Im a 20 year old stripper. i began stripping because my mother kicked me out and i was sleeping in my car...

im a 20 year old stripper. i began stripping because my mother kicked me out and i was sleeping in my car, the club has caused me so much trauma. i hate men, i hate being touched by them but i cant stop working because i literally cant survive with out the income, minimum wage isnt enough. what the FUCK do i do??????

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Min wage is $15
Get some roommates and stop making excuses

Get a normal Full time job and a side hustle to live independently and interact with the friendly middle class consumer family population instead of the seedy criminal element

Save up money and start planning for a life after it.

Not trolling, but be a camwhore

i forgot to mention, i live in a 1500$ apartment on a one year lease. and roomates are not an option (i have extreme boundary issues not to mention my borderline personality disorder)


also i was a cam model but its STILL not enough. i know it sounds like im making excuses

and before everyone starts telling me to die, i've tried many times to kill myself but im not selfish enough. i love my mother so much, ive been dealing with mental health issues since i was 13 and shes begged me many times on my bedside hospital to not devastate her. im asking for serious advice.

*hospitaal bedside . im drunk so excuse the typos

Hello, Mary


Do you like anal?

>i live in a 1500$
Gee, a woman being financially irresponsible, who could've seen this twist coming

Try prostitution. Or if that's not your thing become a sugar baby. Hopefully you can find a wealthy older guy who will take care of you.

You said like the same exact person as my ex when she was your age. My advice based on that is to not get pregnant with someone you barely know, and get rid of your boujee lifestyle habits that are unnecessary and financially crippling.

Become my live in gf

I make about $50'000 a year, and my wife makes about $50'000, so together with a household income of about $100,000 we live in a $875 a month rent place. So what the fuck are you doing in a place that is $1500 a month on minimum wage?

being a stripper would make you hate men, so I dont blame you for hating us but at the same time you went this path, but you still have my sympathy because this was the only viable one to go to.
On your problem, you should go to a woman's shelter, they specialize helping girls like you.

You fucked up big time. Get some side jobs and get a full time job and start working double.

There's many options but very little guarantee it will work for you.
My advice is to just try everything.
And also live more minimumly.
Leave the apartment, save money, and do something else, even volunteering.

I started off with nothing and homeless and just couldn't even do the lifestyle you chose even as a last resort. So somehow I managed to survive that shit.

lol all you fucking people who think 1500 is a lot have never lived in California

inb4 “move”; fuck off i love it here

do anal
do lots of it
make sure to look into the man's eyes while you swallow his cum
make sure to say "more daddy" after you swallow
instant $300

1500 is a lot if you aren't making very much money. OP should learn how to live with others and stop blaming everything on her mental illness, she can get a room for $700 in even California.

she probably lives in jew york or california. hell, i'm in CT and the lowest price studio I can find is $1k.

If you want to get out of a hole in your life, the only real thing you can do is work to fix it. Instead of guzzling down alcohol and posting on Jow Forums, use the computer to learn about something. If you're too dumb or lazy to do that then enjoy stripping, that's life.

>mental issues
Of course she does

Go and sin no more.

>"Here's the solution so you don't have to strip for money"
>"Lol fuk u I like living in callliii"
Dumb whore. Look for a cheaper place to live or shut the guck up. That's the solution. Take it or leave it. You just want to feel validated for selling your body.

For real... this thread is so funny

iktf. i rented a $1500 a month place when i had a good job. then i lost it a few months later and making rent is an eternal struggle. i've done babby prostitution but i'm scared of going to a strip club, i'm shy and mousy and very quiet, i also don't own makeup or suitable clothes or shoes for it. can you tell me what it's actually like as a stripper?
i didn't make shit from camming, and in the end the site fucking crashed every time i tried to withdraw the funds. still never got paid for it.
once you're in a lease you can't get the fuck out whenever you please...i've regretted taking this place but honestly it's one of the cheaper studios in the city and i just didn't want to have roommates anymore. not everyone lives in rural ohio. i'm moving when the lease is up to somewhere cheaper but you know anymore rent is just expensive as shit and the jobs have not increased wages.
looked at it. my options are places with 5 fucking dogs and 3 cats, crazy vegans who won't let you bring meat into the house, crazy christians who require you go to prayer with them every sunday and hang pictures of jesus on your wall, single moms scamming welfare benefits and using your rent for drug money, or guys who want to sexually abuse you whenever they want. WOWEE. why don't i want roommates??!?!?!

OP here, thanks for all the serious advice. btw the club is what jump started my love for alcohol, im only 20 so its the only place i can actually drink. im very beautiful or at least the world says so im getting drinks bought for me even from other dancers. for those of you saying just leave, im pretty sure breaking a lease is the worst thing i can do for my future self. im not financially irresponsible, ive actually never been late on rent in facti go out of my way to make sure i have rent a week before its due its just SO exhausting. ALSO i've never and will never prostitute myself, so many men have offered me a carefree lifestyle in exchange for my vagina and as ironic as it sounds my self worth is too high. i've only ever had 2 boyfriends and 4 sex partners weird right. so i bet you're wondering why i decided to strip. like i said before ive been told im beautiful my entire life, i also have a fat ass so i thought dancing on stage for money wouldnt be so bad but boy was i wrong. also i didnt just walk into a club one day. when i was homeless i had a friend that i grew up with who was also homeless at one point due to her unstable prostitute mother introduce me to the world. it didnt seem so bad, i later found out she has no issue with fucking old gross men for 200$ and realized why she was leading such a shitty life. im proud to say ive never had sex for money and can still afford to live the way i do. but its extremely draining and beauty only goes so far in the world of whores.

>im pretty sure breaking a lease is the worst thing i can do for my future self
When does the lease end? I'd at least float the idea of moving after that. 1500 is absurd, I know places that cost half as much especially if you're only living solo.

for those of you wondering what stripping is really like. its weird. on one side you find other women like you, all hella traumatized with hella issues, its quite fun sometimes, being able to relate to so many people without being judged, the shitty part comes in when you realize you are all competing with each other. the worst part comes when you realize you're not everyones cup of tea. nothings worse than having a shitty night while ms.fridge is on stage getting rained on.also another common misconception, making money on stage is probably the hardest thing to do. not to mention the drama, while i personally have never been involved in conflict since im very easygoing and understanding, most bitches and this is coming from a "feminist" are FUCKING CRAZY . its like highschool, they will find any and every reason to not like a girl, ive seen 4 physical fights and soooo many verbal altercations but hey thats what you get when you put 30 damaged drunk/drugged half naked whores in a room together right? i will say i love dressing up and being complemented (by the other girls, men compliments mean nothing to me) i've also found beauty in performing on stage. theres some "real life imitates art" bullshit that goes through my head every time i twirl around the pole. that being said i've found respect for the real sluts that go in and out every day and still manage to appear somewhat normal. the're fucking troopers, i cant imagine the mental strength they must have to endure the cock of a disgusting old man for 300$ and then return back to the floor as if it's normal. anyways thats kinda a sum up of the club life from a dancer.

for those of you wondering why i pay so much for my place, my rent is 1100, my entire cost of living (bills, utilities, food,gas) is around 1500. i grew up in a shitty part of houston (ever heard of bissonett? yep that was my childhood) so i told myself the moment i could leave the shithole id move to the suburbs which i did successfully and i love it here. it's just not so easy without daddys money.

im stuck with the lease until late October almost november, im definitely downsizing after that but for now i have to stick it out

also the user up there isnt me
im the strpper not the prostitute

t. op

That's a shitty attitude to have towards customers.

>im pretty sure breaking a lease is the worst thing i can do for my future self
>said the mentally ill alcoholic stripper with money issues

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not really, aside from the occasional party goers club customers are all pretty much regulars. creeps who come in to grope up girls and think its your job to allow them to. im very nice and yet i wont let anyone touch me, even if they're buying me drinks. if you're not buying a song theres no way im letting your old ass feel up on me. i dont even let other girls touch me. its very ironic being a stripper and hating physical contact but thats just how i am. no money, no touching.

Become a bartender. I'm a food services director and my gf is a bartender. She literally makes 2x what I make. 1k a week in tips, 30-40hrs. Her gross annual is something like 80k a year. If you're as hot as you say you are, this shouldn't be a problem, and you won't have to flash your vag for cash anymore.

There's more than one strip club in this world. Buy yourself a van and live in it. This ways, if the club gets too nasty, you can just drive over to the next town and get work there at their clubs.

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i dont have money issues and im not an alcoholic. i will admit that im mentally ill but who the fuck isnt?? my problem isnt that im broke, it's that im tired of the way i get money. i cant just stop dancing to go work at whataburger cause it's not enough to pay my rent. while i do enjoy drinking (numbs the truama a bit) i cant buy it myself so the only way i drink is going to work. how does being drunk equate alcoholism. anons be looking for any reason to judge.

And typical in most low paying jobs. In most of these you're not objectified as much either.

im seriously a dumbass for not considering this. thanks. hindsight is 20/20.

She works at Red Robin. Idk what pays more, restaurants or bars, but find a busy location, work Fri /Sat nights and you'll make just as much as you did stripping, maybe more.

Not her, another girl. i'd like to be a bartender. should i start as a barback? i only worked in bar once and it was that freebie bar hotels host, so we only had like 11 different types of alcohol plus beer and wine. i don't know any drinks or techniques or anything. just basic well mixes, eg rum and coke.

my issue is the kegs. Kegs are fucking heavy and i can't lift them by myself to put in a new keg for the tap. can i still be a bartender in a real place? they want to ask can you lift 50 lbs and like, honestly, no, i can't.

i was making $30/hour at that shitty hotel bar. The jobs i get with my fucking college degree pay 20.

seriously thank you, i remember considering it but i dont know why i never seriously thought about it. i think theres like a 3 week course you have to take and when i was homeless i needed money asap but now that im in a stable position im seriously going to do it. thanks user, you spared me so much further trauma

50 pounds isnt that much, just lie to get the job then say you have like a wrist injury or some shit. besides its not that hard to ask for help, they dont really expect girls to be able to do that shit on their own anyways.

I hope that you'll be stabbed during a mugging/rape and bleed to death for using that word

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ha, you stupid dumb whore, it's only a matter of time, you'll see

why do you hate men so much?

Just take a class. Like the other girl said there's like a 3 week course you can take. Maybe even an online course. You don't have to lift heavy stuff, the guys will do that. If it's ever asked of you just say yes I can lift a keg with help, but I don't see that being an issue.

You don't even need to take a class, as there are no requirements when it comes to being a bartender other than "can you be a good bartender?" places differ of course but I'm a high school drop out and I manage an entire kitchen. In the cooking world skill matters more than paper.

>im not financially irresponsible

>Works at a strip club
>Where only the shittoest type of men go
You are asking why is water wet

Nice, good luck. If you'd like to talk more [email protected]

Water isn’t wet

have sex.

t. op

well i take back what i said in my original post. i dont hate men i just hate my customers.

>Min wage is $15
The minimum wage in 1950 converts to >$22 today. $15/hour isn't enough to live anywhere where that might be the actual minimum wage.

Oh so you are one of those types of people. Makes sense now.

How much do you make, and where abouts do you live? I know some people that live off ~$20/year in relatively expensive areas.

on my worst nights i come home with 200$ best/average nights 1000$

>Literally every grocery store pays above minimum
>Uber and Lyft offer flexible and gainful supplementary income
>Airbnb lets you sublet that ritzy ass apartment (which is totally your only option, yup).
>Tinder gives you easy access to upper quality men. Don't even have to go to college for that shit anymore.


You're self-described as bipolar. Consider the possibility that you're overly dramatic, overly comfortable with the easy money, and, above all, fucking lazy and cowardly. No one walked into that fucking neon house and filled the application out for you. Own your shit and take responsibility for yourself instead of resenting the miserable fucks that are actually that desperate for a woman's touch.

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I wish I could get my ass slapped for 6 grand a month.
Andrew Yang? Meet Andrew's Wang.

take time to read the thread or have sex either way shut the fuck up.

Uber drivers often live in their cars.

There's nothing wrong with it, by the way. If you keep off drugs and save your money instead of spending it like a fucking idiot (like most strippers), you'll be in a better place one day. You'll have a nice man and anyone who has an issue with your past will be able to send a detailed memoir of their grievances to the nice house you're going to buy the two of you.

I did read the thread.
You're a fucking dipshit making excuses.
And they often don't. That's why I said "supplementary" though. It really only pays on the weekends when everyone needs a ride home from the bars.

I'll add to this one more time. My job is fucking torment for me. I work with people I don't like, I work for people that don't care about me or my longterm success, I do work that is a complete waste of time. It's completely degrading, having a director with a liberal arts degree talk to me like I'm fucking 5. It pays alright, though, and it's given me a stepladder out of a dark hole I've been in ever since high school.
And what I think, every time I go into that place, is that, no matter how much of a grind it is, no matter how much lower my opinion of other people is going to sink, and no matter WHAT fucking catastrophe is going to happen next, I'm moving a step closer to a family that will look nothing like the one I was raised in. That is the only way you can find motivation in an awful job. You have to look to the future, or else.

Work construction.

I lay flooring for a living. I make about $50/hr. I taught my GF how to do it. She is 135lbs. In 2 months she got the skills down and now she lays flooring really well. I started her at 20 an hour and now she makes 50 an hour.

HVAC is also hiring a lot of people.

Just show up at any blue collar business and say you're looking for work and will show up on time and work hard. You do this 10 times and u will have a job.

Quit complaining and have the guts to talk to a few business owners. I promise you will be fine.

In the mean time u can also find a women's shelter in your area. Stop by and ask if you can live there for a few weeks.


You're issues are the problem. Get help for your internal issues.

If you had any sense you would rent a room or something for like $500 and learn to live with others.

Women since the dawn of time:
> I want nice things but don't want to make a single sacrifice

Men since the dawn of time:
> I want nice things and will do whatever it takes to make it happen

Gosh I wonder why men are so dominant in virtually every aspect of life.

plasma donation, I got into it recently, easy money, you just need to be basically healthy and weigh enough
also fast food, it's not easy but evwn juat having it for a bit might help
you can also try call centers, they have high turnover

Girls have it easy in life. All the betas are buying nudes now.

the lapdance is always better when the stripper is crying!

Join the military and work for something. Don’t disclose any issues or injuries and be prepared to work hard and not hold down a relationship for the term of your enlistment. Get a role where you’ll learn something that you can find work in on the outside.

Save money by not drinking

thank you very much, i'll ganbarimasu.

kys roastie

Nigger I'm not even so retarded roastie but the minimum wage in my state is $7

This is a good place to start. Alcohol is the devil's drink.

>i love my mother so much

Why, she abandoned you during your hour of need.

This was a fascinating thread.

Use that income to go to a community college. Take a few classes in the morning or afternoon, go to your job at night. It’s several hundred a semester here in California and is probably cheaper out where you are.

Study nursing or become a court clerk. Those fields pay well and are easy to break into. Good luck, take care of yourself, and be safe out there

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These are a lot of chlichés. Not all people are shitty and there are a lot of roommates who just wanna be left alone.

Are you a dyke?

>roomates are not an option (i have extreme boundary issues not to mention my borderline personality disorder)
Tough shit, spoiled whore. If you’ve ever lived and worked among poor people, you’d know that they’ll do literally anything to survive. Get off your high horse and get a couple roommates and some self-respect. And only then will the men you so hate treat you will the respect you desire.

that looks real comfy, but how does everything not get thrown around while driving?

You are going to get a lot of fucked up replies, but I am going to give you a serious one: get on disability. I used to be a pole dancer. You are fucked for work, at least for a bit. If you have a documented mental illness like BPD, go to the ER and tell them how you are planning to kill yourself. You will be locked up for 72 hours, and a case worker will show up. Tell them you will kill yourself because you are disabled and can't strip anymore because you were traumatized and raped in the club...yep, fingers up your vag counts as rape, (which a know for a fact customers do) Tell them you are incompetent and need someone to fill out all the paper for you. If at any point things get difficult or slowed down, keep threatening suicide, until it becomes someone's full time job to get you signed up for disability.

I hope we get nuked.

Yeah sure, because she wants to be in a pit filled with the shittiest people and the highest taxes.

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Get raped