How bad is it to let a girl see you cry?

How bad is it to let a girl see you cry?

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Depends what you're crying about. Did your mum or dad just die? Sure, that's understandable and endearing.

Did you just love that peace of artwork that was to dieeee for? Yikes you might have a problem captain.

shedding a couple tears or full-on weeping like a baby? i think crying (actually making a noise, wailing etc) is the threshold for most girls where it goes from watching a man have a moment of vulnerability to watching a sad sack of shit with no resolve wallow in his misery.

What about crying at the emotional climax of an anime that you're watching together

You sure you're a man? What kind of man gets emotional over Chinese cartoons?

>he hasn't seen Clannad Afterstory

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Yeah, don’t do that...that’s not really even understandable for a child to cry about.

Fight the tears back, and laugh it off by saying, “dammit, got me in the feels”...focus on your breathing and hide your face.

Nah. Done it a few times and it wasn't a problem at all.

Women are more concerned that you show toughness when the situation requires it.

>he still gets emotional over Chinese cartoons marketed to children

What about:
>crying after sensual kissing
>crying after sex
>crying from becoming official in your relationship
>crying during a breakup
>crying not during a breakup but during a rejection after like date 5
>crying during a reunion, after getting rejected but getting a second chance
>crying without a sudden reason, but because you feel like she's the only person in front of whom you can

I guess I'm a bit like Kierkegaard in that sense huh

No. The end. Death of a relative or a close friend is even a stretch.

I am and I am not OP.

It only happens to me with love life related things, which is the most irrational part of my brain. And death of a relative of course. Can't help it. For some reason it's manageable with career, financial and social pain, just not women.

>Yeah, don’t do that...that’s not really even understandable for a child to cry about.
Do you seriously not feel the urge to cry at sad parts in movies? I do all the time. I don't even feel especially sad, it's a natural reaction.

A woman will lose respect for you if you display ANY feminine behavior.

Never let your wife/gf see you cry over anything. They will almost immediately cheat on you.


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truth be told women only respect men like this. they are the only ones they truly wish to breed with. Anything less is just betabux to them. God damn if only I could find the study right now about how the primary reproductive strategy of females is wedding a beta provider while getting knocked up by chad.

No, it isn't you fucking retard. Your fucking psuedoscience is a shitty attempt at making shitty people feels less shitty about themselves. Stop treating masculine empathy like it's a fucking disease and then maybe the male suicide rate will decrease. And by the way I looked at that study, it's bogus, in terms of the people they tested and the actual methods.

Not bad at all, unless they're an unsympathetic asshole.

haven't cried since i was like 12 wtf... how come this is a problem for yall... do adults actually cry? I'm 21 and I just can't cry no matter how hard I try to. Is this normal?

hes using pseudo-evolutionary-biology, a branch of pseudo-science

>implying movies are sad these days and not just vagina jokes

I was making out with this girl ive been in love with for years. We moved to the couch and she started straddling my boner. We were about to have sex...

Until I started sobbing and telling her how much I love her. We're still good friends thankfully, but yeah. Crying is pussy repellant.

I met my gf by crying on the stairs of the theater after receiving some very bad news. She was a stranger that came to check on me. Sometimes, crying is not a death sentence

Holy fucking shit dude

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Maybe you don't fucking confess your love for someone when you're about to have sex.Crying is situational. Crying over having sex is going to turn anyone off.

I was overwhelmed

That sucks, but don't confess your love for someone until you're in a solid relationship. It's overwhelming and you're just going to make the person want to "think things through".

To answer the thread question, crying isn't bad but it depends on what you're crying about and how often you cry. If you've lost someone close to you or you're in a rut in your life and the frustration leads to tears, there's nothing wrong with that. Anyone who thinks less of you for that isn't worth being with.

Did you end up having sex?

Unless it's in a spiritual way.
Girls dig passionate guys

Sounds made up

It shouldn't matter.
Really though, would you want to stick with a girl who would drop you just because you can get sad?

It really depends.
I don't think anybody likes anyone who cries over nothing or small stuff like getting sleighted constantly.
If something awful or truly amazing happens and you can't help it, there's no problem in that.
It's okay when it comes to media as well, if there's a movie or show or even a piece of music that can make you tear up, feel free, these things are made to make you feel something, so it shouldn't be unnatural.
If a girl does freak out like some people here think they would, they might not be well adjusted or still have a little girl's view on what a guy should be like, and you might be better off.

You're right. It *shouldn't* matter.

But I know for a goddamn fact that I have no control over whether or not I'm attracted to a girl. I can objectively know a girl, and objectively think she'd be a great girlfriend, but that doesn't mean fuck all if I don't feel any attraction towards her.

So why would I assume that a girl could see my cry and just *choose* to be okay with it? This discussion is talking about what happens outside of anyone's choice