Think about it folks....what if anytime someone calls you white you say you aren't white. Instead you say that you are (insert heritage here).
>I'm not white, I'm German, I refuse to play into your social construct of White Vs Black and I would like to ask you not to call me white, because it's offensive.
I identify with my Boer ancestry, so I'm African-American.
Charles Garcia
It forces people to acknowledge european ethnicities and would then paint a picture of certain european ethnicities that are being displaced.
this is why a jewish person will identify as jewish and not white, it takes them out of the historical narrative of the sins of white people. You can do the same if you refuse to be called white and ask to be called by your ethnic heritage. You can also talk about how you're ethnicity was wronged in the past.
Exactly, tell people you aren't white, you are African of Dutch descent.
Leo Scott
Then they'll argue that Germans are a social construct, which many already do. You're seriously mentally ill.
>Then they'll argue that Germans are a social construct, which many already do. It's not about what people that say shit like "social construct" think. White is also a social construct according to them, but isn't it funny that is the one they choose to label you?
You they say African American because it means the root of an African American would start as a slave, not in an African Country. It means they are not connected to any past history of any African country, so they have no past acts that are wrong. This is not balanced though, becaus as a White person you are only connected to ANY wrong committed by ANY ethnicity out of Europe. That makes no sense.
You can counter this by stating that you are not white, you are actually (insert whatever your roots are here). This will force them to examine the history of your ethnicity which they will usually be too stupid to do.
Asher Long
why not do like the semites, say you're japhethian. nationlet
Yeah of course it pisses you off because white is an obscure term that opens someone up to all kinds of arguments based off of a false premise, hence the running joke on Jow Forums that x nationality isn't white
I'm talking about breaking through that and taking the narrative away from the people that have coined the term "white" and used it to make irrational claims
There is no reason white eastern europeans should feel responsibility for the history of western europeans and vice versa
Benjamin Reyes
>There is no reason white eastern europeans should feel responsibility for the history of western europeans and vice versa
... why should a sane person feel guilt or resposibility for the action of the forebears? i am not amon göth and some random nigger isnt jimmy hendrix ... take your shaming somewhere else, jew.
Adrian Garcia
>.. why should a sane person feel guilt or resposibility for the action of the forebears? It's not about shame, it's changing the historical narrative you dunce
Ian Morris
>There is no reason white eastern europeans should feel responsibility for the history of western europeans and vice versa
...what you do is splitting up a small cake into smaller pieces!
Not at all, I'm actually encouraging people to reclaim their heritage that has been taken from them by word games. There is nothing wrong with being a smaller piece of a cake if it means being a sovereign nation of people culturally similar to you. It also gives you more of a cultural identity and less bowing down to globalists who use their "whiteness" to claim authority over you.
William Adams
I don’t understand why that guy is arguing with you. He’s a retard. What you’re saying is sound. I’ve been doing this for a while. Browns will love you for it too.
Austin Ross
>I don’t understand why that guy is arguing with you. I'm sure he understands what is going on. The phrase "white power" means that a person is playing into the narrative that whites are willing oppressors. The phrase "Irish pride" doesn't get the same anger because it has completely changed the narrative, but this is threatening because it claims the Irish want to take ownership of their country and culture.
This would be fought pretty hard by the people that just want to be called white, because, well most of them wouldn't be considered white here lol.
...good for you that the browns love you for this, where your forebears come from? doesnt it change the mood of an arab your country has bombed back to the 80s
Angel Stewart
we are the people of light
Jacob Diaz
This is what I have been doing for a few years now.
Especially when I have to fill out forms. I never check White/Caucasian but pick Other instead.
Xavier Jenkins
I think Norse, or Scandinavian are good substitutes. Northern Germany was essentially a part of Scandinavian culture for centuries, and thus, part of the same people, with culture, and religion, and writing.
Joshua Gray
>..good for you that the browns love you for this, where your forebears come from? USA is actually a unique case because it is actually not an ethnicity but a nationality. But guess what my kraut friend, neither is White! White was never a nationality, it was a word invented by people that wanted to rewrite history.
The idea of White Nationalism is actually cultural marxists wet dream because it wipes the slate clean and allows them to create their own story that tells your history, and it's the same with black people. Did you ever stop to consider how juvenile it is that you literally think of people through color codes? It's pathetic.
On the forms it actually cheats people from poor countries in europe out of financial aid they should receive. They should be enraged that someone that might be the descendant of an oil tycoon from angola or the step son of an oil tycoon from indonesia (ahem, obama) gets access to affirmative action and financial aid while someone from an impoverished country like Moldova gets nothing. That is the real scam.
Oliver Edwards
You make a good point, OP. I mean, if we lump everyone into a white to black category, then technically east Asians, Arabs, etc. are all white, even though they're non-european. It's a slippery slope. I just consider myself an ethnic European, as I'm mostly genetically British and German, with some Scandinavian and Spanish thrown in for luls.
Jaxon Edwards
What if you're mostly Anglo? Should I larp as one of my lesser ancestries? I would rather not.
Ian James
I am also mostly Anglo, I go by the American
Liam Diaz
Hey wait a minute! This trying to get us to play the victim card! Get him!!!!!!!1
Ethan Lopez
I'm white but also Jewish. How's that work?
Zachary Wright
This. Implicitly acknowledges America as a rightfully white homeland.
William Powell
>then technically east Asians, Arabs, etc. are all white, even though they're non-european. Well if you have noticed they decided Pakistanis were Asians in the Uk for obvious reasons. And yes, Arabs also qualify as white. I have wondered if the statistics that show white terrorists attacks reflect this or not, but I'm actually too lazy to find out. Either way the color labels allow them to play games with statistics and conceal cultural genocide. I think that is an important thing, because the term cultural genocide is scarier to people than white genocide. When people hear cultural genocide they realize it's not just whites that are subject to this,.
>What if you're mostly Anglo? I thought about that, but that's the beauty of it. You call the shots for your country and determine what the terms. I thought maybe just Anglo works for the UK but I really don't know the ins and outs, and why should I?
Also, keep in mind that Islam is also viewed as a race which is very wrong. Notice we hear "Syrian man blows up...." "Afghan immigrant attacks...."
But what about when a white person does it?
"White male shoots up...."
See how that works?
No I'm just pointing out this is actually one of the most subversie wordplay games cultural marxists have every pulled out of their asses and they have 100% gotten away with it. It's pure renaming to serve their motives, and it's time for people to stop falling for it.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Yeah, that won't work for Americans.
Jacob King
STFU Nigger
Eli Foster
>Think about it folks....what if anytime someone calls you white you say you aren't white. Instead you say that you are (insert heritage here). I get the opposite, its mostly blacks saying that not white and just lightskinned or mixed.
Jack Flores
Where is your family from?
Are they semitic? Arabic? German?
That's what you are. If you believe being a Jew is an ethnicity then you are a Jew.
You aren't white though, no one is.
It would be a hard push and would probably take a long time. I'm trying to introduce the concept. I do it myself and it totally takes all the shitty talking points race baiters have away. The point of these word games is to exhaust you with irrationality until you finally give up and accept the mad and hopeless world you live in. I agree it's not easy, but if do it for your own mental stability if for nothing else.
James Ross
>Did you ever stop to consider how juvenile it is that you literally think of people through color codes?
... you sound like a jew! when someone is from russia, britain or south africa and his skin is white, i feel some kind of connection, thats it. i dont want the times back when whites fought whites just because they had a different nationality and some media jews tolds them how evil the other nationality is -> ww1, ww2 ...
...if we whites dont feel some kind of connection to our people, we are doomed, thats my opinion...
Andrew Scott
>i dont want the times back when whites fought whites just because they had a different nationality and some media jews tolds them how evil the other nationality is -> ww1, ww2 ...
Fuck off Germany, that's because your country is currently culturally genociding itself to say it's sorry for something the GERMAN people did, not white people. Own it and be German, not white. Take care of your country and quit asking people to share in the bleeding heart nonsense your countrymen are trying to put the rest of the EU through.
If you don't realize "white" people are fucking over "white" people now in the current day then you are clueless.
You sound just like a globalist shill, honestly. g And isn't it crazy how countries that are rich but aren't considered white are somehow not being forced to take in refugees?
That's crazy that Japan isn't going to but Poland should. Odd right? It's almost like it benefits these people to put all European countries under the same umbrella.
Well when you ask your parents where they are originally from do they tell you they are from white? or black? or brown?
Of course not, that would be ridiculous!
Levi Roberts
I'd rather see any European-descending person as my neighbor than a beaner or a muslim or a black person.
Oliver Hill
I've done this for years. Americans hate it because the only thing Americans have in common is whiteness.
Benjamin Watson
i actually agree with this even if you are a glow nigger kike.
the reason being, there are jews who look and identify as white. "my fellow whites.." and such... creating this scenario would allow europeans and americans to sever them selves from this ridiculous psyop known as identity politics.
Jordan Morris
>Oy very, Jow Forums is discussing metq political strategy.
Shut it down.
Filthy globohomo critical theory intersectional scumbag birddogging.
> ...that's because your country is currently culturally genociding itself
... what do want to sell here? we are somewhat rich, millions of people who got expelled from there homelands found refuge in germany, and, i am not happy about it, but what else should we do? does that mean we genocide ourself!
>If you don't realize "white" people are fucking over "white" people now in the current day then you are clueless
...globalist elite != white people
Ian Ward
>a muslim
There you go again, did you know muslims can be white? It's not even a race, yet people will not hesitate to say insulting Islam is racist. That's crazy isn't it? They basically just turned a religion into a race.
Point being you have a culture you want to preserve, not a color. Look at the color white, is it the same color as your skin? nope.
They say calling an asian person yellow is racist. What if you said, you know those yellow people rode horses across the steppes and slaughtered millions of white people a long time ago. You would get fucked up. However, if you said the Mongols killed a bunch of Europeans, that's strange right?
But what if you said, you know those white people got a bunch of black slaves before the civil war. That's OK!!!! Crazy isn't it? Yeah, it's like they made it that way for a particular reason.
Grayson Roberts
whiteness is a jewish invention, memeflag. Literally google ngraph from 1800 to present. The very term has been usurped and bastardized by the kikes to sow D&C.
Josiah Edwards
The real redpill is realizing that anglos were the worst of your ancestors. Little better than jews. I say this as a part anglo mutt.
Leo Thomas
>... what do want to sell here? we are somewhat rich, millions of people who got expelled from there homelands found refuge in germany, and, i am not happy about it, but what else should we do? does that mean we genocide ourself!
Call yourself German and quit calling yourself white. That's what my thread is about. You made that decision as a German, and you didn't make it for all countries that are currently considered white by globalists.
Chase Hughes
>Point being you have a culture you want to preserve, not a color. European culture being preserved is nothing without the people who made it being in charge.
Islam may not be a culture, but it is an Arab imperialist ideology. The Quran isn't even valid unless it's read in Arabic.
Get out with your horseshit.
Joshua Martinez
Europe is like that. US are so mutty that they dont have proper ethnicity so they just say white.
Austin Martin
>Islam may not be a culture, but it is an Arab imperialist ideology. The Quran isn't even valid unless it's read in Arabic. Arabs are considered white you dumbass.
Elijah Anderson
Nah, just claim you're jewish and call them antisemites for disagreeing with you, then you can false-flag them into calling for kikes to be gassed. Pure profit results from this action.
John Johnson
>Arabs are considered white you dumbass. They are not and your digits do not make it so.
Cooper Sanchez
>They are not and your digits do not make it so. Yes, yes they are. And there are plenty of muslims that are considered white. You might want to look at some Eastern European countries.
White nationalism actually dillutes the pure culture of each country that contains light skinned people in Europe and therefore makes them weaker and less capable of defending their culture. This is true.
Brody Evans
... i am white, a white aryan german, and my forebears long time agon came from russia, so, why should i stop calling me white?
Caleb Gonzalez
I’m not white I’m english you dumb racist bigot
Isaac Martin
Because you aren't white, you are German. I will not consider you white, ever. You have to deal with that. You are a German and you are culturally german. I am of German descent but culturally I am not German. I do not have much in common with you culturally and I will not join you in your mission to destroy your country from within by claiming the label "white" over the label "german".
You are putting a color over your ancestors, you should be ashamed.
Cooper Gray
Seriously, fellow goyim, this is the tactic. Every single white should start claiming in debates to be jewish, there are precisely ZERO drawbacks here. >I'm jewish but think Israel is racist and bad >lol I'm not a white supremacist I'm jewish >six million of )))us((( If the jews respond by saying "they're white, not jewish", they've outed themselves. If shitskins ask "how can you tell", they'll be forced into retreating, divulging talmudism, or pointing out physiological differences, thus telling shits how to spot a (((white))) person in future. There is no downside here. Start claiming to be jewish in public whenever the subject comes up or whenever in a debate, argument, etc. Force the cockroaches into the disinfecting sunlight.
I do all the time at work and during a discussions and one black goes "Oh look its Mr.Fucking Specific."
Remember if you do this enough, it forces any ethnicity to dive into their own nig went and found out his family migrated from Dominic Republic and from there today Ghana. Spick found out his dad side came from Hungary.
It's a great way to influence other to become more in depth with their own kind.
John Thompson
Yeah, but that argument is a lot easier to counter. It also doesn't really hold weight with a lot of people.
Jonathan Ramirez
wow, actually you could do that.
It's the same as the gender construct where a guy claims he is a woman to win a weightlifting contest. Just say you have decided you are a Jew and later if anyone calls you out say you changed your mind.
Angel Wright
> I am of German descent but culturally I am not German
Being german doesnt mean anything because a turkroach born here is considered a german. Fuck off kikus maximus.
Hunter Moore
First nation native reporting in. Might sound strange from a blue eyed blond. But here, on this clay, that's what I am. Well, technically I'm an aboriginal.
This, it's the perfect way to wake people up, they immediately start realizing how they have been fucked with
How are things going over there Hanz? How is that working out for you? Doing ok?
Jace Foster
Fuck off with your taqiyya, scum.
Arabs aren't white.
Gavin Watson
>Arabs aren't white. If you play the color game you don't get to make the rules, sucka
And they most certainly are considered white in studies
Ayden Mitchell
I already do this... it throws their whole narrative, direction, train of thought.
I am a master at this user...I have been playing this game for 2 and a half decades.
I have leveled up
Landon Jones
It's not about color. "White" in this context means native European.
Joseph James
Arabs are not considered white by any European person, educated or otherwise.
I bet you're one of those assholes who thinks just because the law says brithright babies born to illegal parents are citizens that they are.
Show your flag or fuck off, Arab.
Kevin Adams
>nope, not white
...then you arnt german
Robert Bennett
Polish Ashkenazi, and I'm PASTY as fuck and can't tan. My skin is phenotypically white and I look like most Eastern Europeans. I'm white. I'm Jewish. Accept me.
Luis Smith
>spacing You have to go back.
Brayden Wood
You are all so lost. The word "white" can be changed as the globalists see fit. They do this all the time, and it ends up depriving you of your national identity. How lost you are.
I agree, I'm definitely not German and I don't want anything to do with what your country is doing right now.
You aren't white. You are Polish.
Samuel Rivera
This man is more my countryman than any Muslim, beaner, or poo will ever be.
Fuck brown invaders.
Liam Diaz
>Since 1944, Arabs have been deemed white by law. Many Arabs still embrace and defend that status today.
>However, the US Census Bureau has proposed a new stand-alone classification - "Middle East or North African [MENA]" - which if adopted on the 2020 Census, may formally end more than 70 years of formal whiteness, and the "racial Catch-22" that perplexes the Arab American identity.
North African/middle Eastern is getting added to the census so take your horse shit elsewhere.
Lucas Morales
Yes you can live. But I have a close eye on you
OP is a race traitor, a Anti-White, Anti-German and hence must face the worst punishment: inhaling the farts of Claudia Roth. Forever
Adam Johnson
The law means nothing compared to the truth.
Middle Eastern and North African people aren't white. Just because the law has been faulty for 70 years doesn't make its inevitable correction any less true.
Cameron Jones
...plz explain to me what we do right now!
Lucas Brown
once an American Jewish guy told me I couldn't pass as a Caucasian in America, while I'm literally Caucasian
it's all semantics, I know, but still it's fucked up , the way you yanks have divided the world into races, instead of just ethnicities.
Jaxon Bell
Yeah I just posted that you fucker
That is so they will be eligible for affirmative action and all that other crap, plus you are talking future tense which means I am RIGHT
It also shows that you are giving these people control over how you define yourself, and somehow you think that will work in your favor? Jackass.
>The law means nothing compared to the truth. They will change the truth whenever they want to, and if you are smart you will start calling yourself whatever your roots are, or american, and not white.
White is a globalist plot.
James Mitchell
>White is a globalist plot. This thread is a globalist plot. People who aren't of European descent aren't welcome in the West.
Charles Miller
Who cares how the census classifies Arabs? No one actually views them as white.
>.plz explain to me what we do right now! Start calling yourself german, it should be obvious your government or at least Merkel hates German nationalism, and want cultural genocide there. Getting right wing people to call themselves white dissociates them from German identity and actually makes them seem like the globalist. This make the leftwing look more German, which is ironic, but yeah.
so quit calling yourself white, call yourself german
>This thread is a globalist plot. no the word white is, there is no White country, there are countries
You just don't get it, the umbrella of who is and isn't white will shift to fit globalist policies. that's it, that's all there is too it. white nationalism dissociates you from your local culture and roots and places you in a tiny weak global network of white nationalists that have no allegiance to your culture or your homeland but rather a globalist organization that is essentially a strawman for the governments to use to seperate you from your people.
you are german.
Zachary Wright
I have been identifying as my ethnicity instead of white. I am e. european and i speak the language.
It's amazing how much less flak you take when you claim your ethnicity. The blakpepo hate you a lot less.
Great point here OP
Brayden Sullivan
>You just don't get it, the umbrella of who is and isn't white will shift to fit globalist policies. that's it, that's all there is too it. white nationalism dissociates you from your local culture and roots and places you in a tiny weak global network of white nationalists that have no allegiance to your culture or your homeland but rather a globalist organization that is essentially a strawman for the governments to use to seperate you from your people. I understand your point, I just don't agree with it.
Noah Gonzalez
I can't even remember the last time I was called "white". I was called a cracker in high school but that always ended in a fight.
Bentley Campbell
That's fine, but if you identify as a white person you are basically endorsing the idea of a borderless nation with no concrete beliefs that centers on a label provided to you by the people that hate you and want to destroy you. You have very right to do that.
>Just say you have decided you are a Jew NO, just say you ARE jewish or a jew. No decision, because that's not at all what jews are, you fucking memeflaggot cocksucker.
Easton Myers
>That's fine, but if you identify as a white person you are basically endorsing the idea of a borderless nation with no concrete beliefs that centers on a label provided to you by the people that hate you and want to destroy you. You have very right to do that. You have a very poor grasp on history.
>below the margin of error Literally means nothing. Likely a product of genetic white noise. You're not actually being serious, are you?
Jack Cook
>because that's not at all what jews are The mother has to be Jewish but you actually can convert my shitposting friend
No, I don't. At this point in time the word white is used in exactly the way I have described.
Adam Kelly
i have 0,1% filipino and 0,1% north east african according to 23andme
so i am in fact both a nigger and a gook
Daniel Sanchez
>White In the USA that just means "not black". They call spics, jews, dagos, micks, and sand niggers "white". I say the state I'm from, since we've been there since Jamestown. Also, a little Injun thrown in (but not enough to get casino bucks) so, not white. Basically a proud Redneck.
Brayden Wilson
... are you retard? the term white, connects people with white skin under one agenda,! thats whats allabout! noone wants to eliminate the heritage of the different notions of whiteness or the cultural diffenrences, me included and nothing what i wrote indicated this. but to say there isnt any whiteness, is nothing but globalist shilling! what ever happens to the white people in britain, usa, south africa or where else whites settle, should concern all white people, where ever they live, because it will come sooner or later come to himself .... because the rest of the world doesnt make these differences you mentioned, white means white, russian, german, swede, britain or america ...
>No, I don't. At this point in time the word white is used in exactly the way I have described. White Americans have existed for many hundreds of years. It's as valid of an identity as anything else. If the globalists wanted people to identity as "white" then why are they constantly shaming those for identifying as such?
>noone wants to eliminate the heritage of the different notions of whiteness or the cultural diffenrences,
I disagree, it actually weakens nationalist movements by dissociating them from the actualy nationality and giving them the label "white". It's very globalist in nature.
>then why are they constantly shaming those for identifying as such? because those people took the bait and fell into the trap, the lable itself is meant to box you in. they love the white label more than white nationalist, it allows them to mold and manipulate history to their own will.