Who was in the wrong?

The virgin, or society?

Attached: 1557866437766.png (1358x1428, 124K)

Hes short and probably ugly
I cant sympathize with that shit. I'm tall good looking and just want to figure out what the game is like

No shit he got rejected. Hes fucking short and ugly

The OP making another fucking incel thread.

>I'm Chad
Provide evidence or leave immediately

I gotta wonder how the bouncers were able to peg him as the reviled creepy guy. It's not like they'd have his mugshot up somewhere, right?



What kind of place do you have to live in for women to go 'r u rapist!?' over banal smalltalk?

Anyone got a link to the original archived thread?

The head canon of a loser, duh.

Nothing about how I've observed people has lead me to think that this is a real story.
Maybe my sample isn't as high brow as a coastal university though. Generally guys in my town are, and I quote a female friend, "like dogs running around with the little pink thing hanging out." Nothing about flirting with women is seen as creepy or obscene.

Attached: 1525544245573.png (680x731, 392K)

He was on a University where word spread, he said he approached roughly 500 girls

I'm pretty sure I shouldn't believe stories posted here as having actually occurred

That story is such bullshit.

>I wish buses came more often
>why are you talking to me?
>are you like a rapist or something?
Give me a break, lmao. It's basically just copypasta.

I know two guys on uni who had a reputation for being creeps. One is called a creepy because he approached like 50% of the faculty and always goes straight to sex talk. He's still kinda popular-ish despite the reputation, and has friends. The second guy is completely socially unaware and always says the wrong shit, along with suffering from a massive inferiority complex that he desperately tried to cover up by making up brag stories and talking about himself 24/7. People genuinely avoid him, but it's not like he's just a slightly awkward bloke, he's a pain in the ass. Guy isn't even ugly. He's tall and ripped with an average or slightly under average face.

Awesome bait m8t


Unless it confirms my just world fallacy world view of course, then I believe it completely.

This story scares me on a very deep level
I'm 5'8-5'9 and I don't consider myself to be ugly, but damnit I fear that shit might happen to me on a smaller scale.

Incels love screaming about the just world fallacy every time someone doubts the world is as shitty as they claim but there's then gonna be the opposite of that. Some unjust world fallacy those 'bluepilled beta cuck soi faggots' cite to handwave incels blaming all their problem on the world being so awful and so stacked against them from the beginning rather than any flaws of their own.

What are you afraid of, you have the looks on your side. Unless you are fat, in which case hit the gym.

Incels have a strong victim complex combined with believing they are special snowflakes.

I've been accused of harassment despite only saying hello to a classmate and asking her about a test we were having today.
Fucking hell

As if this hasn't happened to better looking or taller men than you. A man's ugliness might increases the chances but a bitch like is already going to predisposed to cry harrassment over banal shit like that. They aren't mentally healthy, good, etc. before snapping and flipping out just cause of yout innocous 5'8-5'9 ass... although maybe you really were absurdly creepy and lacked the self awareness, which si surely what the guy from the OP image was like.

Things that did not happen: the post. Tell the truth, what actually happened, what did you actually do, and why?

That's what happened, I didn't say hey baby or even flirt

>Eeeeeek eeeeewww get away from me creep you're harassing me
Stop lying. This is not how it went. What actually happened?

Yeah that happened.
College teaches women that all men are potential rapists you know?

You obviously have never been to college.

Unfortunately I did
The more "prestigious" it is, the worse it gets

Now you're just quoting incel memes. You're making everything up.

Assuming you're not lying: why do you think she reacted the way she did?

Lol this guy probably went totally wrong about it, you don't get labeled a stalker/rapist just for asking girls out.

And does noone ever get what people mean when they say "just be yourself"? When people say this they actually mean BE CONFIDENT (to be yourself), the confidence is like 99% of the whole shtick.

Bitch had a fucking LGBT ally pin on her backpack. Christ how was I supposed to know she would react violently?
Christ Jow Forums is right women's rights need to be taken away


based and redpilled.