"The German ONG ship collected his cargo of migrants 25 miles from the Lybian coast, then it travelled 172 miles...

>"The German ONG ship collected his cargo of migrants 25 miles from the Lybian coast, then it travelled 172 miles, seven times as much, to get closer to Italy, by doing this it endangered the life of the people onboard.
Evidently all of this because of a political reason.
They found the wrong minister, Italians are tired of being fooled around."

This is Salvini for you all Euro cucks, I know it's hard to believe this, considering your governments, but some people do oppose migrants.

He also added "German ship, German port".

Attached: salviniAFP.jpg (400x267, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Salvini is a proud supporter of Israel

He just does this not to appear as a fascist.

fuck off kike


If Salvini was a Chad, he'd stop the Brexit extension.

No one gives a fuck, I'd rather have a few jews than a shitton of muslims.

>look goyim it's true according to us.

Attached: 04-they-live.w330.h330.jpg (330x330, 17K)

If it make you sleep weel at night, ok

keep trying sh*talians
eventually africans will conquer your land

Attached: afr_growth.jpg (609x303, 21K)