I have a friend and he constantly teases his girlfriend telling her he doesn't like her and doesn't want her and being generally a jerk to her. She gets riled up but in the end still sleeps with him.
How do i do that? I tried teasing women and they seem to react positively but I feel I am still too soft and come across as a nice guy to a lot of girls
How to be a jerk that women like?
I don’t think wanting to be an abussive bf like your friend is a good thing
I think the secret is to really lay into them and then later give them some really awkward display of intense affection.
>all the jerks I know get laid
>you don't want to be a jerk
Can you elaborate or give an example?
You don't have to want / try / aim to be like anyone else. All you have to do is act like you want to act, when you want to act
Me 10 years ago
>Alter my route whenever I see someone I know on the street, even if it's inconvenient for me
>Feel the need to tell a woman to shut up cause she doesn't know what she's talking about, never do it
>Feel the need to connect with god, too afraid of being made fun of to do it
>Feel the need to say whatever's on my mind but never actually do it, days are full of suffering
>Said yes to anything and everything that made me feel good including casual sex
Me these last few years
>Turn off my brain and just walk up on all kinds of situations like it's nothing
>Walked up on a girl that broke up with me on highschool at a partyand said hello, what's up to her and her friends like it was nothing. Didn't care about what shit they talked after, still don't.
>Turn off my brain and just do what feels right, things magically start working out after some resistance
>Only do what I feel like doing
>Coincidentally start to lose weight, nearly stopped going on Jow Forums, haven't looked at porn in a while, no longer crave sugary stuff, never have those bad days anymore
I was living life in hard mode. Turning off my brain feels like going town to normal mode. It took a while to get here though.
Based and redpilled
I know guys who beat up women have multiple kids with different women. you need to start treating them like shit if you want a gf op.
I know. The problem is I also come as autistic when I try to be a jerk.
I don't know, women are fucking stupid and I wish I learned this in high school.
Basically I love my girlfriend, I don't know what I would do without her. However I treat her like a piece of shit. I tried being the nice guy, the one that wants to make love and sit there and listen to their feelings. This has always left me feeling like a retard when she broke up with me. Basically what I do now is I'm a greedy fucking asshole. We stop at the store and I make her go in and get me something. She wants to talk about her feelings I tell her to shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep. I have no time for her bullshit.
Prove me wrong. Prove me the fuck wrong.
Women like strength and confidence and that's why some of them go for jerks and other types of violent men, but in reality nobody likes a jerk or violent person they just settle for them because a lot of men don't know how to show their confidence or strength without being a jerk.
Sorry to break it to you bruh,
>Would you say you’re a “nice guy”?
>Do you ever wonder why “nice guys finish last”?
>Does it feel like people just take advantage of you because you’re “too nice”?
>Do you ponder if women really are attracted only to jerks?
>Do you feel like women just don’t appreciate you?
“Nice Guys” are a total turn off. It’s not because women are attracted only to jerks. It’s not because every woman sets out to crush a guy’s spirit with reckless abandon. It’s because “nice guys” aren’t really nice at all. If a guy is genuinely nice, he need not mention it.
If someone has to spell out what they are, they probably really aren’t.Broadcasting a title of “nice guy” hints at something. It hints that the person proclaiming the title probably has trouble convincing people of it. After all, genuinely nice guys would be fairly warm, approachable, friendly. People would likely want to be around them. If a self-proclaimed “nice guy” is using the title, he probably isn’t receiving this sort of attention. He’s feeling lonely, somewhat outcast. He wonders why people don’t accept him more warmly, since he is a nice guy. He’s feeling somewhat desperate. Only those that are desperate themselves are attracted by desperate individuals. Otherwise, desperation is a complete turn off. And, in a normal person, it’s detected rather quickly.
Someone who is genuinely worth their weight won’t need a phrase or title to define him. Others will provide the flattering adjectives, he will have no need to assign them to himself.
And really really think about it though.
Your best female friend comes crying to you about her piece of shit boyfriend. That's me. She tells you all about how I'm the most awful boyfriend in the world, and she's totally done with me. You tell her that there are better guys out there.
You know what? Whose dick is she sucking after she gets done crying on your shoulder? Not yours. She's coming back to me, to suck my dick. Because I'm a piece of shit greedy boyfriend that doesn't give a fuck about her. You, you get to be the one that hears all about it, hoping she'll come around. Me, I don't give a shit about you or her and I'm getting my dick wet. Again and again.
Not true . The reason I know I'm too nice is that I have been told that girls who rejected me did that for that particular reason. Recently the sister of a friend rejected me. She told me "never mind my sister she likes jerks"
I feel like this lacks context. Is he being a jerk in jest? Jokingly teasing a gf and her trying to tease back is fun, and maybe shows some affection on its own.
Also this
Psychologically healthy women are not attracted to men that emotionally abuse them
The confidence implied by teasing might be attractive, but in that case you should work to become confident
Again I know I'm too nice bcs I've been told that. I don't consider myself nice but so something in the way I treat women makes me come across as nice.
In addition, my friend treats her like shit most fo the time. He even is constantly scheming in how to get rid of her. She's 19 and he is 33
No, you literally have to treat women like shit. Once you do it right the first time it's like mind blowing revelation. If you want to fuck a woman you have to treat them like a piece of garbage. You are the man, you have a penis. Treat them like a child, don't bend to their will. You are the one that makes the rules now, you have the cock.
>you're such an asshole, I'm leaving
Bye bitch. Watch how fast they come back to suck your dick for your approval.
If you have to ask, you're not cut out for it.
Get your cringy fuckin ass outta here and just be yourself.
>She's 19 and he is 33
Kek based 33 year old boomer getting sweet 19 year old pussy
Whatever you say incel. I treat them how they deserve. If they act like children then I treat them as such. I don't seek their approval at any point, nor do I change anything about myself for them. I wouldn't say I've ever treated any of my past gf's like garbage, even if some of thought I was an asshole.
She is hot but she sometimes blurts out inappropriate things and it's a huge turn off. She will barp and stuff cuz girls now things acting like boys is so hip and cool
Good thread. Hope betas learn from it.
People here seem to see only the top level of the female/jerk situation and think jerk=get bitches. But jerks are just one subset of guy that can keep a girl.
The only requirement to get and keep a girl is for her to think you are better than her. Period.
This is actually really easy because their self esteem is entirely dependant on how the other person treats them. This is why people say your looks don't matter.
If you tip toe around her and treat her as if she's special you are telling her she's better than you. If you are always nice she will think its because she's better than you.
On the flip side, be a "jerk" and she knows immediately youre better. But you don't have to be a full blown jerk. Just put your own needs above hers and sure enough you will communicate to her that you are worth more. If you don't feel like hanging out with her tell her. If she's bothering you tell her. If she's being dumb, tell her. If you want her to do something tell her. And never be afraid to do something because you don't know how she'll react. You should put off a I don't care if she leaves attitude. She will love you more because of it.
This is coming from a 10+ year marriage BTW.
It's not about being a jerk. It's about being who you really are and not being afraid of it. If you feel a strong desire to be authoritarian around women, then fucking do it. If you feel the need to become a pacifist, then do it, but most importantly, do it with confidence.
Also, you must develop your aggression and your peace to become a fully integrated person. You're not 100% jerk or 100% "nice". You're both, you're a human being. Be whoever you want to be as long as it doesn't hurt others, and overcome fear.
I'm not an expert, but confidence and superiority are big factors. [spoiler]That's why a lot of douchebags bring their wimpy guy friends along on dates...to convince the girl she picked right by choosing the man she chose.[/spoiler] These types of guys usually have serious mommy issues. Maybe that's where you should start. Pick a few fights with your mom and try to fix it after. See how that goes. I'm kidding dont do this
Dont be jerk but treat women as children.
You don't even know what hard mode is, you were a failed normal that decided out to stop fucking up for no reason. The change you experienced would only happen to someone that was normal all along.
And you don't think similar mental blocks could be keeping you from "going normal"? I used to browse Jow Forums 15 hours a day for years. I was unemployed, addicted to porn, browsing Jow Forums, never showering or going out at my worst.
Then I emptied my mind of garbage which is what you should do. You know it's true.
>The only requirement to get and keep a girl is for her to think you are better than her.
Best advice ITT.
I'm choosing to believe that I'm capable of that, yes. But most of us here aren't holding back alpha behind our inhibitions, we simply are not that way to start with, and get even worse. At least that's the case for me. But I think that even so we can find people that match, despite being strange and unattractive to most. But god damn it's hard to think like that as you're being rejected anytime you make effort.
The one true advice to end all advice
How do I get my asshole husband who treats me like you do (I don't get "riled up" though I just tell him he's being abusive and that's what killed his sex life) to fucking stop? I'm tired of being treated like shit and can't just "walk away" because we have kids. I don't want a jerk. Don't be a jerk just to get sex from a girl whose emotional needs you don't want to fulfill. There are plenty of girls who will sleep with you if you're nice to them.
I am sorry your husband is treating you badly, has it always been liked or changed recently? Be honest and think deeply please
But your sentence is wrong, for me i mean. I acted nicely, got rejected all the time
This works wonders and it is called trauma bonding. It is why I am still with my husband and as docile as a lamb.
you need to be an "ok" guy as first impression to lure the girl in
then you all you have to do is not ask what the girl want and just go take charge on what to do, basically be the one leading
Pretty much this. Being "nice" is synonym to being a pushover. It's better to do what you want despite what others think.
oh and never use words like "let's", and use demanding words like "we are going ______"
It's just banter, retard.