Do you guys honestly believe that Greeks aren't white?Even though we are so white that instead of Turkey making us browner after 400 years we made them whiter?Even though we have protected Europe from the unwashed barbarians for thousands of years?Even though we created the most based version of christianity?Even though we basically created the European identity you all cling to?Are you all just LARPing and i am to much of a faggot to realize?Please answer me Eurobros.Please tell me that we are going to make it.
Greece and Greeks
>we basically created the European identity you all cling to
muh rich eurofag identity
That's a Turkish sport that is not practised in northern Greece(i should know i live there).We only have pankration,wrestling and a form of pugilism as our national fighting sport.You gatting sloppy Schlomo.
Kalmyks are white? lol
You Gayreek gaybois have done nothing of note for thousands of years now except writing shitty poetry. You got buttraped by Turkish untermensch and it shows, no matter how much you may try to shill pic related.
Whiter than most of America
humans arent crayons. no such thing as white and black outside of jewmerica.
Whites: people of Evropean and Christian descent
Not whites: jews, gyppos, analbanians, bosnians and other ottoman leftover whos parents/grandparents are/were muslim
Remove the memeflag and speak to me like a man Israelite
How much for a threesome with your wife and daughter, gayboi?
when was the last time your shithole did something relevant?
fuck off Mario, religion have nothing to do with race you can be a niggers and a christian or a muslims and white
White is an identity, not a race, retard.
The race is caucasian.
This is stupid. Lebanese and Syrians, despite being “light” are Semitic Arabs. They aren’t Europeans at all. They aren’t meds like North Africans. If they were a shade darker they would fit in in Saudi Arabia, and many do
>Being a butthurt reddit lvl poster that posts for efeels
They aren't European but they can still be White
>White is an identity
does that mean atheists in europe are not white since they are no longer christians? nah you're just a retard
When you share both DNA, culture, history and christian morality.
OK, I know fags and commies are like muslims and don't have morality, but at least they know what is considered good and what is considered evil in our culture.
Europeans are white, so yes. Of course, most greeks are shitskins roaches but so are Russians too.
Picture Related are greeks with 30% Slavic genes
japhethians are white. Zeus said greeks and
real jews are the same. so yeah, they're white.
Ayo hold up now. So you saying we wuz kikes and sheit
Euro 2004
HAHAHA is this a new type of WE WUZ HEBREWS N SHIT?
the jews are the descendants of Sam the brother of Japhet this makes them SEMITICS
>Euro 2004 least they won by using their own Greek shitskins and didn't import them from Africa like France did
greekanon, dont compare yourselves to these central europeon savages
we wuz kangz while they were drawing with their own shit on cave walls and fucking sheep
you guys literally invented their way of life,
if greeks aren't white then all those snowniggers should wish they werent white
>Armenian traces
Well there is your answer,OP,there is nothing to believe,you are shitskins.
Yes, you meds did create our civilizations and no one can deny that nor call you unworthy.
But the Germans and the anglos have created so much more today and if you wuz kangz shouldn't it at least show for something today?
When was the last time your country did anything at all?Literally a nobody.
Barbary slave trade, we enslaved your shitkin people for centuries
I blame Turkey for blocking the light of the enlightment.I said it before and i will say again,if there is any justice in this world then all of Turkdom will one day be glassed to ash.
ITT: shitskins
First, we have to retake Europe brother
That's it?Thousands of years and your most notable action was the fact that you commited jewry under the orders of your Ottoman butt buddies?Ahahahaha placeholder countries are always hillarious.
>algerian calling anyone else a shitskin
Greece is a joke. Who gives a fuck either we are white or not
>being proud of being a cultureless snownigger
we wuz romans shit, we descend from the white germanic vandals, we kicked the Byzantines out of Numedia ,we conquered Spain and established AL Andalus (yeah that was us, the Arabs did nothing but sitting of their asses while we did all the work) we humiliated the vikings and terrorised the med region with out navy (which was the strongets navy in the world at the time) we defeated France a nuclear super power just by using guerrilla warfare tactics..............
whiter than you roach rape baby
>being proud of being a cultureless snownigge
Did I say that meds were any worse? Historically we are equal but today, the fucking japs are better than greeks
OP is literally pic related
Show flag Imbraim.It's common courtesy.
>memeflag always
get cancer
just accept the fact that your people are mutts, sure there is few whites over there but the average Greecuck looks like a 56% face
You're not much better, daily reminder Nafris are literally Brazilian tier mullatoes
yes i know 60% of us are brown and the rest are either white or niggers and there is nothing wrong with that, i don't live in a denial like this Greecuck do
I live in Greece and looking around me i call you a lying nigger.All the mutts i've seen were foreigners.Who knows maybe you Algerians have fallen for the tourist heaven meme.Either way your opinion is just like your country,insignificant.
>All the mutts i've seen were foreigners
user...those are your people they always been since the Turks raped you centuries ago
stop denying the truth
It's odd that "my people" can't speak my language though don't you think?
i don't blame them no one wants to speak that faggy language anymore
No u
You drunk or what?
>Da fuck turkroaches aren't white!
You should shut your mouth faggot, as we have held the gate to Europa and to enlightenment, against the dark armies for millennia! That is also the main reason that our country is broke! While German cucks, french faggots, Nordic snow niggers, and our good old slaves, the Slavs, sit there well protected within the continent, enjoying the light that we brought them, us Greeks have been battling against subhumans.
>You are welcome
And last but not least, da fuck with Greeks aren't white you subhuman scum! There is 3 main races in Greece,
the pure Greeks with lineages going back to the Hellenic times. Fair skinned, like me.
Mixed mutts, some North African or middle eastern influences in their DNA. Turkish rape babies we call em. And the Albanian race, who especially in the north has its influences.
Athens, Corinth, Sparta, are less contaminated than the northeast.
yeah yeah we know that you invented sodomy and shit in the past but what about now? what have you done in the last 600 year but getting raped by Turks
Held them the fuck out of Europe, how about that you ignorant!
Without us, they would own everything up to Vienna already, whilst we fight for every meter of territory here in the bosborus. The Ägäis hast been under our protection and the entrance to the black sea is under our control.
That's what we have done you faggot! Allowed you to be the transgender fucktard you always wanted to be with the freedom we defend for all of us!
>What a npc Malakka
the ancients were blond blue eyed people from the north. we are just rapebabies man
>Held them the fuck out of Europe
they raped the whole balkan region you shitskin, you failed at your mission to protect europe
go home bogdan
most of ancient Greeks were white skinned but they had black hair and brown eyes, i can't really understand your obsession with blond hair/blue eyes it won't make you superior in any way
As a 50% Greek, I do know we owe a lot to Greece. They even built the base for modern religions.
Study lads.
There are people in Greeece that aren't white, but all actual Greeks are white. It's like saying Britbongs aren't white. It would correct to say rather that there are non whites in Britbong land, but Britbongs are white themselves. Greeks of course had fair skin and a range of hair and eye colors. Anatolia was white too before the Ottomans shipped in shitskins for cheap slave labor, much like the issues northern europe is having today. I'm not saying Greece was secretly nordic or anything like that either. It's just that Greece has become "racially diverse" since the turkroaches ruined everything hundreds of years ago.
>most of ancient Greeks were white skinned but they had black hair and brown eyes, i can't really understand your obsession with blond hair/blue eyes it won't make you superior in any way
nah man the textual and artistic evidence is overwhelming
>most of ancient Greeks were white skinned
I thought they literally mocked Persians for being too white.
>Daily anti-greek shill thread No. 12132435
The kike truly fears the greek, doesn't he?
>Do you guys honestly believe that Greeks aren't white?Even though we are so white that instead of Turkey making us browner after 400 years we made them whiter?
Back at you. Why do you imply, Turkey isn't white?
Greenlanders aren't white?
>literal tomb wall painting of a macedonian sarissa hoplite, circa 460 BC
>greeks were Nordics and shiiiiiiiiiet.
When you come across a thread of San nigger mongrel rape babies arguing over who possesses the most 3% of Caucasian
You guys are cool with me
Not true my brother. Yes there is of course foreign influences, some that we brought back in conquest, and some that was brought to us in conquest.
But I know plenty fair skinned, mostly dark haired, but also blonde Greeks with old lineages. I'll have u know I'm one.
The ruling class has always been white.
But I do not condemn our mutts or hold them for inferior, as they are just as Greek as us, share all our values and philosophies.
As long as the light can come through it is one of us.
>Do you guys honestly believe that Greeks aren't white?
>Even though we have protected Europe from the unwashed barbarians for thousands of years?
Citation needed
>Even though we created the most based version of christianity?
Citation needed
>Even though we basically created the European identity you all cling to?
>Are you all just LARPing and i am to much of a faggot to realize?Please answer me Eurobros.Please tell me that we are going to make it.
You arent going to make it.
>nah man the textual and artistic evidence is overwhelming
yeah i can see that
lmao, only tosks have greek inluences, northern albanians have their own phenotype
we may had some close ancestors (take the pelasgian civilization as an example) but we're totally different from you greeks
there isnt a drop of hellenic blood left in greece though. why u larp
If you have black hair you’re a rape baby of a poop skin. Period
Well, if Jow Forums said so.
No one likes you foot fag please kill yourself
whiter than you shitskin
Look at all those blonde, pasty greeks!
lmao, even south albanians are more hellenic than the majority of your people
Image looks pretty accurate, checked
Algeria is still richer than your debt-ridden shithole, gayboi
but albanians arent human user...
You should throw in a dildo that would make it perfectly accurate
kike illustrators that pretend to be german illustrators are always a blast, post more.
This is the thing above the man's body.
Is that mucus he is putting on his face?
>american flag
how does it feel that your ancestors were a bunch of gay pedophiles?
OP I never cared about what white people call me
I'm greek and that's enough.
rem,ber that everyone that points at us for doing wrong is also them selves doing the bad as well.
I will never hate home, well maybe the people in it but that's another story
then who are you? Why you act like a spokesman of """"your"""" glorious civilization? I'm albanian and I met honorable greeks in my life (I've been in Trikalla and Kalambaka) but you are just shitheads
Everybody knows that the ancient Greeks were faggots user. They were also not dark skinned. Don't throw stones in a glass house
looks italian as fuck
is that alex? i thought he was yellow haired, and not light brown
>yea Greece is such a based country
>said no one ever
Meds are low tier white.
They are less white than Nords and wgiter than slavs amd semetics
Well you know what they say about the Trojan war user