Should grown men play video games?

I used to play video games a lot growing up. My PS3 broke in 2015 and I haven't bought another console.

I didn't miss it much for the first couple of years but now I'm thinking of getting a PS4. The thing is though I'm 28. I feel like I spend too much time on technology in general and video games are probably a childish hobby.

My craving for video games is influenced by spending too much time online, browsing articles on my laptop. Might aswell have fun if I'm gonna waste my life with tech. Thoughts?

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Who the fuck cares what you do in your free time?

Me apparently.

only if it destroys your social life. Remember you need to stay in reality and video games help relieve stress. But staying in them ruins lives. It's like booze, great once in a while but too much can ruin you.

grown men do as they please without worrying what others may or may not think about it

it would be fine as long as it does not take up your job time. but coming from someone who plays alot of games i saw they are a wast of time

Good points. My ability to moderate with anything addictive is somewhat lacking. I spend probably 8-10 hours per day browsing the internet. When i drink booze, i can't have 2 beers; it has to be 6 or 7.

yeah nothing wrong with entertainment it's just the ammount we engross our selves in is the real problem.

I'm 41 and enjoy spending my free time with my PS4.

Never been a better time to get a ps4 dude great solid games are popping out like every other month

Good to hear. I am being quoted €425 ($475) for a PS4 Pro with red dead redemption and an extra controller. Worth it or should I get the non-pro model?

Shop around more if you can you may find a better deal and if your eyeing the pro version make sure you have the right tv for it.

I don't have a 4K tv yet but there is always the possibility I will buy one. The standard ps4 is $393 in my country so I am getting a much more powerful console and a second controller for under $100 extra.

I'm 48 and I have PS4. I don't get to play it much cause my dang son hogs it playing Fortnite. And I don't like to play Madden with him anymore because he beats the crap out me when we do. Lol. In all seriousness I do like playing with him...good father/son time. I think gaming can have a lot of heathful benefits...if done in moderation. And that has been a challenge with my son. He would play Fortnite 8 plus hours a day if I let him. So enjoy gaming at any age I say. Just regulate how much you play. If you can't, then probably find a better hobby.

Based comfy dad

Put all of the time you use on video games into something productive, you can accomplish anything suddenly.

Spending some down time playing video games is better than drinking, and is no worse than watching tv for four hours from the time you get home until bed.

I never got these productivity=good people. There's nothing inherently better about constantly producing something. Honestly? I come back too mentally exhausted from the work day to continue being productive.

>better than drinking
Not really, having some real fun out with friends is better than staring at pixels all night.

my friends are retards, much worse when they're drunk. Why would I do hang out with a bunch of drunk retards?

You are now an adult hopefully with stable income. PC is the way to go. You can slap it next to TV and use wireless controller if you want.

Steam has big picture mode now (made to be like console interface).

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Dont burn your glucose on vydya

Grab a guitar. It's worth it

as the only actual woman itt, someone as old as you playing video games as a hobby is a fucking turn off. guys your age that still play video games tend to be drunk losers, which based on your other comments, seems to apply to you too. get a real hobby.

Do you realize that the moment a grown man will drop his hobby because his (potentional future) gf told him to she loses any respect she had for him in the first place?

Paradox, isnt it?

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You are so obviously not a woman.

think my pussy tells a different story

op literally asked dumbass

As the person who brought up drinking, I meant like sitting around drinking alone. Of course it's good to go hang out with friends, but there's an easy balance to be struck there. By the time you get into your late 20s/early 30s, you'll realize really fast that going out every night just isn't feasible. People have commitments, and you just start to get more tired. I'm 32, and if my ass isn't in bed by 9:30 PM at least 3 days a week, I get perpetual exhaustion.

Don't blame video games just cause you aren't getting any attention from guys

timestamp tits or gtfo

t. less interesting than video games

the projection is palpable. sorry you hate women for not fucking you.

this is a work safe board and it's 2k19. grow the fuck up.

Nothing you do makes you worse than others. If videogames relax you then play them. However, please strive to be aware of your reality. Why is it that you have an all or nothing attitude to life's pleasures? Write down your feelings, reflect on them. There's no one thing you should be doing, you're already off the hook just by being alive. Strive for power over your own life.

Everything in moderation, op. There's nothing wrong with a hobby as long as it doesn't consume you.
I own a switch and ps4, and really only play after a looking day at work.
Otherwise I'll be out with friends, hitting the gym or a hiking trail, reading a book, etc.
Also I'm 30. No one will judge you for owning a console

>muh pussy
So since you're such an interesting gal with so much to offer, tell us about your interesting hobbies!
