Be honest, do you think we get equal opportunities in life or is most of it pure chance

Be honest, do you think we get equal opportunities in life or is most of it pure chance

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It's pure nepotism. Either you're in or you're not.

Luck and misfortune fall on us.
Your job is to get yourself into a good position, where you are more likely to receive luck, and are prepared to withstand misfortune.

Reincarnation plays into account. I think I earned some of the progress and difficulties from past embodiments, but I’m responsible for improving my condition with every action I do or don’t take.

Are you a jew?
If not, its chance

go to private school - meet connections - get great career,earn millions.

go to state school- work in a factory - struggle financially.

Ya gotta have a big thick hard cock mate, hate to break it to ya

No and no.

>equal opportunities
What does this even mean? Equality doesn't exist in reality.

It's all chance. Even an elementary understanding of physics tells you that.

We aren't born equally smart, strong or good-looking, so that's already a no.
Thing is, there's nearly always a way to balance out your weaknesses. It's tricky overall.

Basically, take a few random Joes and set the same goal before all of them. Can they all achieve it? If yes, they are equal.

>go to private school
Get bullied, harnessed, and outcast
>go to state school
Get bullied, harnessed, and outcast

Yea keep believing in your fantasy world.
Im a 30 year old 5'11" in fit white guy with a attractive face. But guess what? No career for me, no relationship. Im a freak. A weirdo. Always have been always will be. Ive accepted it. This place is the only place for outcasts like us.

You get the opportunity to be born with the tools/means to achieve whatevery our want.

If you are smart enough and have the will to succeed you will. If you are born into a Harvard-legacy family, you will get accepted no matter what.

At the end of the day middle class kids dont have the drive or motivation to succeed, because theyre used to a lifestyle that doesnt require sacrifice.

>go to private school
>lol jk your parents are poor and no scholarships for cracker ass white bois
>go to state school
>get shot
Such is life in America.

Some people are just born better.

Life is about adapting and changing, becoming better than you were and growing. Don't concern yourself with how other people are better or worse, just concern yourself with your personal growth.

Offering help when able might be part of that. Demanding other take care of you, or demanding others take care of those they arnt responsible for is childish.

Could also be preference I personally enjoy the struggle.... like why would you want to be super rich and have easy mode everything given to you if you're playing a game. On the flip side I dont want to be a poor neger

Humanity is fucking dead it's pure childish dreams to think about a species that wants to kill each other and will go to such extreme lengths to justify killing their own people instead of working together to go to the stars

>I personally enjoy the struggle
cut off your legs then. you wanna just walk around on fucking easy mode? they're just a crutch for the weak.

Pure chance. Life is half luck and half how the last thing worked out for you.

Ok not completely true but I know that If i had kids I would be responsable for where they ended up and how their lives went. Me. 100%. Thats why I say life is never really all your own choice. Even with free will all limits are determinate on the events and experiences that took place.

Not if you have white niggers for parents.

can you say chance instead? luck doesnt imply mathematical probability, it instead implys that a magic hand comes out of nowhere and starts jacking everybofy off

Not really.

There is bad luck. And frankly for some people its not a magic hand, its real people.

You're a retard bc I did state both extremes and that its preference of the reincarnater I'm sorry you're brain is so low IQ it can't see multiple angles of thought

Nigger-tier rationalization for his own inaction.

Reality is that you CAN move up - or down - depending on whether you work hard and make effective choices or not.

equality is a lie rise above your inadequacies and stand tall

Dude what about EVERYTHING that you go through. Can you move up from getting your dick cut off and molested by Dr.Money?

Trick question. You do. You just go to heaven after you put a bullet in your head.

It's like a game of poker. You can still win with a shit hand if you play the game right. We, as humans, have the unique ability to alter our own fate.

It would appear that if you are Jewish you get VERY equal opportunities.

Equal opportunities... no, not at all. But you have an equal right to try. You have an equal right to dissent, you gave an equal right to get involved politically.

Money controls a lot, but it is not everything. Inheritance and nepotism are real, but the cream of society not born into it will find a way to get there.

Want the truth?

There are two types of success.

1 is the school path where the intelligent are trained to become successful as doctors lawyers and engineers. They are wealthy but not extravagant. They also work their asses off.

2 there is the hustlers path. These fair folk have loose morals and prey on the weak of the world to line their own pockets. They can make great fortunes.

Truth is there is alot they dont teach in school about running or conducting a business. It takes a certain kind of mind and a certain kind of lateral thinking and a certain kind of spirituality and a certain kind of metaphysical philosophy.

Most cant do it. And of those that can most will not because of the difficulty.

The things you must learn or the philosohy and moral value system you must posses to become successful are not taught to the masses and must be learned from a guru or by osmosis through proximity.

It takes a kind of faith to manifest.

This is the concensus of all who diligently study the subject


No it doesn't, this is a misconception. Luck is merely the unconsidered variables of any situation. You can't account for everything in the world at once.

Checked and agreed, hypothetically.

>Be honest, do you think we get equal opportunities in life or is most of it pure chance

Equality is a myth. A fairy story.
Nothing is equal. Ever. Anywhere. Not even second to second.
Believing in equality is a religion, no different to christianity or islam.

Chance matters, but it's not pure chance. There are strategies you can follow. Some are easy, some are hard.

u get karma. duh