5VXc9PQ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIurjsnc-44QIVCLvtCh2EZQdvEAQYAyABEgI3vvD_BwE

>This translation of the New Testament into English from its original Greek was printed in Germany in 1534 and smuggled back into England. It therefore escaped the fate of Tyndale's previous version, which had been seized and publicly burnt by the authorities. The 1534 edition outraged the clerical establishment by giving the laity access to the word of God, in print in English for the first time. Tyndale, who was already in exile for political reasons, was hunted down and subsequently burned at the stake for blasphemy.

>For the next eighty years?the years of Shakespeare among others?Tyndale's masterly translation formed the basis of all English bibles. And when the authorized King James Bible was published in 1611, many of its finest passages were taken unchanged, though unacknowledged, from Tyndale's work.

>Although, therefore, this astounding work of pioneering scholarship was the basis of all subsequent English bibles until after the Second World War, and though it was the version of the Bible used by some of our greatest poets, it is today virtually unknown because of its suppression for political reasons because of its difficult early sixteenth-century spelling.

>Now for the first time this version is published in modern spelling, as the modern book it once was, so that this masterly work of English prose by one of the great geniuses of the as is available to today's reader.

catholics are just as bad as jews
luterans are atheist tier
independent baptists are the real christians. they are crazy though. religion is insane. but if you want christianity that is what you want, independent fundamentalist baptist church

Catholics have the new american bible
Catholics use to only allow people to read the Bible with the guidance of the priest.

It was to prevent people like Alyssa milano using the Bible to promote evil agendas.

>1. What bible to read? Looking for the bible I literally found 100s of versions, from kid bibles to the well known King James Version. I am not a native speaker, but a good reader, however the old english is still sometimes hard to understand.

KJV. Just look up words you do not understand. After a while they will be few.

> I don't want a watered down version, I want the true word of the lord, without too much interpretation of the translator.

KJV. And focus on what Jesus is saying.

>2. Do I also need to read stuff like the Dead Sea Scrolls? (2.1 why isn't the bible complete? and is there a complete version somewhere?)

You don't have to read anything if you don't want to. The bible is complete.

>3. How to convert? Some say its enough to accept Jesus into your heart and understand he died for all our sins, past, present and future. Do I still need to get baptized? (I was when I was a kid, but doesn't count I think, I also didn't do the communion).

It's enough the accept Jesus. You will be baptized in the holy spirit, do it physically for fun if you want to, it is a harmless tradition.

>4. Do I have to go to church to show the Lord I'm changing my ways? Or is this a human construct, and again, whats in the heart that matters?

You don't need to do anything you don't feel like as long as you accept Jesus.

>5. What do I tell my friends. j/k but:
I've been an avid atheist my entire life, scolded and ridiculed others for their religion. I think it's time to come home.

Tell them the truth. That you found Jesus and that you regret making fun of them.

What happens if you die while waiting for that year? Do you go to hell because of backlog?

What I mean is that no amount of working your way into heaven will get you there because we as sinners will always fall short. And what I mean by works and traditions added to Christianity are idolatry is that we focus on the traditions of the (((catholic))) church that we lose focus on what "should" be the focus of our faith, Christ.

I think OP
Needs to become Catholic.

I was baptised Catholic but never made my confirmation unroll I was 36 years old I wish I did it sooner.
If op attends mass he will hear quotes from the Bible and some good sermons.

>Guidance of the priest.
>Implying that the priest is the only one who can interperate scripture.

Works/traditions aren't idolatry user. I get what your saying but there is a clear line between works and works as a means to get to heaven. One lacks faith, the other one doesn't. With this in mind, surely you agree that traditions and works aren't idolatry on their own?

The main focus of the church is Christ mainly through the Eucharist, the rest is to help us become better while still recognizing that we are humans and sinners.