Nice source.
The fucks wrong with the source?
>the people of Brussels are not
by which they mean the globohomo politicians in the EU quarter
Where's the proof that 5G is harmless though? Health effects aside shit is revolutionary, literally means ultra high speed internet wireless internet for all.
It's because niggers at nokia and ericsson can't compete with chinks
It'd mean bankruptcy for the companies that aimed for the long game buying and installing fiber... and getting in debt for years.
Their a bunch of anti-vax, pro astrology, conspiracy theory, new age bullshitters.
>first city
Feels good to live in this glorious county.
It's a microwave weapon to sterilize and cull goyim.
>Full of shitskins
no 5G
>full of ethnic Belgians
Everywhere I look I see 5G towers every kilometer. They are everywhere. They are on every bridge, repetitively placed along the highways, near malls and on top of houses sitting on rooftops. It is an eyesore.
Maybe that explains the rise in trannies.
>The endocrine system plays an important role in regulating various physiological functions, and numerous studies have focused on the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the incretion activity, especially the secretion of melatonin, gonadal hormone and adrenaline
>the secretion of gonadal hormone affects various physiological behaviors, such as estrus, mating, and gravidity, in mammals. A study found that there was a significant reduction in the number of rats that mated and the number of those that mated and became pregnant when these rats were exposed to 27.12 MHz SW radiation for 1 h/d for a total of 25 days
ye for government programs
5G thread discussion bump. Big brain anons with your science and formulas get in here.
fiber will always be better than wireless. you're retarded
EU and George Soros sponsored racemixing paedo camps targeting impressionable Polish adolescents and pre-adolescents
I have a masonry home which blocks 4G quite nicely except at the windows. I am going to be applying an RF blocking film to my Windows here soon after I obtain test pieces and try them out on my work bench to see which is the most effective.
This will have the bonus of blocking wifi signals from escaping, making it impossible for the glowniggers to use them to spy on me inside.
heh, what's the top speed of fiber, smart ass?
You’re the dumbshit. How do you think 5G towers will connect to the backbone?
If your wifi is hooked up to a landline, they can still read it.
Just like they're able to watch you through your screen.
based, 5g is for the sheeple not the masters
I wonder why the Jew EU headquarters doesn't want the golem enslavement tech. HMM
Thorough irradiation for you, safety for (((them)))
nevermind, 5G is slower than fiber, my bad
>live in irrelevant shithole area of wales
>think it's too irrelevant for jews to bother setting up these brain hacking cancer inducing contraptions
>notice a 5G post on my way to work
I have no idea how long it's even been there.
>Microwaves are slower than light
If 5G is that bad, why is it in places where RICH ELITE live and work and play?
Just studied wireless networks the past weeks and got hyped, sorry for my mistake
5g tower half a mile from where i sleep. so fast. shut down fios and use a hotspot now. so fast. the tinnitus is worth it.
It's alright, just make sure to not make assumptions, and path reasoning and nobody will be able to justly make humor at your expense.
Highly impractical.
No problem, I’m a ham so I know about stuff like this.
>Literally denies what's in front of him
>Is afraid of other threats that get discussed more
Fear driven brainlet detected.
just saw 5G being like 20 Gbps and thought holy fuck that's faster than fiber, I was wrong though
One post by that ID. Probably a bot of some sort.
27.12 MHZ was likely used because it's in the ISM band and not because it's a particularly damaging frequency.
I didn’t say it was impossible. It’s highly impractical. You’re clearly unskilled in the radio arts and sciences so you probably don’t understand how dirty a power line is.
We have yet to get near the theoretical limit of fiber.
Anything higher than 40m can cook you. 10m is dangerous at even 15w close up, while 15w at 80m is more or less harmless.
If the software to interpret the data is on your computer, then they only need to discretely upload their files.
Most normies think computers are magical boxes, and would be entirely incapable of seeing anything out of the norm going on with their computer.
My question is, why when I have 0 applications running that are utilizing my microphone, does the red led indicator of system activity respond to the microphone hearing sound?
Intel ME which is different than power line data sniffing.
I'm sorry, is your wifi airgapped from the same router that gives your PC internet?
It should be said also that heat kills vitamin C, sun radiation kills vitamin C and microwave isn't like fire, since it radiates from inside out and shakes atoms, meaning it changes the structure of food and probably eating that doesn't preserves elements of food. Somebody should make a study if any vitamin survives microwave.
Again while power line sniffing is theoretically possible it's much more difficult than using the built in backdoors and nearby glownigger hotspots (which are everywhere these days).
I wonder if they've managed to create an AI, as you'd need something living in the system to use all this info effectively, otherwise it's only useful if you set up red flags, or have agents actively searching.
If they don't, then when they do shit's gonna get interesting.
Microwaves hurt the nutrition of food, many experiments have been done with giving microwaved food to rats and so on. Interestingly, the Hindu friends I have all think that microwaves kill the "chi" in food and turn it into poison. They also believe you shouldn't reheat food more than once. Seems like good advice to me on both counts just from a gourmet sensibility.
I know for a fact that they have been working on the problem for decades, if you look at the dcmil site where you can download military research papers (only works for US IP's) you can see they were working on automatic noise reduction and processing of sonar and radio signals in the 1960s. It's a simple matter to apply these techniques to other signal domains such as wireline.
But there are so many signals out there no matter the media, be it vibrations in the water, sounds in the air, radio, telephone or power lines, etc. that there is still no magic bullet for detecting and recovering every signal out there. You should look into Claude Shannon's communications theory and for tangentially related fun read the paper called As We May Think.
One of my ham radio interests is what we call QRP or very low power communications (5w or less, sometimes substantially less) and I've contacted Asia and Europe from the US with 1w of power using morse code and another mode called PSK31. There are many techniques useful to a ham which would easily be applied to other signal domains. One of our functions as radio amateurs is to have a ready reserve of skilled radio operators to train troops and serve in monitoring and development functions.
>muh pirated movies and shows
Pfeh, here's a kid who never used a 1200 baud modem to connect to a Unix shell account for his Internet.
They should also test real vitamins, not supermarket vitamins, which are artificial, more like placebo. Artificial vitamins have no benefits, but they are all over the place.
5g is already turned on in at least two cities here.
i think chicago is one but i know both have super high nigger population. so theyre testing it out on retards
Chicago and Minneapolis
My biggest issue with the push for 5g in New Zealand is that nobody has a need for it. Data is too expensive to stream 4k videos on your phone, we've already rolled out fiber to the door, and the shorter wavelength means it's pointless for rural areas.
I'm sure there's some back door lobbying happening in New Zealand
indoor coverage, Internet of Things and broadband access where the fiber to the home cannot be used.
I agree and if you look at the tests of microwave ovens and 5G (and the other G's as well) you'll see they are commissioned by industry groups through friendly professors being directly paid grant money, and they are done mainly to hand wave away fears and concerns, legitimate and otherwise. In fact many studies concern themselves only with dismissing the more ridiculous and tinfoil-y issues.
Plastics are bad for you and you should avoid them if at all possible, but the research shows they're great! Except if you look at other research from decades ago which was suppressed and the researchers blacklisted...
I wasn't even aware that there were 5G phones on the market yet.
r u on drugs?
Who else here /nocellphone/? I have a real land line and ham radio and that's it. I do have a 4G wifi hotspot but I can remove the battery.
if if in the then then, then if then eh?
yeah they turned it on on april 3rd
well the articles say they did anyway.
Welp looks like I need to get that RF blocking window film sooner than I thought. It's going to cost me, too, I have two huge picture windows like 10' wide and 6' tall and a multitude of smaller ones.
>I wasn't even aware that there were 5G phones on the market yet.
There aren't.
4.75G, something like that.
5G devices are currently big shoe boxes.
5G is not for smartphones or handled devices.
It is to implement PMR over LTE, better indoor coverage, ultra dense coverage for events like football matches, concerts, internet of things with hundreds of billions of devices (2G to 4G networks can only handle hundreds of millions devices) and network virtualization. But it's cool so marketing departments are working their asses off to sell it.
Current state of the art is 5G as access (radio part only) with 4G core network (LTE EPC)
Many of those tests are before microwave was even available to general public, like late 70ies and early 80ies. Also funny if you read those early reports how they claim vitamin C comes out of the food in liquid form and similar nonsense. Since real vitamin C gets destroyed by air and cutting, only when you bite into fresh whole piece of fruit and vegetable you can gain vitamin C.
Hm thanks user.
Have you looked into vitomers user? Each "vitamin" is not a specific chemical or compound, but rather one of several or even many molecules which could take the function of a vitamin in vivo. My sister in law is a nutrionist with a college degree and she didn't even encounter the term vitomer in her education, but she vaguely knew that some vitamins had different "forms."
Some vitomers have near zero uptake when ingested but will function fine if injected, for example. Get woke on vitomers. Even Wikipedia is very useful here, surprisingly.
Industry is keeping a lot of useful education from us, to dumb us down, to hide the truth, so they can continue to market their "healthy" food.
I know dude, my mom's a literal boomer and she tries to eat healthy but basically just implements what magazines and TV say is healthy. She buys 'lite' foods with high carbs and no useful fats, shit like that. It's infuriating. At least when I cook for her I can give her some good MCTs and butter.
Strawberry isn't just strawberry, industry ones can actually be harmful, since they are sprayed extensively. It's a trend lately to eat artificial vitamins, but if you eat too many of them, then you can have problems, some of those vitamins don't travel through your body to do anything good, they just deposit, which we call hypervitaminosis.