I wanna go back right fucking now! Fuck the industrial revolution. I wanna pound my wifes bush in the hay. And my endentured servant. And my concubine. I wanna ride a horse and fuckkin STAB motherfuckers. What the fuck are we doing?

Attached: dgXQRIa.jpg (1072x818, 275K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nukes, and soon

The mist of blood was sweet and metallic. Nobody now will know that feel. Quenched rage. Pure justice. Showering in your enemies life force. The morning dew was refreshing. The gods danced in the fire light. We literally sat around drinking wine, eating bbq, fucking, raising children, and slaughtering our foes.

Attached: Norway_Naeroyfjord_Alamy_RM_500x250_tcm21-109389.jpg (500x250, 51K)

*tips fedora*

Second pic is from the UK, famalam

Honk Honk (((something))) Honk

Still, it is an example of how far we haven fallen socially.

That's a quality photo being from 1016.
Maybe Sweds were always that way.

I thought it was Germany? It's definitely not Sweden like OP thinks.

Follow your leader faggots

Attached: C8216C6F-B7A9-423C-90AB-5F5DEF8BF10F.png (514x249, 87K)

Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times.

Swear I recall the (better quality) photos with .co.uk links or similar.
Either way

Embrace the new reality, fren

Attached: 1554437532325.gif (2952x3047, 1.76M)


Attached: 1553625343496.gif (498x498, 207K)

Easy - bullying fell out of fashion.
The 2016 dude would have been beaten and bullied to death/suicide in the past. Nowadays, it's praised.

Attached: ibm.jpg (950x1249, 345K)

>Second pic is from the UK
No it’s fucking not

Why are you posting a shitty left-wing meme from 2016 and also why are you hiding behind a memeflag?

>not from UK
Y-you too

Dont you know?
*tips fedora* is code word for nukes!

Filth on right is not white

Right pic is UK.

Imagine the smell...

I can smell the fresh horse shit on the soft ground. The lyre in the backround, with women singing, gentle and high. The deep low chants with leather drum. The waves crashing in from the sea. The soft furs. The clank and scrape of tools on bone, and hammer on iron. I can taste the fresh puffin and ale for breakfast. Women laughing together as they process the textiles round a circle, fiddling and gossiping. Churning and smoking meals, with long beautiful hair, and colorful exotic skirts, laced to the brim. I can smell the fire and ash in her hair. Children playing, laughing, bright eyed.....excited once again. clacking wooden swords. I want to go back.

Attached: 4ac586756c69c169ea43a22a2a32d4d5.jpg (800x401, 58K)

The UK doesn’t have refugees arriving at train stations so Soros never needed to fund welcoming committees. If this bloke is from the UK then all hope is truely gone

wouw are they the same person? wouw i can not phantom there being pussy men in the world o god no

Look for it yourself. Just because they're not arriving by train (they come by bus/ferry), doesn't mean there aren't/weren't refugees welcome groups.
They're everywhere to try and break down society.

First I was confused how a picture from a thousand years ago would stay so high fidelity, and then I was confused how they had a digital camera back then, and then I was confused why someone would make such a shitty thread for literal retards dedicated entirely to such flawed and stupid assumptions and a deep failure to master one's self. Then I remembered where I was and it all fit together.

For certain you go onwards,
For certain you will fight
For certain you will meet your death and meet the stars this night.
Take your blade and armor,
I'll cloak my face and hide
You'll fight your nation's battle,
And I'll battle at your side.

Remember what they took from us.

Attached: ivar-the-boneless-from-vikings-featured.jpg (1100x585, 123K)