I'm 23 and have nothing except high school. Do I still have a chance at life...

I'm 23 and have nothing except high school. Do I still have a chance at life? Is it ok if I begin my career at 27-28 years old ?

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What are you thinking of doing for a career?

Yea. I know people who started new careers in their 40s. I know a 54 year old woman who was a hair stylist for most of her life but had to quit because her arthritis was so bad she couldn't do it anymore. Now she teaches others.

Absolutely. There's a lot of bad advice given by parents/grandparents but one truth is that the humility to start in the mail room can really pay off. Work hard and jump on every opportunity to climb.

I still don't know but I will probably start an associate's degree I can finish in uni

Hey man i'm 25 now and just started Uni.

It is never too late to start a career which involves tertiary study, and I would even recommend it over people that go to college straight from high school.

I actually dropped out when I was 17 and just went into doing work that fit my particular skill set by starting businesses revolving around that.

My parents had a cafe growing up and i learnt to make coffee so I had a couple of small time jobs doing that until I hit 17 and worked at an internet cafe, became a marketer, opened a cafe, built a house, turned it into a hotel, lost everything on a dodgy deal, started a construction business and then a technology business and now i'm studying architecture. It may seem like I have done a lot but i honestly feel like I wouldn't appreciate the choice to study now than if i did it earlier having known what the real world is like.

What do you want to study? Life is long man and you can do anything you want to do, you just have to want to do it.

Very interesting, you already went through a lot unlike me lol.

I don't think I will have the courage to start uni at 25, it's too late for me. Here my system is fucked and since I didn't go through the college I will have to do one extra year at uni and truly start at 25...and I'm 23 now.

That's why I'm probably going with an Associate's degree, and I don't let my career define myself anyway (by that I mean that it isn't my main concern, not a critique of others)

What does life look like for you now?

What are your interests? What drives you to do things for yourself?

I thought the exact same thing at 23 about it being too late for me. I'm just glad I waited until I knew I had something I wanted to do.

I guess what I am saying is you should have a pretty deep motivator to want to follow this path rather than a trade or vocation based educational scheme. For instance my goal is to complete my bachelor of architecture, with engineering electives then complete a bachelor of engineering so that I can be a one stop skyscraper shop. This will take me until i'm 35 but when i finish my qualification my industry value will be extremely high.

Well, if it makes you feel any better I've switched life path four times already. I'm 31 and currently changing my life options again.

>What does life look like for you now?

Nothing for now man. I was literally ruined by psychological issues so I wasn't able to lead a normal life. I did try some things but I never finish them.

> What are your interests? What drives you to do things for yourself?

I have deep intellectual interests and I'm someone very cultivated, I love to read. I have special interests for history, geopolitics and theology and this without going to uni. That's literally what I do most of the time.

> I guess what I am saying is you should have a pretty deep motivator to want to follow this path rather than a trade or vocation based educational scheme. For instance my goal is to complete my bachelor of architecture, with engineering electives then complete a bachelor of engineering so that I can be a one stop skyscraper shop. This will take me until i'm 35 but when i finish my qualification my industry value will be extremely high.

That's a very big and concrete project. I wish I had your motivation and such concrete goals but they are not here. I will never have the courage for that especially when I want to finish the sooner possible and have a family soon too.

If you're really going to get an associate's in a CC (and not in a shitty private """college"""), you should be able to complete your gen eds first so that you can choose what field do you want to do.
But the earlier, the better since associate's in trades require just 1 semester of gen eds and the transfer ones at most 1 year including summer semester and winter intersession.

What did you do all this time ? And why you changed?

Interesting, how can I be sure I choose the right college?

(In terms of transfer)
By doing research on what best 4-year uni are you able to afford, how many credits will they transfer, finding out if they have an agreement with your community college and the majors available and financial aid they offer.

(In terms of trades)
Researching on the courses and if they can offer a full Associate's in that trade so that you can teach in a community college after having 5+ years of experience in the field, just in case and so that you might like teaching after you're tired of working in said trade.
Yes, you can teach in a CC with an Associate's.

Not who you were talking to, but you can pretty much do your first year of college for free through test-by-exam. Most universities, even large 4 year ones will except CLEP exams in lieu of classes.

There is an online teaching organization called Modern States: modernstates.org/ which will give you vouchers to take the college level exams for free if you pass their courses. Wish I would have know about that years ago. Even if you have to pay, an $85 exam can test you out of $1,500 3 credit classes. Much of the first year is basic anyway, so it really doesn't require all the money and attention.

>Is it ok if I begin my career at 27-28 years old
I did, so far so good. Beats the alternatives for the most part.

I think your biggest concern is taking your life too seriously. I think that you holding yourself to some subconcious definition of yourself that you are not fully aware of yet.

You shouldn't value your interests or achievements in units like time or repetitions but rather with meaning. How do you feel while doing it? what is the step after that?

Leading a good life is bifocal, with one on the present and one on the future, but it is definitely not uni dimensional. Health, Social, Family, Interest and how you unify those things determine your life.

Don't be afraid of having big concrete goals. They can change with any breath.

Thank you very much, I will keep that in mind. I just forgot to mention that I live in Canada but I don't think it is that different from the States, it may just be a little bit different from you.

Ahhh I don't know it's confusing, if I go to uni it will certainly be something in Humanities and I'm not interested at all by the career perspectives in that domain and it will be long and torturous, I really just see it as a waste of time for me

If you could go out and do anything tomorrow, what would it be?

Drive a fast car?
Build something cool?
Organise a party?
Create some art?

What would you do if there were no barriers to you doing that?

Well, the changes weren't really due to anything bad. Only the most recent change was due to bad stuff, I actually don't want to change my current path. But, essentially I need to, it's complicated. Anyway, it started with one job after high school that I worked for two years in the same town. Dropped it, went on a career track in another industry for five years that sent me around te US and the globe. Job cuts forced me out. From there I went to volunteer in hostels for about two years in different countries. Then, I decided to go to college which in my opinion was the biggest fucking mistake. Got on another career track within my third year, but that didn't work out. So now, as graduation nears, I gotta figure it out again. Kinda sucks but I'm financially stable and don't need luxuries so I'm not too worried. Shit will work out.
But yeah that's about three to four pretty major changes that hurled me everywhere.

yeah but she's teaching other about something she's became a professional in.

It may be funny or odd but in an ideal world I think I would be a writer or a theologian or even a pastor.

Well, that's one of the reasons why I still didn't figure out what I want to do.

I'm afraid of instability.