d-do most guys really think about girls the way they talk about them on horny /b/ threads?
D-do most guys really think about girls the way they talk about them on horny /b/ threads?
Don’t know about b.
I don’t associate with men who don’t treat their women with respect, because I know damn well they can’t be trusted if left alone with my woman.
A lot really do, yeah but it's pretty easy to tell when you're dealing with them if you have basic ass social and observatory skills.
Not OP but my last bf tricked me into thinking he wasn't like this before becoming abusive. manipulation is a real bamboozle, not always easy to tell.
I have lost my faith that most men don't secretly think like this
Dick blinded huh?
Hope you learned your lesson.
How old were you/him?
It takes time and experiences to learn how to read people, so if you were young, it's given that your detector wasn't as fine-tuned. And of course there are the more experienced shitheads too, who can pretend being decent people for a while before revealing their shittiness ... just in 9/10 cases you're not dealing with a master manipulator.
Roasty all men think like this. Get over with. Okay sweetie cutie? That's what you get for being stupid and retarded. God has wicked humour and he is punishing every woman. Thank you jesus.
>dick blinded
exactly lmao. it was also that we faced very similar (serious) difficulties in life. I did learn my lesson.
Early 20s. He wasn't a master manipulator, he just hide his violent side until going nuclear. I ignored the red flags though.
Still, people like this
(b8) are common enough IRL for women to find it difficult too.
We see you extremely sexually, yes, even if you're a very reserved and modestly dressed woman (in my case, ESPECIALLY if you're a very reserved and modestly dressed woman. You're like an unopened present waiting for the wrapping to be torn off.)
That does not, at all, exclude us from seeing you romantically or having respect for you and your talents. I've got this church girl I hang out with. She would probably have a coronary if I told her even a fraction of the things I've thought about doing to her. She has a habit of doing things because they're expected of her, but she's a devilishly clever little thing that secretly wants to be a writer. I love that whole struggle she has going on. She wants to make her father proud, but she also has her own ambitions, and I hope I can push her into doing what she wants for a change.
I am not baiting it's just truth. Be it not for your vagina men wouldnt evne look at women. What interests do you have? What hobbies do you fancy? Can you intellecutally stimulate me about politics? How about cooking can you at least cook? Hmm?
The good thing about people like that is that they often display their idiocy in the open, IRL too, so there isn't even much looking for red flag necessary.
And if a potentially date is a friend with someone like that, there are more obvious warning signs.
This is extremely depressing to read :^(
Good women deserve far more suffering than they already have.
OP here, i actually thought that was comforting. i view attractive men sexually, too. i just wanted to know if men who are attracted to me can see me as a person, an equal. i'm fine with guys being horny. i just wanna be more than a warm hole, i guess
Quiet, whore
>i just wanna be more than a warm hole
But you are just hole. There is nothing you can offer to men just your hole.
Honestly, I'm more shy telling a girl about the romantic things I feel than the sexual ones.
Guys get the former about as intensely as they get the latter. It's really scary when a girl manages to stir up that part of you. You can hurt us a lot more than you realize.
>on horny /b/ threads
You mean like all that degenerate tribute and fb/ig spam? No.
Do yourself a favor and find a better board to lurk. /b/ is but a shadow of its former self.
Yeah and most girls talk shit about guys. Next question
Personally, when I talk about girls in that way it's ironic in my head. It's like an extremely rough joke where I'm actually am making fun of a person who genuinely believes such things about women. I'm sure there's a part of me that is capable of seeing women in that way but I know it's wrong and I don't think I ever take such a thought seriously. It's just being edgy, saying worst things possible and laughing about them not because those things are funny, but because someone who holds such disgusting and stupid beliefs and opinions should not be taken seriously.
But that's just my perspective, if what I wrote even makes sense.
/b/ and Jow Forums are the collective diary for a gigantic cross section of insanely dysfunctional men. The guys that come here to trash women, spam racial slurs and pretend like they're the masters of their universes only do so because they're so powerless in their real lives. Dudes who have the spine to be unrepentant assholes in the real world don't need to escape to the internet in order to accomplish that task. The sad truth is that the guys here are bitter wallflowers.
Most do, some don't.
I think most are much better after busting a nut
like damn you dont know how bad it feels when you NEED it and how good it feels in your pubic area when you're entirely emptied out
Holy shit, based
Lol project harder niggerfaggot
Most of the guys on Jow Forums are acting out because when they were 14 they let a pretty girl use them. They're bitter than they spent time and money on her because they thought she was special and she never reciprocated. The worst ones were hoping to get sex from the deal and are angry the sex never came.
The stupid little fucks never learn that kindness is it's own reward and that they should not give anything they are afraid to not get back. No, they just double down and say vile things about women and refuse to provide a woman anything without sex.
this makes sense, good point
Yes honestly.
When we talk like "oh yeah I'd like to fuck her doggy and cum on her face" that's actually what we are thinking. No filter.
lol cope harder. Seems like
hit a nerve for you?
It's hard to read sarcasm in text
Yeah, pretty much. My friend is an example of this he was burnt in the past by one girl and now he doesn't trust any girls at all and thinks of them as only for sex.
It's the same problem between you and him you have seen examples of shitty people so you make a generalization that all of them are like that when that's not the truth.
kindness is certainly not it's own reward, it's just something you do when you feel like it. But I agree with you, people dont owe you sex regardless of how much time or money you spend on them.
Unless you're paying for sex, I guess.
Reminder that this place is a shithole full of troglodytes and should in no way be compared to real people who have lives that extend beyond their mothers basement.
I'm kinda prude. sometimes I may think lewd things about women I find hot but usually I have other things in my mind
to be honest I'm not sure how libid other men truly are but I'm pretty sure having a high sex drive is standard
Its reward if you dont waste your kindness on cunts.
See, again, that's why so many young men are angry. They get bamboozled. Their testicles tell their brains to dump a massive load of dopamine to the brain when they are around these girls. They literally get addicted to them. And they are barely not children. They cant think critically. They are literally fucking children addicted to doing nice shit for Stacey.
And she's probably a fucking child too and doesnt know what to do about these boys being nice. So she just takes all their kindness.
Next thing you know, they're 16, she falls for an 18 year old boy and the other boys in her grade feel used. And they are detoxing on her. They're angry and pissed.
BUT if you show kindness to a good Male friend or the rare real female friend it's all good. I have friends that warm my heart with how much love they share when I am kind to them. I get nothing back but their love and that is enough.
Yeah, that's true, especially when you don't know the person writing it. Not sure what to say about you statement besides that you're right.
Most men, like women, believe in the standards set by pornography. Most of my male acquaintances are obsessed with anal sex and sperm and talk about it at length during gatherings. My gf had an eye infection a while back and even she joked that people would think I ejaculated in her eyes. On three separate occasions women anxiously asked me if I minded their pubis wasn't shaved before a sexual encounter. Most western people harbor, sometimes obssesively, the same presumptions about sexuality because they're all exposed to the same mainstream notions of sexuality. Some people don't.
tl;dr some people watch Avengers movies, others watch subbed foreign movies / people of a same class dance together / birds of a feather flock together / etc, you get my drift
Generally yes, but many change completely after a few years.
I'll assume you're a femanon since your asking what guys think. In my opinion /b/ represents one of the lowest points of society. I have a girlfriend and use Jow Forums. A rare combination I know. I also don't post pictures of her naked online, I don't post /b/ tard boards on how I will rape someone, I don't post threads of girls getting shit in their mouth, and I don't post in seriously questionably aged loli /b/ tard boards. Remember Jow Forums is the lowest form of society and the thoughts and ideas here represent a small minority of incels and betas rather than men as a whole.
I love this site and have been here forever but have always thought a lot of that stuff was hyperbole for comedic effect but it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of it is real, I find most people in general are just fucked in some way
im a sensitive man but when i show my emotions girls call me a pathetic incel... conversely when I call them whores and make them feel inferior they jump on my dick... hmmm which path should I choose
>others watch subbed foreign movies
Imagine being too pleb to learn the language.
Women are retards. Go get raped, bitch.
It's really depressing to me to read about how women, even starting from a young age in the ones you wouldn't expect it, are constantly receiving male attention, to the point where most of them dislike getting it from average guys like me.
It is a naive fantasy to imagine making her day light up because I went to talk to her despite how nervous I was, even though that is exactly what happens when a girl comes to talk to me.
>I'd like to fuck her doggy
Jesus CHRIST I knew they were degenerates but that is too much!
damn... this so much
We naturally want to fuck you like a piece of meat, anyone who says otherwise is lying. Joke wise its irony like the other guy said.
based user
honestly you've got to ask the big question of today, its a nuclear bomb but here goes:
>>In a society where women are "liberated" from the housewife role while men are still "stuck" in the role of provider, what value does a woman who has a career, no interest in kids, who has been sexually promiscuous, and is generally more masculin (career centric, goal oriented, assertive) have to the every day man; what does HE get out of having a relationship?
The answer is his best deal (thats really what the genders have done for millenia is strike deals - I look after the kids you go hunt) for him is SEX followed by never seeing you again. Bottom line.
>woman who has a career, no interest in kids, who has been sexually promiscuous, and is generally more masculin (career centric, goal oriented, assertive) have
Sounds like a glorious partner to enjoy life with.
I don't usually do this, but I really think this post was written by a woman.
the word "glorious" used in the context of a woman who as promiscuous in the past could never be attributed to a partner to enjoy life with.
I have a wife and shes amazing so were my last 2 EX. Women are the real Gods
Well yeah, we also talk about other things too dumbass
Darling in the Franxx wasn't even that good past episode 15
Looks like I'm not the first guy here that hasn't hung around /b/. That should probably be an answer to the question.
I don't mind a woman with some masculine personality traits.
But no man wants a career woman who ducked a lot of men and wants no kids
To put male sexuality into perspective, your picture is kind of hot and is beginning to turn me on.
>all those grammatical mistakes
pajet? is that you?
Men will view you as a person, an individual with thoughts, dreams, and desires. As someone to be protected, cared for, and cherished. But they will *NEVER* view you as an equal. Women are on such a completely differently level of competence than men it is absurd. It's mind-blowing how big the gap is. It's why so much fiction and fantasy tries to paint women as powerful and smart because it is literally impossible in real life.
Don't try to be an equal to men (or viewed as one), it will only be a lot of painful frustration for you. Let men cherish your strengths and weaknesses, while you appreciate and complement theirs, you can be a lot happier together than trying to be something you're not.
>wanted to fuck around
>did it despite negative attitude towards women who do it
How can one not enjoy life with a partner like that?
>career woman
Tbh I prefer one more into something artistic or at least something that helps people instead of the next Apple CEO but any kind of drive and ambition is fucking hot.
>no kids
Not too sold on the idea myself. Someone who isn’t dead set on yes/no would be a better fit of course but not having little fuckers mini me’s to take care of after taking care of way too many people for way too long through my life wouldn’t be a deal breaker.
>>wanted to fuck around
>>did it despite negative attitude towards women who do it
this has to be a joke
You’re just been stuck in the echo chamber of incel and virgin chasers for too long, bud.
Yeah, generally speaking, I personally try not too, solely on the fact that I don´t believe that a girlfriend would ever improve my happiness or life. Buts thats what happens when guys are fueled by testosterone.
Sex to me is something that people talk about way too much, it seems (and probably is) overrated. And to think about it and have it revolve your daily life is stupid to me. I´m celibate bascially and am fine with that.
I have the thought every once and awhile. But I suppress them. I know some friends of mine who CONSTANTLY talk about girl that and girl this and its retarded to try and constantly, CONSTANTLY try to get a stupid vagina.
>inb4 MGTOW/woman hater or whatnot.
I have female friends who I talk and plan on hanging out with more this coming summer.
No, what you see on /b are guys who are purposely being pieces of shit.
no, you are obviously a woman or coping hard. It would be exclusively fetish related for a man to actually enjoy a relationship based on her having had sex with other men.
not everyone is American sweetie.
A relationship with a confident and experienced partner is more enjoyable.
As far as I’m aware, having sex with people is the best known way to be good at having sex with people.
And well, since sex with women is quite different, fucking men seems like the best call to be experienced at that.
Wanting someone who still needs training wheels over an expert makes no sense.
masculine= career centric, goal oriented, assertive?
what? who says this. This isnt a masculine trait, this is a basic human trait who want to live beyond making a family.
More and more i start hearing women's definitions of things the more I think they have the wrong idea of us.
>who says this
The poster I quoted and who is 99% not a woman. Zoomers should at least learn how this shit site works if they want to post.
>having sex with people is the best known way to be good at having sex with people.
good job retard, that person can be the man she is with, not the men before him.
I wasnt accusing you of saying it, I just wanted to know who said it. I thought it was a woman you were quoting however.
In Jow Forums, when people post stupid shit i know it's usually a troll or just for fun, internet =/= Real life, don't sweat'it.
>having to train someone and hoping they are a fast learner and even interested in learning
>picking an expert at the field
Option #1 does indeed sound retarded.
>In a society where women are "liberated" from the housewife role
I mean sure, there are tons of self hating women, specially here but I’d put my money on it being a dude.
I mean even women still think they are just liberated from that role when in fact women have been liberated already. The thing is young women are complaining because they found out life isnt as easy as school was.
Depends who hes looking at u kinda all the same with respect
>my entire relationship is entirely based on good sex as quickly as possible
No, they do when they're around other guys sometimes trying to be one of the guys but they don't really think that way: look what happens to a dude when they fall in love, they turn into a fucking mess and act all emotional like a woman
>conflating shit that was never suggested
>I just wanna be moee than a warm hole
Well that depends on you
The thing is, men think of bitches like that for a reason, because majority of women are exactly like that. Plain and simple. It comes from experience, there's only so many times one can burn, until he starts putting two and two together. Hell, I see manipulative behavior from my daughters and they are 3 and 2. When I point it out to my wife, she thinks that it's adorable. No, it's not. It's disgusting and just shows that women are predatory, disloyal harlots from the start
you are on Jow Forums, a degenerate shithole, and on /b/ the worst board filled with the most addicted misohynistic losers.
don't base any opinions off this website
I can tell you my wife is my absolute best friend and she's dearer to me than anyone in the world, I admire and cherish her everyday
I don't, but then again I don't understand the appeal of power dynamics in a relationship, this whole dominance/submission aspect. I just want to be comfy and cuddle with someone without having to slap my woman, call her a slut and do all this 50 shades of grey type shit. My ex called me boring. I feel like a vast minority.
/b/ is no longer college+ aged people pretending to be retarded, its horny teenagers that are barely 18. Add anonymity and bam.
Don't think too much about it
I find it hard to respect someone who takes a dick in their mouth or say daddy like in your pic
no its not like that
>masculine= career centric, goal oriented, assertive?
>what? who says this. This isnt a masculine trait, this is a basic human trait who want to live beyond making a family.
It's certainly masculine in the sense that way, absurdly way more men exhibit these traits than girls do. Like I could easily imagine a 95-5% split in the genders here.
please never reproduce then
just because men do it more doesnt mean its a masculine thing.
It simply means men do it more, there is no gender disposition when it comes to competition which is what all 3 of those things are primarily about. Women compete with each other and with men and are successful or they fail. There is no gender issue here, because if there really was then you are ignoring all the women in history who compete with each other.
holy fuck you are a retard
>not always easy to tell
I agree and I made the choice to ignore my first horrible bf experience and tried again and he was worst than the first.
My mom warned me and even my dad warned me about guys and I ignored them but they were right all along. Men want one thing and that is to completely control my vagina. They will lie, berate, beat, cheat and betray their best friend over my vagina.
What I learned is do not fall in love with a man and if you break down because you want sex you risk your life by being alone with one.
welcome to my world, I feel mostly the same way with women
they want a free lunch from men
Yes. /b/ is the one and only true representation of real world.
you mean as some walking mass of tits and ass with holes
yes I do
Kek at these two perfectly timed posts. Here you can see the two camps Cucks and Assholes. Now ladies, we need to choose carefully between these two. fml, I'm hella open to suicide right about now
Oh please. Unless you are literally swimming in cash you won't get a second look. Like, have a net worth of at least 3 million US and freely spend to show off you'll get the wrong attention from everybody.
you work at wendy's?
Based user. Sex is for fags