Why is it so hard to accept that a Billionaire pedophile with a team of highly-paid kike defense lawyers got away with...

Why is it so hard to accept that a Billionaire pedophile with a team of highly-paid kike defense lawyers got away with molesting children?

The evidence is right there in front of you

Attached: michael kissing.jpg (400x311, 27K)

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Bease he's innocent

he looks joe biden there giving the kid a big kiss

Litteraly, who?

Attached: 1553956127273.jpg (692x697, 168K)

yes, he was a fucking pedo.
Never trust a negro, especially not one that sleeps in the same bed as children.

Did Joe Biden commission paintings like these?

Attached: Michael Jackson commissioned somebody to paint this.jpg (620x620, 71K)

>Why is it so hard to accept that a Billionaire pedophile with a team of highly-paid kike defense lawyers got away with molesting children?
Because there is no evidence. I think he probably was a pedo but a court of law is all that counts. Always be critical of what a jew who has profits to gain is telling you.


Why do people take unverifiable personal anecdotes that have changed over time seriously?

>Because there is no evidence.
I literally posted it

Do your eyes glaze over when you have to think?

yes actually

tell me more

If that's the case, why can we only prosecute celebrity/politician pedos AFTER they have died? The children are still harmed, their fame still protected, the only people it benefits are jewish lawyers. The question we should be asking about Michael Jackson is why are celebrities above the rule of law?

Why are you against love? shame on you.

Attached: rent free.jpg (645x846, 143K)


Why is it so hard to believe that the DC police refusing to investigate Pizzagate is suspicious???

Attached: RNFetchBlobTmp_2cvs5tb15zkuwqif7tu68r.jpg (842x1024, 228K)

>the only people it benefits are jewish lawyers
and the victims who continue to be harassed by MJ's brainless fans being harassed

Why is it so hard to believe in gangstalking?


Those guys managed different levels of madness.

You fuckers are probably too young to remember The Weekly World News. The original Fake News

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Because he was never convicted.

Would you drop charges against someone who raped your child because they gave you money? Learn how evidence works, then you can shill your shitty opinions.

No one has provided evidence that he molested children. Once/if someone does, I will reevaluate.