Americans will argue against this

Americans will argue against this.

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Tell em that no more illegal immigrant food shops then

>asking in voluntary

No one is making people the low wages. A person has many options in this case...further education for credentials to get you in a higher paying job, take the job and work toward getting a higher paying job...or don't take it at all and look elsewhere.

Stop bringing in immigrant niggers and driving wages down then.

Nope I agree.

Liberal politics are all about making people feel good. That's all they care about

ok shut it down fire everybody get an application...this helped the economy yes?

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This shit is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that some Christian bakes my gay wedding cake.

What an absolute crock of bullshit.

that's not true though. there are 100 people, and 90 jobs. 10 jobs are good, 30 are ok, and 50 are not really a living wage.

there simply aren't enough to go around. people do not have a choice. there will always be some people that are damned by this system.

there are more jobs than people right now
most people don't have any skills even though they have all in the information in the world in their pocket

easy talk with no relevance to reality.

A "living wage" is too arbitrary. I would hate to be the person deciding on what the hell does means.

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There are not more good jobs than people. An economy full of part time under paid nonsense jobs isn't a good thing.

You gloss over what it takes in qualifications to land those better jobs...with your sense of entitlement showing

>not everyone was supposed to have the house on the hill, overlooking the underlings.

Minimum wage is a living wage
These people just want their yearly iPhones and all that other bullshit

if you cant afford to work for a certain wage... dont apply there

Seems like you have about 50 genetic dead ends then.

Guessing hes a commie, so lets take this argument another way

If your bullshit social programs cant exist without tax money and cant just survive on donations
They dont deserve to exist

Define "living wage".

You can afford food and shelter flipping burgers for minimum wage.

What a destructive attitude.

I agree. Low wages and big welfare state are the most anticompetitive thing in the market, and it is bad for labor too. If you try to claw your way out of poverty you lose benefits and pay for shit the gov gave to you, so all low paying jobs are basically the same.

>if you can’t afford to pay what I call a living wage then you should close your business and put your employees out of work because $0/hr is better than $8/hr


The one thing I have noticed about people under 35 is that they expect things to just fall in their lap, have their cushy credentials and lofty position making 6 figures, handed to them as these people have been programmed to sit and wait for thigs to happen, which is why you fail in a capitalistic system.

Many don't know how to "pound the pavement", continuously better your skills or to even start at the bottom/entry level and work your way up...which is why people who want things handed to them are going to continuously be left behind. The better jobs are not going to come find you on your couch, and hitting the send button to send hundreds of resumes online is really not doing much of anything.

And what is the standard "to live"? A hut and some beans? A mansion and a tesla? Go fuck right off faggot.

Isn't there a study showing if you graduate high school, don't have kids before marriage and don't commit any crimes you have a 5% chance of being in poverty?

this is why we need to let everybody in

If two adults sign a contract nobody should have the right to interfere. If I find people willing to work for 1$ per hour thats between them and me. Fucking socialist scum

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You can live in poverty.
Comfortably, even. I've seen fucking greeters save up 200k over the course of their careers, because they
>take the bus to work or drive a beater
>they take advantage of food banks and supplement that with groceries (so, you can get a fucking pack of bagels or a bag of pasta daily from the food bank, then buy your sauces/spreads/what have you).
>they don't go bar hopping constantly
>shop for clothes at thrift stores (before you whine about it being degrading, almost every church-going wasp I know does it).
>they don't pay four bucks every day for crushed ice with coffee flavoring

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or you know, you could switch jobs if you're not making enough.

Pretty much. Ben Shapiro cites this constantly:

define living wage, define poverty, define subsidise, define worth being done, worth being paid in actual relevant numbers and not more feel-good memes and then we can talk nigger.

>people arguing in favour of slave wages
wew, china is gonna have a great time with you guys

Yet Kayla O'Brian buys all her clothes, furniture and electronics from third world countries where people are paid a few dollars a day at best, and can't afford luxuries like toilet paper, a/c, two political parties, etc....

>buys house in the 80s for 35k
>can work at walmart for food bank wages
>hoards 200k like smaug
>lives a life barely over what I give my dog
>somehow to be envied for financial management

Cool edited image tho

American brains are too stuffed with hamburger.

>Let's just make "good jobs" by fiat
>Ruins economy
>I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those greedy capitalists!

Is it difficult being retarded? Or do you just stare out the window and ask what channel it is?

>We should let in anyone and everyone in our country
>Wages should be increased
Pick one and only one. You can't have both.

Just end it already.

Sorry you don't understand that you're being priced out of the market by cheap immigrant labor.

There are people in China literally peddling crops at the size of the road (toxic, because, you know, China doesn't actually take care of its environment) and driving around 5 people with one discount motorcycle.

I beg you to show me China's level of abject poverty in the states.
Most greeters aren't boomers anymore. They're either the REALLY fucking old dinosaurs, or they're single black mommas who don't need no man, or they're mentally disabled people who are friendly enough to do the job.

I didn't say they were to be envied. I was pointing out that actual fucking retards can live alright lives with table scraps while starbucks baristas with degrees strut around in their fancy fuck clothes and say it's capitalism's fault that they're not saving anything.

>not everyone is supposed to have the house on the hill overlooking the underlings

>canuck with meat on the brain wishes he had a hamburger

>not everone is supposed to have the house
fixed that for you

Absolutely this.

I started a small business in my home. It was off the books. I realized I couldn’t pay for all the licensing and fees, and the process is so complicated that you should have the money to pay someone to walk you through it. I didn’t have any of that, but I needed to eat and pay my rent. I started cutting hair in my kitchen, at first it was just low income people who appreciated the low cost. I had no overhead to speak of, and my prices reflected that. My reputation grew as well as my client list. I needed some help. Not anything major, just someone to wash heads and sweep up the floor between cuts. I hired my neighbors daughter. A 19 year old girl who was dumb as a rock but had a sweet smile and was polite. It worked out well. I gave her 5 dollars an hour, plus whatever tips she got were her own. I didn’t have more than that to pay her, and the work she done wasn’t worth more. A small child could’ve easily performed all of her tasks. She was happy. She was learning how to cut hair and getting a little money in her pocket. Plus her mama was off her back about doing something with her life. That was 12 years ago. She now has her own booth in my shop. I was able to make my business successful despite all of the roadblocks that my own government puts in front of me, but I had to do on the black market. People like OP would rather I never get off the ground. I employ 16 people now. That’s 16 families that are improved because of my risk. Some people will never understand that.

That is true as well. Most people of the world do not live in houses, but apartments.

I'm not ready to bring it down just yet. I have unfinished buisness I need to take care of.

>a room in a shared house appartment
heh, nothing personnel

Don't work for the business then???

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My job is shitting on a large canvas and selling it. I usually make $0 a year.

Pay me a living wage.

so be it...if one does not like their pay that only covers boarding rooms, humans have the will to change and better their situations.

Live alone for 1 year minimum wage, that's under 1k a month
What's your budget?

Nobody is forcing you to work for said business.

>so be it
spoken like a true cuck

>people who chose not to better themselves have an advantage when collecting the same wage as someone who got jewed by student loans


What has this to do with real world jobs that actually exist outside if your diseased mind?

>give an unemployed person a job
>make them better off
>hurr durr you dont pay them enough
>replace them with robot or go out of business
>everyone loses
>tech companies continue to make trillions and hire no domestic workers at all

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>if youre rich theres a low chance of you being poor

do like japan, tax the robots

>living wage
>poverty wage
>minimum wage
3 different things with 3 different approaches to their wording. Come back when you have made a coherent argument.

So maybe no one should be in business but the super rich? Remember when the left was against monopolies?

Gender studies and philosophy degrees don't better you.
If you can't give a concrete reason for why your degree will allow you to be helpful in a way that will make someone want to pay you, it's not self-improvement. It's intellectual masturbation. If you're taking out student loans to live a life of intellectual masturbation for a few years, as if you're one of society's darling, upper-class prodigies, it's not anyone else's fault when you suffer for it.

>when minimum wage is literally poverty wage

Can the left define "living wage", please? It's kind of like "ending racism", there are no real goalposts ever posted.

Please define what you consider to be a "living wage" and justify that amount.

They also like forcing people to do things against their will.

nigga, think, what do you gain from jobs that make you live in poverty?

>Live alone for 1 year minimum wage, that's under 1k a month
>What's your budget?

You have to be willing to live poor, and apparently that's no longer allowed. And I don't mean starving or doing without healthcare because in america that is free for poor people.

But things like not having children that you cannot afford. Not buying a car or a nice phone. Wearing clothes until they fall apart and mending them like people used to. There are lots of ways to live poor. I live in a single wide piece of shit house trailer and drive a 30 year old truck, and I don't have kids, and I live off of 1.2 k per month easily.

>paid enough to live

The cost to stay alive and have shelter is quite low, even in expensive cities. They want a high living standard on low-value work.

first off, define living wage. I *know* it doesnt mean "able to keep breathing day after day without dying", Unions use this rhetoric, and they usually start out 15 around here for "play unions" and about 20 for "real unions". (the union bitches still whine like bablies). NOTE: motherfuckers who call off, come in when they feel likeit (women are great for this shit) expect this RIGHT out of high school. Bang; instant. Everyone instantly wants a couple hundred thousand dollar house, guy AND girl both get a brand new car every 4 years. vacation(s), pool, quad or two... and they think this should all be fucking INSTNT OATMEAL out of high school. Uh-uh.

The most economically inept are always trying to tell the most economically pragmatic how to run their businesses.

Hitting the pavement doesn’t work anymore Grandpa.

>I'm entitled to owning slaves

Answer the question.
Because you'll need to live somewhere, cheapest option unless you have friend or family is an apartment. That requires an admin fee, deposit, and prorated rent.
You're already in the red.
K fuck it, need a car to get to work- oh you're in the red again.
Ok you'll just walk everywhere. You have to move in, you'll need appliances, you'll have to get groceries eventually, and eventually you'll have to move because rent goes up every lease term. You're in the red again.

It can't be done without outside help (parents/family/etc)
Foodstamps? If you make minimum wage, you make TOO MUCH to receive foodstamps.

>Americans will argue against this
You're correct. And I will.
Unskilled burger flipping is not worth $15 an hour. Only good and skilled workers should be reeling in good money.

NO NO NO there is a BIG chunk of employers who would ALL band together and pay the one dollar an hour. They do this shit around here for entry level jobs, they sort of all unofficially band together and they KNOW people need to do SOMEthing. LImits have to be set, i *know* what motherfuckers are capable of, being greedy pricks.

dumb shits want loads of money for their cell phones they don't need and internet they don't need all the while living in the best part of a major city that they don't need

Yet people getting paid 15$/hr are still way too underpaid for some reason.

You guys literally have sucking rich people's dick syndrome, I don't get it.

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Is this about tipping culture with waiters and such?
It sounds like it is. I don't know anyone who really defends that, it's more a "we're stuck with it" situation outside of the restaurant owners who're laughing their asses off over it, probably.

Tit’s or get the fuck out.

Yeah, some of us tend to ask why we need to raise the minimum wage instead of deflating the currency to give wages more buying power.

People that talk like this are one of two things. Some fucking junkie that works at McDonalds, or some fucking whore that grew up in Suburbia and her parent's paid for college. This is the same type of bitch that says she champions the working class, but would be the first to say some shit about how you're a redneck and make shit money if you disagree with her.

All of these faggots do it.
>says some stupid political lefty shit on Twitter
>claims to fight for the working people
>someone disagrees with them
>"lol have fun working at the garbage dump you loser, should have went to college haha"

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Learn to grow your own food and starve the ((( beast))) faggit.

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How do you have to be rich to do tbe bare minimum of graduating high school and not fucking or robbing someone?

Now lemme guess, this person also holds the opinion that borders are racist and no human is illegal. Same fucking people that advocate for this shit also advocate for unchecked immigration.

Or maybe, you know....dont take the fucking job if you dont like how much it pays?

>economically pragmatic
>business administration degree
>choose one

>there will always be some people that are damned by this system.

Boy, they had the chance like everybody else to get deucated. Some are lazy fucks and some think the world will give them shit for free so they didn't go to school or something. Stop trying to say that our system is riked. The being itself has the power to change his own life.

If it isn’t enough money, find a job that pays more.

So basically Canada?

The economy created something like 130,000 jobs just last month. There are more job openings today than there are job seekers. STFU

Problem is in the overpriced shithole known as the big shitty you can be making a hundred grand a year and still be barely scraping by

>let (((them))) have their poverty wages, it's none of your business, just move to the country side, disconnect from society, abondone all hope
really nigga? tbqh I plan to do just that, but I gotta be a wageslave first to prove my worth and when I scale up and make enough I'll move to the country and farm my own food and sell what extra I produce while at the same time working from home.

There's a difference between having a business degree and building a successful business.

Stop using logic and reason where do you think you are?

People who have zero idea how an economy or business works.

A lot of jobs are not designed to be living wages, but a bit of extra cash for people who don't have very valuable skills yet. e.g. young peoplle.

pay up you mid-class/high-class cuck
having pizza delivered to you is a luxury and should cost accordingly