Jow Forums movies

gimme mindfuck ones pls

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Okay 1 is the 13th floor

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Triangle. Lead woman but she does it right.

Certainly not the matrix. Created by two literal trannies.

Angry Birds

The Koko Show

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the prestige
the mist
and most importantly There will be blood.

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bruh its the most redpilled movie in the universe.
What the directors become today 20 years later is something totally unrelated.

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Can't believe you faggots have not posted this yet.

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Serbian Film

It's in my nature.

No I mean why do you recommend that movie?

"A Bug’s Life."

i have no idea how to even find unkiked movies other bollywood and russian made

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Never heard of it. It better be good

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Big Wet Brazilian Asses

one of the biggest redpills of this movie is that the K bros got Mk.Ultrad right after they made these look them up now they are trans af

Dark City. But really, I meant to say Irreversible.

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Oh I was trolling. It's just a kids movie. Kek.

Propaganda ((you know who)). Serbia doesn't even have regular porn industry.

Do you want to learn the true nature of the negro?

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testing for shadow ban

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Inception, Memento, 12 Monkeys, Jacob's Ladder.

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Can I watch this with my sister?

If she is a Jew, she may want to shut it down


>rather kinky style of survival
U wot m8?

Some good movies that lost momentum as they came out when The Matrix came out.
Dark City. Pieces of the set were also used for the Matrix.
eXistenZ, has also some mind-fuckery

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She is not a jew, but she has an increasingly big chest. One could even call them Khazar milkers

Woah you seem to be someone with great knowledge in that regard.I only heard of Dark City before. Moar?

this is the opposite of Jow Forums approved. It's pretty much a guy with a mental disease who used to abuse his daughter and his wife. Who ever list this as Jow Forums approved is a low IQ nigger

its not. pic related is the one you are looking for

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>used to abuse his daughter and his wife

There's no fucking proof of that in the movie. He's a guy who got railroaded by the wet hole he was supposed to be able to trust and snapped when he was told he was no longer needed by his employer

one of my best films ive ever sen

*the best

>There's no fucking proof of that in the movie.

yes there is you dumb fuck, near the end they have a scene where he starts watching old vhs tapes and he has one where he forces his daughter to stay on a toy horse until she starts crying and she forces her to stay in while the camera zooms in on his face with his daughters screams in the background.

You're fucking delussional if you don't think that's showing no proof of abuse because that's exactly what it was supposed to show.

Also in the movie he even goes up to an actual Nazi and stabs him

movie is the opposite of redpilled and just shows angry white guys being psychopaths

>Angry Birds Movie
If you haven't seen this beautifully disguised masterpiece then you're missing out

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It may be pozzed, but it does depict a city in decline and a white boomer's reaction to realizing that his country isn't his own any more.

It’s literally about le bad general man who wants to kill his work force for some reason.

>Yes goy, the relity is actually controlled by machines.
Imagine the redpill.

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Breaking the Waves
Aguirre, the Wrath of God

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id agree if they took out the abuse part lol

Videodrome : essentially about reality-warping memes, also the dangers of porn / degeneracy
They Live! : Director has denied it's specifically about jews, but come the fuck on, it blatantly is
eXistenZ : Has its flaws, but I've never seen a film that better replicates the dreamlike unreal state produced by hallucinogens

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>There will be blood
Sir I may say you that You have a pretty good taste in movies
>Sadly jewwood doesn't make based movies anymore

Videodrome was a real mindfucker

Society is another one that's easy to read as being about a (((certain group))) of people, plus it's just a fun crazy movie with great practical special effects

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You know the rules post her tits

Has anyone the beautifully put together infograph of it? A true masterpiece

>((((David cronenberg))))) is the director of the movie
So big no

>Indian hears the words tits and immediatly becomes filthy and horny

Bro she is my sister. Not like she posts here or that I have pics of her beautifully rounder bonkers

This is worth watching but don't expect any profound insights, it's just goofy dark humour

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>angry white guys
Portrayed by a literal JEW who ate so much pussy he was diseased.

>beautifully rounder bonkers
That itself made my little pee pee hard
Post her pics already kraut

Watch Batman the dark knight and you’ll realize that Joker was right all along.

Nope. I won't even tease them. Besides I'm pretty sure that she wished for them in her dream, because she literally got them overnight

>There will be blood.
faggy and gay

Most Mel Gibson movies

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Faggy and gay


>yes there is you dumb fuck, near the end they have a scene where he starts watching old vhs tapes and he has one where he forces his daughter to stay on a toy horse until she starts crying and she forces her to stay in while the camera zooms in on his face with his daughters screams in the background.

I honestly don't believe anything that horrible actress says about her ex-husband in that movie. It could just be her bad acting, but ex-wives are quite fond of rewriting history to keep the ex-bux flowing.

>Certainly not the matrix. Created by two literal trannies.

Weren't trannies till years after it came out

Still a 10/10 film desu

Mandy, Cabin in the Woods, Under the Skin, Siberia

The guy who wrote that is on every of the head writers on GoT.

Such an utterly terrible movie. Its 100% a must watch due to the meme value.
At one point it has guns made from bones that shoot teeth. It's fucking all over the place.

The Seventh Continent

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S did they really get vanned and then fucked with so our most based creators became trannies?

Maps to the Stars

also 100% positive they got MK.Ultra'd. How the fuck can both of them go Tranny? Specially since one of them was Chad af

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A Beautiful Mind, The Good Shepherd, Shutter Island, Revolutionary Road, The Master, The Boxer, Gone Baby Gone.

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Obviously it's run of the mill sex cult stuff. Nothing governmental about it.

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surprisinglybased and redpilled

taxi driver
the matrix
12 monkeys
apocalypse now
gone with the wind
donnie darko
mad max series
gran torino
dirty harry
dazed and confused
lawrence of arabia
the big lebowski
bridge over the river kwai
the thing
the never ending story
the nightmare before christmas
the mummy
the silene of the lambs
the deer hunter
not redpilled mindfuck per se just general movies that i find good

well it's just a kid's version of Seven Samurai, which is a masterpiece

Watch the video Black Pilled did on Falling Down

It's completely bluepilled

Serbian Film
But watch the uncut one.
Really puts a brainturd in your noggin

Got to see Prisoners at the Telluride Film festival the year it was released.

Had to wait in line for three hours for the premiere. Totally worth it

I had to walk out of a Werner Herzog film to get in line for it though. I ran into Werner as I was walking about of the theater. Felt pretty bad at having one of my favorite directors watched me leave halfway through his lastest film

Berlin Alexanderplatz and Threads.

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Stop shit posting Merkel. Fucking bitch.

Angela's Ashes
First Reformed

Cant believe that only one person mentioned Taxi Driver.

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the latest Rambo, unironically

Y r u so mean?

fav movie of all time, i wish they didnt desaturate the blood, and that they made the pimp and old man renting the whore apartments black as it was intended
>cant even make movies because niggers will chimp out