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Thats great, I love purchasing new firearms. Up to 23 guns now.

Why own more than 5 guns?
Not saying I'm pro gun control, just wondering why own more than would be practical to carry?

Some people collect cars, some collect vintage toys, some collect gemstones and so on. I have seen vintage winchester firearm collections that blew my mind.
I prefer the military type arms personally. It is a hobby for most.

Fair enough.
But I would expect one to also own ammunition enough for every firearm, and to *ahem* share and be a leader were society to stop being funded.

sounds rather socialist actually. If I were to own Greyhound bus lines should I then be expected to shuttle everyone from South America to the U.S ?

No, because then I'd fucking shoot you.
What I'm proposing is simply that one should make the most of the assets they have in situations that call for it, and distributing your guns in case of total economic collapse is one way to ensure survival of as many as your guns can protect.
However, one should also be well versed in leadership skills, as giving guns to the wrong people and not having them in good morale can turn ugly quickly.

Ya know, If you had a thought that at some point things could dramatically change for better or worse, then the time to prepare is now. If you are driving in a car at 100 mph and you pass a sign that says, " 25 mph curve ahead " what would you do?
For me it is not guns so much as it is socks and shoes. I just want to know that if I can no longer buy shoes, I will never be shoeless. warms the heart to know I am covered.
I have worked to hard to save up my shoes, I will not share them because someone in their time of need had spent their lot partying or simply not concerning themselves with a potential future shortfall. If I owned a cattle farm, I will not share them if there is a food shortage. I will eat, and I will not be barefoot.

>a fucking hipoint

Learn to make shoes dumbass, guns & ammo cannot so easily be made as clothes, shoes and food.

Stop it, you are making me laugh. I understand your point, and it is a good and valid point. But I am just saying that others need to care for themselves and I know that you know that.

So, remember, if you see someone in crude leather clothes, with crude shoes but a high tech rifle, that's me.

well as long as I do " see you " Then we are good.
btw, I have have ammo for that rifle if you need it.

There is nothing wrong with hi points. They are just ugly and heavy.

Accurate and reliable.

>Accurate and reliable
spotted the nigger

No really.
They are extremely reliable due to simple design.
Their carbines in particular are surprisingly good if you remove the stupid recoil pad springs.



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The idea that hi points are bad is a meme.
They function extremely well under all conditions.
Are they the beat gun?
Are they adequate?

I unironically want hi points as SHTF barter guns

>Why own more than 5 guns?
different tools for the job
to arm your friends and family if needed
Acquire now while you can

I'm ready for the apocalypse, so it's all good.

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