>have crush on coworker >i won't see her again after this week >s-should i ask her to keep in touch or something? >she probably doesn't even like me romantically >but you miss 100% of the shots you don't make what do? how do i ask her out while minimizing the chance of rejection, her making fun of me to her friends and HR issues
>tfw go for coffee with her and other coworker >she always walks by his side and stands nearer to him how do i get her to become interested in me?
Just ask her if she wants to grab coffee next week. Innocuous and inoffensive but she'll know you have some interest. If she says "no," say "no problem" and move on, but if she says "yes" you have a date!
Say something like "lets keep in touch and go for coffee or lunch sometime". I was going to say that to my coworker but she ended up saying it first and gave me her number. Then we kept in touch and went for coffee and lunch and art shows and stuff like that. Then one day I decided to ask her out but she beat me to that as well. Now we have been dating for 1.5 months.
Ethan White
>or something worse Shit I can already imagine her saying something like “that’s a great idea user! I’ll invite [other coworker] too!”
Grayson Edwards
The easiest time to go for it is when you’ll never see that person again. If she says yes that’s great if she said no you never have to have an awkward confrontation with her. It’s a win win
Caleb Baker
i know she does they're not dating though
i can try this. i still think she'll say "why" or something worse
>she'll say "why" or something worse Why would she though? And even if she asked why, you seriously can’t come up with an answer?
Andrew Jackson
>Why would she though? because we're coworkers and i haven't shown that much interest, or maybe not to her
>you seriously can’t come up with an answer? i am only coming up with odd answers like, 'i think you're interesting' or 'i like hanging out with you'
Nathan Evans
why has nobody brought up that this is a horrible idea? you shouldn't date coworkers as a general rule. wouldn't things get awkward at work if she says no to a date? what if you guys break up down the line?
Connor Martin
>let’s keep in touch and go for coffee again sometime >why? >like I said, i want to keep in touch was that so hard
Blake Nguyen
Isaiah Rivera
we won't see each other for a while
hoping i find a new job before we do tbqh
Sebastian Thomas
>how do i get her to become interested in me?
start dating a hotter girl
Oliver Carter
I'm a khv, haven't been on a date in my life
Zachary Perry
>how do i get her to become interested in me? It doesn't matter if she's interested in you or not. if the other guy is on her then you pull him off and crawl on.
John White
the fact that this thread even exists means that OP is way too invested in her to pull this off effectively
Nolan Hill
Post more of her
Gavin Scott
Yeah, kinda seems like it. In my experience, the more interested you seem, the less chances you have. But from what I see, all OP has to do is talk to her more often, not being weird about it, eventually building up to a date with things like going out to grab some coffee and hanging out.
Also stop with the "w-what" faggotry.
Parker Russell
OP here I would say I don't seem that interested
I chat with her on our workplace Skype a bit. She chats very positively too, but maybe she's just being nice
You're overthinking way too much. It happened to me once with a girl from highschool. I pretty much spent a year and a half overthinking it and never asked her out. However, we ended up going to the same college, where I just asked her out and she agreed. It didn't work out but we dated for quite a while. In conclusion, just go for it. But don't make it weird.
Andrew Bennett
OP here Literally just went to lunch with her and the other coworker
She talked to him the whole time. When she spoke she would only look at him She would ask him questions She would laugh at things he said She would walk next to him on the way
This sucks, now I'd feel even weirder asking her for coffee. What should I do. ;_;
Give up she's not into you. Or Tell her you're interested and let her decide if she wants to chase you or not.
Noah Cooper
give up
Benjamin Hall
>she's messaging me on our workplace Skype right now, discussing movies So she's just being friendly?
Feels bad
Aiden Roberts
So why didn’t you involve yourself in the conversation? You make it sound like you sat there in silence while she talked the whole time with the other guy
Gavin Nelson
Because I'm an awkward loser with no social skills
I talked a little
Ayden Sanchez
I hope you realize this situation with this girl is largely your fault. If you can’t even join in on a conversation with her, you aren’t gonna make it.
Henry Anderson
I know, but it seems like she was asking more specific questions that he could answer
And I suck at group conversations. And one on one conversations too.
Joshua Stewart
Noah Green
>tfw she still messages me a lot
Jaxon Martinez
Stop replying to this faggot's thread because Canada guy makes the same thread for the past month. He always says the same thing with the same girl who doesn't like him and everyone tells him to move on but he doesn't.
Jaxon Jenkins
if you're interested in a girl it's always best to go in without any expectations. how much you like a girl has no effect on how much she likes you, and those feelings will only get in your way when you try and make things happen with her because you'll be too scared to mess it up. In order to gain you have to be willing to lose
Joseph Nelson
yeah you should probably fix that
Nicholas Hughes
trying to, but progress is slow
Sebastian Jones
why do you keep posting the same exact thread with the same picture every month or so?
Dominic Davis
life has spoken OP, wrap it up, move on to the next bitch
Dominic Thompson
is there any way i can recover? instead of giving up
Grayson Young
Yes, use this as experience of why you failed. But we all here know. Because you are socially awkward. Keep this on, and you will stay single, every.single.time.
Daniel Phillips
how do i stop being socially awkward, and how can i recover with this particular girl?
Man up and start pushing your boundaries. Why are you socially awkward? Because you have almost zero experiences of what is socially acceptable, and what is not. Start doing things repeatedly, and you will be comfortable with it. Joke around with people, if the joke failed and it's not funny, you learnt that you shouldn't say things like that anymore. If it's funny, you know what people are finding funny of.
>how can i recover with this particular girl? You can't. Stop being obsessed with her. It were never meant to be. Only way is to keep her contact. Improve yourself. When you are no longer an awkward fuck one day, asks her out.
>has no effect on how much she likes you, and those feelings will only get in your way when you try and make things happen with her because you'll be too scared to mess it up but if it's clear she doesn't like you, you're just setting yourself up for rejection
>got her number for a work related reason >she bought me a snack too Maybe she'll want to be friends...
Cameron Young
>Tfw more or less the same today She walked next to the other guy when we were out getting a coffee
Though she did buy me a snack today
Caleb Gray
>how do i get her to become interested in me? literally just be yourself
Gabriel Morris
Having female friends is useful, if she wants to be your friend just do like mu and let it happen.
Jaxson Harris
>she probably doesn't even like me romantically >s-should i ask her to keep in touch or something? n-n-no you fucking creepy piece of shit >how do i get her to become interested in me? don't
Josiah King
>socially awkward >how can i recover with this particular girl?
Won't see her for months after Thinking of trying this >she is usually nice to me, types on Skype with me >but she does seem to chat with the other coworker more
>went for coffee with her and the other coworker >again she walked and stood close to him >while waiting for the coffee they both stood facing each other directly, feet pointing to each other, chatting one on one, while I stood kind of on the outside Fucking kill me please
You dumb fuck Every time you say you're gonna do it just to end up watching them talk like a cuck. Fucking man up and do something. What the hell do you do before going out, do you masturbate or something ? is that why you don't have any reason to engage ?
Oliver Barnes
I'm awkward and don't know what to say
Kayden Harris
You don't. Find someone else who might be interested in you.
Oliver Young
>asked her if she wants to get lunch today >she invited the other coworker
then fix it you fuck, stop spamming these cringy model pics and go work on you social skills. Get outta here. She's inviting that other guy because she knows you can't make an interesting conversation alone, you're just there so the guy wouldn't pass his boundaries. she wants to keep it professional.
Wyatt Gomez
Also stop obsessing over her and get over it, it's hard at first yeah but once you stop thinking about her a lot you'll realise how pathetic you've been and how it's better that you got over it.
Nolan Jones
>being attracted to someone and wanting to be in a relationship with them automatically makes you a "creepy piece of shit" >"n-n-no" go back to browsing twitter, faggot
How do I fix it though? I'll do anything to fix my social skills at this point
>Go to lunch at a place I recommended >she sits across from me and the other coworker >her body was turned towards his, she kept eye contact with him the entire time What am I supposed to do in this situation?
What is bad about this? You still get a chance to build rapport with her and develop your relationship. The fuck is it with you fags and having to do everything with a girl alone?
An operational success is rarely composed of one decisive engagement, but a series of successful engagements along the front in the area of operation. If you were the Soviet army launching a deep battle operation, this would be among your initial attacks to penetrate the German tactical area. That is, the very opening phases of the operation.
Blake Barnes
See I did talk a little, ask questions, she would ask me questions The other guy was nice and would look at both of us when speaking, ask me questions But she would face him, and keep eye contact with him 90% of the time
I'm a magnet for Asian girls, not sure why exactly. I've had a lot more Asian girls interested in me for some reason. Oh well, next time I see a woman as beautiful as the one in the pic I'll ask her out.
Charles Allen
>But she would face him, and keep eye contact with him 90% of the time So basically you only takes to her 10% of the time. Or are you seriously trying to suggest that she would stare at the other guy when she asked you questions?
Ethan Diaz
She would stare at the other guy exclusively when telling a story herself, or when he was talking
Austin Kelly
Look, it’s good that you’re trying to join in on the conversation more but it’s obvious that she’s interested in this dude so idk why you haven’t just cut your losses and stopped going out to eat with these two
Xavier Brooks
I might suggest going for lunch And he would be invited because we work together
They normally don't get lunch together. I normally don't get lunch with her either.
Haven't cut losses because I'm pathetic. Literally have no other girls I talk to other than her
I might see both of them next week. But after that I'll rarely see this girl again for several months, if ever
So she doesn't like this guy? You get her to become interested in you by talking to her and don't tell me you don't know what to say? If you've gone to college, worked, had at least 1-2 friends in your life you can't seriously expect me to believe you don't have anything at all to say.
If she hints she's not interested in anything then at least you know where you both stand.
Jacob Adams
>So she doesn't like this guy? She likes him, I don't know about romantically, but they talk. She laughs easily, but never really laughs around me
I have zero friends and no social skills
I didn't ask her out today. Next week will be my last chance to ask her out. Her, the other coworker and I will meet one day next week after work
>I didn't ask her out today. Next week will be my last chance to ask her out. But are you though? Honestly with how badly your interactions with her have gone so far you’re better off letting this girl go
Grayson Cooper
Maybe in the next 3 days I could develop great social skills that will make her like me?
I recently asked out a coworker. Went on two nice dates then she ghosted me for a Tyrone we work with that she had been friends with for a while. Don't make the same mistake I did OP i used to love my job now I dread it when they're both there
Aiden Young
what do i do about this? and her always making eye contact and standing next to the other coworker. isn't this rude?
at least the other guy would look at me and her equally when he talked
You know what else is rude? Getting invited to lunch and then not contributing to the conversation at all. It’s no wonder she looks at him all the time, since he’s the only other one who will talk.
Nicholas Jones
>she probably doesn't even like me romantically >"probably" stick it up your ass you compressed head of cabbage
even then, one trying to change and improve themselves for another isn't an alien concept
Jaxson Miller
i guess you're right if i became better at conversations could she start liking me?
how do i become better? tbqh i dont have any friends so no one to talk to in the first place
>Or maybe I could win the lottery?? or maybe you can become Chad or Tyrone
Christian Sullivan
These are the most shopped tits I've ever seen in my life.
Justin Powell
>doesn't know how to reverse image search they're fake, not shopped
Landon Fisher
fake tits are just real life shops
Eli Gutierrez
>how do i get her to become interested in me?
This is the most common mistake, you don't. At least, imagine if you did? Are you going to attempt to juggle her emotions for the rest of your life? As if you could? If by dumb chance you even succeeded to begin with, you think you can keep it going? You'd just be setting yourself up for failure further down the line.
Find someone who is interested in you when you behave as you do, it's more reliable. The initial attraction is more complicated than I care to go into, but it is what it is, no matter how unfair you perceive it to be, it's important. Trying to manipulate the situation into your favor is setting the cards against your future self.
Hunter King
>tfw she mentioned she likes netflix >i asked her for a recommendation of things to watch since i just got netflix >she told me she'd email a few things to me tonight >suggested that she text me instead, since i wont check my work email this weekend >it's past 10pm and no text feels bad
So what you're saying is men shouldn't try to talk to women at all? If you never say a word to someone how would they be interested? If by that you mean interested in you physically then that's pretty shallow user. I remember I liked women when I started to get to know them and to do that, I had to see how they interacted with other people and listen to the kinds of things they said.