For those of you who don't want to make an entire thread for a minor issue. Ask any kind of small questions here!
ITT: Smaller Help Thread
What's a good dog for a first-time owner? I like mid-size breeds, but everyone seems to say that they're tough to work with if you haven't owned one before.
I would ask myself what kind of lifestyle would best suit a breed before deciding on one. Are you physically active? Maybe a terrier. Are you couch potato? Maybe a pug.
There are all kinds of mixed breeds that fall anywhere on that spectrum too, so don't rule out adoption as an option. You may surprise yourself by falling in love with the perfect friend at your local shelter.
if youre strong enough to be able to carry a 60lb or 90lb dog, then go for it. but if you're kinda weak and don't wanna put that much effort in carrying them (for emergencies) then get a smaller one. Each dog is different, so are breeds. Looking for high energy? Get a pointer. Looking for a companion? maybe a shepherd. Looking for a guard dog? Get a mastiff! There are so many beautiful breeds out there that you can choose from, but please, adopt one from a shelter!
Talking to my gf gives me so much anxiety I barely can handle. She forces me into some really responsible decisions and it gives me some really toxic stress that ends up in either chest pain or headaches or nausea or idk sorta panic for no reason. How can I be helped? You know when I felt that chest pain I almost was glad because if I get a heart attack I don’t need dealing with all of this.
How come all the images I click on Jow Forums say "File no longer exists 404"? Is it just my computer or a setting of some sort or is Jow Forums just broken?
I'm not the smartest person in the world, but if somebody is giving me more negative feelings than positive, I don't think I'd want to be dating that person or have them in my life at all.
What have you got to be anxious about anyway?
>She forces me into some really responsible decisions
What kind of decisions? It's difficult to give advice without knowing whether she's a psycho or you a complete wuss.
I have a rash that has covered 50% of my thighs since I was like 14 (25 now) and I remember when it first appeared it itched like hell but eventually the itch went away and never came back, but the rash itself remained.
Didn't think much of it because it was never a bother but recently the same thing happened on my abdomen. Rash appeared out of nowhere, itched like crazy, itch eventually goes away but the rash has remained for a couple weeks now.
Pic related looks pretty similar but I'm not sold on it being eczema because the rashes themselves seem permanent and are not affected by moisturizer/tar/ect
How concerned should I be?
How do you text people? I have a date with a friend of mine in a couple weeks but we haven't talked for the last week. That's weird right? I'm really awful at texting, especially if I haven't seen them for a bit. I don't wanna just say "what's up" or "how've you been" because that seems boring. Do I just jump into a topic? I had a somewhat interesting weekend I wanna tell her about, but idk how to lead into it.
Open by saying "commit acts of terrorism against my cock"
You can never go wrong with a simple "hey" or "how are you?" Bonus points if you throw in a c:
Don't dive head first into a topic unless it is important.
Psoriasis maybe? It is genetic from what I understand so moisturizers won't work. Look it up.
Desktop or mobile? Have you tried resetting your cache? Happens to me occasionally but not super often.
That's not too boring? Idk how to carry on a conversation from there.
A conversation starter doesn't have to be exciting. You're not advertising a product.
Desktop. I just tried to clear my cache and it doesn't seem to have worked. Could you suggest anything else that might work?
wait, hang on, I suck. Nevermind - thank you user for the help!
How do I know how attractive I am? 18 yo khhv that wasn't ever approached by a girl, so I'm assuming I'm not very attractive.
This might not be a preferred method but one option might be to pop into a rate me thread on /soc/ and get some opinions?
Honestly I'd prefer not to associate myself with this site or post pictures of myself online at all
Small breeds are very, very hard to potty train. Large breeds can be dangerous if they are not well-behaved. I believe medium, 20-40lb dogs are your best bet. They've been the easiest for me anyhow.
Just bring up whatever comes to mind. Have a point though, no one likes getting "hey" with nothing else. Don't overthink it.
Girls usually don't approach, that's your job.
>Girls usually don't approach, that's your job
I'm aware, but I figured that if I was somewhat attractive a girl would have approached me at least once.
I took a girl out for lunch 1.5 weeks ago. We had fun, but I wasn't even sure if it was a date. Couldn't even kiss/hug her. She texted me out of the blue today. Is she interested?
If you want to know how physically attractive you are look in the mirror and give yourself an honest evaluation. Then ask trusted friends/acquaintances for an honest opinion.
But easy physical measurements are height, weight, condition of skin (acne, scars, etc), teeth, facial symmetry.
You should be able to get a rough idea of your physical level of attractiveness pretty easily.
You usually have to be pretty stand-out or around a lot of chicks to get approached.
Even if you are attractive, why would someone waste their time approaching you when they could have some Chad who is attractive AND confident do the approaching for them?
I have the same thing, its called lichen simplex. You need some steroid cream. I use Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment USP, .5%. It works but you have to be diligent with it because it takes awhile, even when you think its gone.
I went out with this girl a few times a couple months ago. She asked me to hang a couple days ago, during the weekend. I said ‘how about Sunday?”. She hasnt responded since. My feelings aren’t even hurt but I find myself quite confused!
Why would she say she misses our convos, ask me to hang and not respond?
>If you want to know how physically attractive you are look in the mirror and give yourself an honest evaluation
I honestly can't tell.
>Then ask trusted friends/acquaintances for an honest opinion
Kind of an awkward thing to ask. My parents tell me I'm handsome, and my dad told me once after a company party that a few co-workers complimented me(I left early because I was sick) but that's probably them trying to suck up to him or just my parents trying to make me feel better.
5'8, I know I'm short but I'm still growing(I hope)
Around 160lbs, pretty muscular
>condition of skin
Some scars but nothing that sticks out or is really visible
I think they look fine, never had braces or anything, and I always brush them twice a day
>facial symmetry
Gotta admit it's not very symmetric but my dad told me not to worry about it and that it's not noticable
I know it's hard to piece it together from text, but I guess I'm average looking.
>You usually have to be pretty stand-out or around a lot of chicks to get approached
Makes sense, and I'm also not a very social guy I guess. Hoping to be more social once I'm out of HS.
I guess.
Honestly I shouldn't be using the fact that no girl has approached me as a metric for my attractiveness because I usually act like a tard in class with my friends.
She might just be busy, give it until saturday then call her.