I slammed my fucking stupid piece of shit IPhone on my desk because it keeps fucking up and saying my Sim is invalid

i slammed my fucking stupid piece of shit IPhone on my desk because it keeps fucking up and saying my Sim is invalid.

Now the screen is black and I've tried multiple things to get it to display something but no dice. That being said where do I find another one of these phones for cheap, I'll even go for 5 because I really don't give a shit about these stupid fucking phones that cost tons of money and get absolutely destroyed at the slightest touch

Also while trying to reset it multiple way I succeeded (in turning it off an on, no visuals still) but i had to basically guess what the reset combo was because the stupid fucking modern cocksucking fucking basedboy faggot motherfucker who designed these DO NOT EVEN PUT THE FUCKING MODEL ON THE BACK OF THE PHONE ANYMORE CUZZ MY ARTSY DESIGN!!!! JUST PUT "IPHONE" ON IT BRO WOW SO DEEP AND NEW AGE. Fucking cocksuckers

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Ditch Apple products and get an android

>getting triggered this bad by a phone

Apple purposely engineers their products so that they start "going bad" within 2 years so you'll be forced to by a new phone, hopefully the latest most expensive model. It's a bullshit racket and you should get off the crazy train.

Fuck apple.

No. Androids have good functionality but on the aesthetic side of things they are severely lacking. I like my videos to not look like they were recorded by a potato, thank you.

I don't know what's come over to me today but I keep flying into fits of rage, just kicking shit, getting irritated super easily even though I'm never like this.

I slammed it once and even held back so i wouldn't fuck it up and boom, dead. I can hear incoming texts but there's nothing on the screen

>He thinks Apple has better software
Omega kek. You deserve your ihpone because you are a sheep that doesn't do any research.
Androids are superior based entirely on technical specs.

Just because something's good on paper doesn't mean it's good in execution. I have friends with Androids, literally all their pictures come out shitty and their videos are just fucked.

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>apple has cornered the market on digital cameras
If you gave a shit about video quality you wouldn't be recording on a phone you pretentious twat. Also learn what aesthetic actually means.

see this is why I don't get Android, because people like you own them.

>Androids are superior based entirely on technical specs.
Not really. They tend to have more RAM at best but the inefficient OS makes it irrelevant. On the CPU side they are at least a generation behind. Storage tends to be much slower too.

When it comes to cameras most do suck pretty bad, although mainly due horrible software and not the hardware. Pixel 3 actually has a superior camera for example, but not as much due the sensor but due their doing crazy shit with machine learning meme.

In the end, comparing brands and not models is still kinda silly. iPhone 5 camera is relatively shit when compared to modern middle class Android phones (which is given for a phone from 2012 or so), but XS or however their new shit is called is top tier and only Pixel 3 is that league.

Now since OP clearly can't be trusted with expensive tech, finding some 5s/SE is probably the best call and won't be too expensive.

>lol I definitely don't have personal feelings about you, but you're the reason I buy things
Just keep paying hundreds of dollars to run over your own foot I guess.

You sound like a spoiled brat op.
How stupid do you have to be to just break things you own?
Start buying the warranty if you’re unable to grow up.

>Since OP clearly can't be trusted with poo poo caca poo poo
Kill yourself retard

Take your meds

How stupid do u have to be to be a retarded nigger on an advice forum? I guess as stupid as you you fucking troglydyte waste of space and resources

>poo poo caca poo poo
>Take your meds
Are you having an internal debate or something?

>I got mad so I slammed my possessions and broke it
you aren't embarrassed to admit this? How many holes are in your drywall you hick retard?

Your parents are embarrassed to admit you're alive lmao.

Clever! Just kidding.

Awww, dwid wittle op juss hab anubba tempatantwum?

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>says the schizo who got so angry he smashed his expensive identity token

>Still implying Android is better than iPhone
Hold this L and take your leave mutt.


ITT: So i bois assuming things about the based huge dick op while he effortlessly blows them and their strawmen all out

Don’t samefag op, especially if you wanna blow everyone.

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What if we were in the same room and I just started kissing you out of nowhere what would you do be honest

Xiaomi Pocophone F1
Works fine $300 US

I’m out of your league op.

But hey, I’m sure there’s someone out there whom will love to be beaten up by you every time you get mad.

Don’t give up.

It was literally one time, and you guys just started jumping on my case like a pack of gorillas

Well, no ones gonna help you now guy. Try another board.

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Yo OP. Sounds to me like you broke the phones backlight. I had a similar problem with a different electronic. Screen was still in tact but was blank despite you could hear it still worked. You can probably buy a backlight replacement on the internet for cheap. Maybe take it into a repair place and just ask them to take a look at it and tell you what is wrong and how much it will cost to get it fixed. Once you know the problem you can fix it yourself for 1/3 the price. Its piss easy to do.

it took 27 posts but someone actually said something worthwhile, thanks man

kill yourself

It's the phone.l It knows you treat it badly, so it's controlling your mind to get you pissed.

im going to fuck you until you love me faggot