White Identity is a Myth

White Identity is a Myth

Western Society is building a Bonfire of Vanities. In one hand you have Western Civilisation, in the other you have White Identity. One must be cast in to save the other.

Which'll it be?

Attached: Bonfire of Vanities.jpg (1800x1202, 362K)

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Y chose?

Only White people get to discuss White identity and Western civilisation. No offence, but only White people can understand the issues.

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Because if you want to keep White Identity it will mean the destruction of Western Civilisation. If you want to keep Western Civilisation it will mean the destruction of White Identity.

One of them is real, the other is a vanity. You can keep the vanity but it will cost you everything else.

People who claim to be White have no grasp of Reality.

>White Identity
Its not white identity in Europe its called ethnonationalism. Sage

There's going to be NO race war. If you persist, it will mean so called Whites killing so called Whites, and you fucking know it.

it means whites expelling non whites and you fucking know it

Thats a fucking fantasy. Meanwhile in the real world the Governments of the West will never sanction going back to the madness of the 20th century. It will mean Europe will once more be devastated and millions of europeaans will be thrown in the grinder.

>Thats a fucking fantasy

so is multi racialism you fool

ethno nationalism is not and has never been a fantasy

Whites are a very fractured group of people, which is why they never really resist their displacement until the game is almost over. What is going to happen is the same fate as the Roman Empire. An era of Fat, Happy Decadence followed by the split of the Empire as it has become to divided to remain whole. The Post World War II Era is the era of fat, happy decadence. The White Awakening Era is the next era and during that time you will observe the splitting of the Empires. My best guess is that this all goes down in the 2030's to 2060's, as the Baby Boom Generation dies off and the Darkie Slaves have the numbers necessary to win ground wars against their Jewish and White Masters.


it will be white people

jews designed it that way

If shit III happens, I gonna root for kurwas. Fuck krauts, fuck hohols, be great again.

You're saying a reality, something that is Here & Now, is a fantasy, and a fantasy, or a thing that *was* is an attainable thing. You will be killing so called White People to attain your goal AND you'll probably have non-Whites fighting for you if you manage to get this lunatic desire off the fucking ground.

You dream of a future in which you think Skyrim will be a reality. You're all off your fucking dials

Pols not white enough for ya, lad?

bring it on faggot. I'm fine with whites who oppose us dying in incandescent agony.

you are the one dealing with fantasy, not us.
the 'here and now' is a gross mistake that is crashing all around you. What came before is still there, ready and waiting to fill the void of your multi culti FANTASY

you haven't got a clue what you are talking about

Its one or the other goy
Choose israel or palestine goy
Choose european union over white identity goy

>Western Civilization
aka Enlightenment era BS is the problem.

Die you piece of shit. I dare you to say the same to other races

>I'm fine with whites who oppose us dying in incandescent agony.

I fucking knew it. You don't Love Europe, or Europeans, or Western Civilisation. You want to watch it all burn so you can eat your fucking kids.

That’s a lot of factual statements without arguments or proofs.

You all know it's coming to this.

>I fucking knew it
you know nothing.
I'm simply suggesting you do not have a choice.
the amount of whites who oppose us by the time war is everywhere will be a minority.
your jewish delusions are coming to a swift end

The only way you'll purify Europe is by torching it and starting over. Meanwhile the rest of the world will be getting on with the early years of the 21st Century and Europe will be cast into a fucking dark Age where Religion will once more come to dominate society, and you know what Tommy, it'll be Islam that'll fill that vacuum.

You think your sort personify modern Christianity? Only if Christianity was Dungeons & Dragons.

You're going to reduce Europe to rubble, ... again, over a vanity.

Yea why only those two choices? I can do both

>You're going to
no thats Jews, again.
>it'll be Islam that'll fill that vacuum.
no, they'll all be dead or on boats home

whats the point of your shit thread again?
make a choice goy?
nah, cunt. we're going to take it all

Get out, Paki, board's for whites.

>we're going to take it all

It'll fit in a kitchen bin bag

I want to build a bonfire of muslims.

Joke is on you, I identify as Estonian.

Drink less Ukrainian cum, faggot.

I love you essti

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>white identity means the destruction of western civilization
That's odd considering white identity was at the forefront of the building and expanding of western civilization and it seems the less white identity we have the more depraved western civilization becomes.

everyone should come to france.Just to appreciate the pleasure to see the great replacement and talking with cucks telling you "but they're french too".

obviously op never learned about gentrification.

Maybe it's the only which is being attacked by aliens

I agree whiteness is a myth, a nation made of Northern, Northwestern and Central Europeans is the goal.