GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

You know, the regular stuff.

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Really annoyed that I got called into work today.
You're fucking scheduled this week, fool. You'll be on leave next week. Stop milking it.

Someone recommend me good movies about aliens. I want to binge watch some shit while eating ice cream and being a procrastinator.

Bring August back, please

won’t get that bday present from bf because he spent all his money on computer parts although he promised to get something


makes me sad and disappointed that i show spend money on him because he didn’t have money before but now i’m getting nothing in return. of course i love to help him BUT I WANT SOMETHING TOO

Are you dating a complete asshole?

You’re posting this again? Get over yourself. Who likes materialism in a partner? I get it, issue is that he wasn’t thinking about you, and instead was thinking about his computer. That makes you feel like he likes the computer more than you, which makes you bitter, and so here we are. But, the reality of the situation is that you and your boyfriend have different love languages at the very least, and his relationship to Romance is less about buying gifts than yours is. You want him to prove his love to you by attending to you and doting on you with gifts and other examples of his affection. He doesn’t see this as romantic, so he doesn’t think to do it. You being angry at him for it confuses him, because in his mind he’s just trying to fix his broken computer, and your nagging him to get you a birthday gift. He’s probably thinking, why can’t we just do something together on her birthday? Or, something along those lines. All you can think about is, “boohoo I won’t get any presents!!!1!” Be Grateful you even have someone to share your birthday with. Would you be happier if he wasn’t your boyfriend? Like, find someone who suits you if you don’t like the way he is he weir would you be happier if he wasn’t your boyfriend? Like, find someone who suits you if you don’t like the way he is. People don’t change.

don’t want to call him that but in this situation he is. i’ve told him multiple times that i’m disappointed because i hoped he would buy me a lunch or a present too but nope and he doesn’t even regret it

yeah, we show love differently, he’s not confused, he told me he understands how i feel, his computer is not broken and can do just fine without that part. we are doing something together and he even said “okay i’ll pay for the zoo” but again i have to pay for everything! in my country we celebrate name days and i had it 2 months ago and i didn’t get anything too although i got something for him. i really really hoped that this time i would receive something but nope. i’m so disappointed only because i get myself excited too much and when it doesn’t come true it’s hard to get over it

Sounds like you just want some more gestures out of him more than you cared about the gift itself. Is he autistic, or maybe not as invested in the relationship as you are. Or as user above you said, has a different idea of waht he finds important/romantic. Either way communicate clearly with him what you'd like from him (as in how you want affection shown more, not what you want him to buy you.)

So, you understand that you love differently. I understand that his computer isn’t broken now, so that’s a bit more upsetting for you. It seems you should stop expecting him to get your presents. Then you will not be disappointed. If you don’t expect him to get you a present, he won’t have the pressure of getting you a present, and perhaps he won’t feel like you are so unhappy with him. Especially, since he’s already told you he understands how you feel. He’s a man, he doesn’t understand about talking things out. Once he told you that he understood how you felt, in man talk, that’s enough for him. He heard you say, “ I don’t want to pay for everything… “. So his solution is to pay for something. Pretty logical. But you are saying “i don’t want to pay for everything, but really it’s about how I pay for presents for you, and you don’t for me.” Additionally, stop buying presents. If you don’t expect any presents, and you don’t give any presents then there is an a problem. Especially if you’ve been giving him presents all along, and you suddenly stop, maybe he’ll get the idea.

I am what happens when someone gets dumped and doesn't recover 5 years later.
It was foolish of me to think there could be a happy ending or a second chance or anything, I try and try and nothing has changed. Thinking the universe has a plan or balance is naive. I kind of want to tell her that I still love her and all that but she's already moved on and has a whole new life. Good things happen to her, not me. Dear god, please kill me.

The worst part is my OCD helps me ruminate over this constantly so I can't even trust my own brain to know the right thing to do or feel. At least if I went completely insane nothing would bother me but as it's been for the past 5 horrific years I just reach new levels of despair and loneliness with every failure. I hope when I die I can restart things and do them right.

i told him that i think he’s using me but he just thought i’m stupid. i already told him the stuff i want from him because i don’t want to spend my parent’s money on someone else. i already promised myself that after my bday i won’t be the only one who pays for the lunch or buys groceries for dinner we’re making together, kinda want to see his actions to that

i love making other people happy by buying something because i can’t show my emotions with body and words. i don’t want to get something back all the time but at least once a month so i don’t feel like i’m being used?

not only by buying something but also helping them and trying to make their lives easier

Been there. Done that. Do your best to enjoy the outdoors. Make a to-do-list every day and stick with it. Just start small.

I feel like a failure of man and that has become a crippling force adding to the factors and failings of my pre-20s that led to the feeling.

end of my second school year. still no friends. although I got slightly closer this year I still didnt manage it. didnt have the guts to talk to the weird qt I see in my lectures either. yeet!

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Lets get one thing straight, I am an admin, you are a mod. I want to give you freedom to do what you want on the server, I want to be nice and communicate with you so we can coordinate community activites. That is something that you said that you would appreciate that I do more of. However, when I specifically @you and get no response save for being "reprimanded" for not knowing something you didn't communicate, you really do not give me a lot of faith in you. I'm tired of playing these games, you will respect me or you will leave the server.

Reposting from last thread

I still think about this girl I messed up and didn't make a move on almost 3 years ago and I know I shouldn't be thinking about her anymore. I've dated other women since, but I keep thinking about what could have been with her. I do this with so many things. I know what ifs are bad and I wish I could stop thinking about them. Any tips?

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i'm lonely and i want a bf
i want a bf

I'm sorry you're having trouble making friends user. It's a shitty feeling. Go talk to that qt asap!

Ill be ur ebf bud

I cant, Im back home now until october. I wouldnt know what to say anyway

I regularly daydream about seeing other women romantically, even though I'm about to hit 1 year with the love of my life that I plan to spend the rest of my life with.

I have no intentions of cheating or breaking up, so what's wrong with me? I even self-insert into the male lead in romance movies, and I feel guilty after doing it.

I'm starting to admit to myself that I've grown bored of you. Eventually I'll have to tell you.


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side of neck pains, back of neck pains, upper chest pains all getting worse and more frequent
did the pembertons sign test and lasted 30 seconds before had to drop arms and pant and wheeze for breath
maybe time to see a doctor

fucking wasting his life away in the lovely state of Misery, United States

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Noo, I love Missouri D:< I want to go back there to do their river helicopter rides because I missed out on that the last time I went.

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my boyfriend gave my looks a 6. i asked for it but still somehow feeling really sad and even more insecure



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it’s a bit suspicious that he only finds you 60% attractive. That’s a pretty shitty score.

I hate when guilt eats away at me...

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that was about 2 months ago when he said it but i still return to that. and i was begging him to tell me the score. and now he’s telling me that i’m the most beautiful girl in his eyes and i just don’t believe those words

finally found a freight train track to end it all when the time comes

ill take you on a first date to any fine taco bell establishments of your choice

how the fuck do i fix neurosis? i cannot deal with fear.

Just freaking say it.

How do i induce a manic state, feel like i hit the biggest rut of my entire life. Someone help please

Yeah it's actually not a bad place to live. The cost of living is really low, the weather is interesting (always all over the place, we've had floods, tornados, thunderstorms and droughts this year aleady, its actually insane) and there's all kinds of outdoorsy stuff if you're into hunting, hiking, fishing, camping, etc.

What brought you into misery last time?

It would be really cool to have a gf to travel with and accomplish different goals together, but then I snap back to reality and realize that I'm a short, ugly, poor guy and girls never date someone who's on their level or below them.

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damn son take me on a date

I think I might be falling in love with you. Maybe it's too early to tell, I dunno. I just know when we're gazing into each other eyes like we so often have been lately, it's all I'm thinking. And I wanna say it. You ask me what's up, and I say "nothing." But something tells me you know. We don't have to say it with our words for now. You say it in your eyes, and your smile. I just hope you see me saying it back.

I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused. I know I can never take back those years. I was a monster to deal with, I know that. I know you both fought to keep me sane and tried to show me love. I'm so sorry for not returning it to you in the same way and making your lives so much harder. Please forgive me, I want you to be proud of me. I'm trying

we can even fuck in the taco bell bathroom like a couple of meth addicts

She met someone while she was away

I think I really like you, and I hope you want to see me again soon.

6 is attractive, whats the problem?

I know they are and they can see how hard you're trying.

Jow Forums give me the strength not to lose my mind

oh hell yeah I'm headed down to taco bell now

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i have autistic perfectionism so i want to be a 10 everywhere no matter what and a part of me understands it’s not realistic and it hurts. and i’m scared that he’ll easily find a girl that’s 8 or 9 and he’ll just leave me

Women are all insecure, bf is an idiot for thinking giving his gf a mere 6 wasn't going to make her feel bad.

Was he serious or joking?

I tried everything I could. I shouldn't lie to myself.

serious then and serious now too

Band reunion. It was a lot of fun and I checked out the Wizard of Oz museum. Don't know why it was in Missouri since that movie was supposed to be in Kansas. Then I went to Illinois but there was nothing to do so I went back to Missouri and talked to the locals while I waited for my plane. It was real nice but cold as fuck since I'm used to Arizona weather.
Also, I used to be a big fan of the Lackadaisy comic which was set in Missouri in the 1930s so it was neat seeing it in real life.

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lol unless hes fucked in the head, hes not going to leave you just because he sees someone more attractive. 6 and a good personality/connection is more than enough for most men

I just broke up with my girlfriend. She was a single mom, was very nice, pretty much all I could ask for, but I'm just not the right person for her as I am too lonely and bitter and have too much hate in my heart to be able to settle with her. She was relatively unpalatable to me both physically and ideologically, but I tried hard to be patient and caring. Something in me just snapped.

Amber alerts work. I'm glad that kid was found.

i’m panicking every day thinking “he’s gonna leave me for someone way more beautiful” it’s not his fault that i’m thinking like this, i’m just really really insecure

Lads, this is how you keep a girl.

I hate women but I am one. How does that even happen

Do you hate your mom?

you spend too much time on Jow Forums with incels and you start to think memes are real

Maybe you’re just objectively a 6, but subjectively he thinks you’re the most beautiful, or maybe his feelings have grown stronger or something. Talk to him about it.

No we actually have a close super loving relationship
I’ve been here for almost 11 years pal I ain’t leaving

Ok I'm gonna relax, and make a plan for my current state of affairs and not for some indefinite future state.

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Fuck you’re dumb.

Had realy great friends. They dump me for some rich new kid. They hangout together and I have been left all alone.

Have a huge crush on this girl. Her bday comes. Buy her a present and stuff. Put real effort to it. She calls everybody to her bday party except me and 3 new kid that she doesn't know from our class
Ffs I don't know what should I do know. Fucking hate it here. It's just I can't do anything right. I am a failure. How come you are 16 and never had a gf, never get called to anywhere except my real bros. But hey, my real bros dumped me for some rich faggot. Why live ?

Why do you hate women?

i think he’s feelings have grown stronger but i just keep remembering hurtful things

Woman speaking. I hate women too, I hate how emotional we are and how even if we control it, we can’t really control it. I hate how we’re overthinking everything and how we make problems even if there wasn’t one to begin with. Just wish we thought like men but I guess we need colors in the nature. Oh, and also fuck hormones

I guess so

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I think we all do.

About to graduate college. Obsessed with getting my grades and wrapping it up but I haven't updated my resume or applied to a single job. I've never been so apathetic about anything in my life.

Sense you are on Jow Forums and you get meme references you will get a bf in no time. Guys like memes and dating a meme Queen is my dream. So go outside your home and talk memes with guys and don't give any fucks.

he just honestly said that when he said i’m the cutest and prettiest for him were lies and fuck wish i hadn’t taught him how to tell white lies

I find the overwhelming majority painfully boring and exhausting to socialize with. It’s like almost none of them have interests or think about much at all. Even normie dudebros at least have interests and some knowledge to share.
Not to mention, you guys complain about how women are bitches but women treat other women the worst by far. I’ve been judged, rejected, insulted, disrespected more by other women than I ever have by guys. I can take all the ratchet physical fighting (ghetto childhood) but the way women plot and scheme against each other drives me up the fucking wall. Males who engage in negative feminine behaviors like this also enrage me.

I don't care which one, just as long as it's the one with the MTN dew.

>dudebro unironically
it's not other women, it's you.

>girls never date someone who's on their level or below them

Not true love so keep trying user

user’s right. most girls who date a guy that’s “below them” they will try to get him up

>tfw female so i'm immune to onions

I miss her, lads

I've never been in love so i cant relate to this.

I appreciate it, truly. I hope you're right.

I really loved you, silly. I hope you have a happy life. I’ll miss you. You’re always my best friend.

Count yourself lucky. I'd rather have never dated than gone through a breakup after several years and intermingled families and friends.

I'm frightened about war :( and I joined in an online conversation about politics and I regret it.

The only one who can help me is myself.

I'm trying. Can you wait a bit longer for me?

It's crazy how far this has gotten and it never needed to be. I think he's gotten more delusional as time has passed. Crazy shit.


At least there's somewhere to type here. And the Tel Aviv communists anonymous group, to think about.