Is it worth it to beat the shit out of the guy who molested my little brother? He's 19...

Is it worth it to beat the shit out of the guy who molested my little brother? He's 19, I'm younger than him so I'd probably need help, but I'm set on doing this. How can I fuck this guy up without getting in a fuckton of legal trouble?

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I know a lot of people will say yeah its worth it, and without repercussions it is totally worth it, but; You can get charged with assault and depending on the severity you could get incarcerated. Sure it would do him justice but your brother needs you more than jail/prison does. Thats just my take on it

>Is it worth it to assault someone who's probably gonna kick my ass for a crime that I (presumably) have no proof of him committing?
Gee OP, idunno

Get two big rocks, size of a baseball.
Don't get close to him, keep a range of 10+ meters
Fuck him up
Keep extra rocks on your pockets

You might want to re-think this as you can get in trouble depending on where you live. Forget about it, your anger will pass and you can avoid the trouble

Get him locked up, inmates don’t like child molesters.

That would make it assault with a weapon. Here's some advice: revenge is best served cold. Cool down and organize your thoughts until you have a detailed plan of how you are going to fuck this guy's life up. Because if this guy really molested your brother, and you want to get back, don't you want it to be a bit better than an ass kicking?

Coward go be a bitch somewhere else.

This is what all the idiots like the anons above wish they thought of after they got their ass kicked by those brothers molesters

Call the cops and get him arrested.

He was a coward to molest a person. He doesn't really deserve a change to fight for himself.

getting him legally fucked is a lot more satisfying than beating him up
call the cops on him
Take him to court
It's hard to collect yourself when you want to beat someone up, but if you can get him 10 years that's a lot better than a small bruise.

he'll be getting raped in jail for the nonce he is too.

Call him what he is in public and post pictures. Also, for brothers sake, you can play it like it isn't a big deal. One can avoid being traumatized by not thinking of it as traumatic. It is just something that happened and tomorrow is another day. That shit is over and done.

libel dude...
lawyer up and shop the pedo.

Is this england we are dealing with? Nobody's gonna give a fuck if you call a pedo a pedo in the grocery store. Libel for what? For telling the fucking truth? Good luck with that. Assume OP is less susceptible to the law as he is unfit to fight a nineteen year old. Did I answer this correctly?

Do the following:
>stalk him
>wait until he's alone
>sneak up on him
>when finally close enough to touch him
>yell real loud
>take off his pants
>suck his dick as hard as you can
>don't stop until he cums
>swallow everything
>suck the remnants off
>look him dead in the eye and say
>"no homo"
>he'll freak the fuck out because he just had straight sex which makes him straight
>add: "and next time..."
>take your pants off and show him your anus

That ought to learn him a lesson

call the cops on him. They might investigate him and find pedophiliac stuff in his possession.

logic isn't your strong point: calling someone a pedo in public without being able to beat them up is not exactly a recipe for success. they may actually take offence, you know, and then try to beat him up since he's not strong or anything...

meant for

IN public dummy. That ass beating will exponentially backfire. I am an expert at logic.

so, let's picture this:
young, gay-looking gimp calls an older, stronger dude a pedo in public, who then thrashes his ass in front of everyone, who thinks it's justified for being such a knob in public. a job well done.

You are obviously a child.

you're the faggot who wants to scream 'pedo' at some random in public.

I did not suggest that. You can just say what's up and tell the guy moping the floor, "hey, you know, this guy blah blah blah." Real friendly and respectful like. It would be way more effective than trying to kick his ass and getting ass kicked would be an added bonus that speeds his trip to the slammer. I have actually done what I am suggesting(pre Internet.) Fucked that dudes world up.

manipulative little bitch, eh?

get busy user

Guy ended up being a bum sleeping on the streets. Cops weren't that much help so I took care of it. Victim was a female friend of mine. Went lezbo because of it. I said hello to that fucker every where I saw him. He couldn't get a job or eat at a lot of restaurants. Population less than ten thousand. I don't know if he got out of town or froze to death on the streets.

just tell us what he done on ya already