Social security will be insolvent in 2036

Mayor B has the answer. Share and share alike.

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You people are really bad at these today.

>only $200,000
that is poorfag as shit holy fuck

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Is this literal faggot serious?

Thats fine if paying into SS becomes optional. Otherwise it’s legitimately stealing lmao.

Would you start collecting SS if you could show your retirement fund went under $200K? ow many years can you live on that?

>making 200k last from 62 until death


this just seems like a away to push euthanasia. BASED.

Pete Buttplug FTW!

Do you know how many times the "SS will be insolvent by X" story has been written? I remember when Clinton was in office and it was going to be insolvent by 2000. Bush 2010. Obama 2020.

It's all so fucking gay. You all are fucking gay.

Oh good, I get punished now for saving properly from the day I got a real job.

>why yes, that retirement fund at $195,000 is the only one I have

>he thinks SS has funds in it at all

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At least they're being more open about being literal thieves and robbers.

Seriously. I have that much in my retirement (almost) and I am a 30 year old boomer.

If that is what is considered rich enough to pillage, the entire white population of America is fukt.

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Only if you government fags quit stealing money from my pay checks! Then idc what you decide to do. Never planned on collecting social security anyway, being that my generation knew it was running out, since the retards in DC decided to use it as a slush fund. They should just cut all pay to politicians until they not only balance the budget but start paying down some of the debt...

Whatever property you own should be paid off at that point but yeah, I get it.

>a means test to see if we get to outright steal from you or not

As long as they don't have to pay into (i.e. have their income taken) then I'd be fine with them not collecting.

That’s bullshit. My 401k is already worth more than that and I’m only 33. This guy is a genetic dead end, so he should have no say in the future. This Marxist faggot gets the rope.

>They should just cut all pay to politicians until they not only balance the budget but start paying down some of the debt...
Don't hold your breath, m8.

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Your property is never yours dingus. My grandparents paid off their property years ago, still have to pay the man every year or it gets taken from them... at best you rent your property, even if "paid off"...

If people who make over $200,000 don't get to draw social security then why should they be forced to pay into social security? Would the be reimbursed for all of the social security they have paid for in the past if they were restricted from drawing?

>a lot of money to live off of

holy shit

>schizo boomer thinks shitposter is a shill

this nigger aint saying people who make 200k. hes saying anyone with 200k in assests at retirement

>living from 65 to 85 on 10 grand a year

not gonna happen

They're not actually.
There is a maximum income for which you have to pay FICA taxes

My home alone is worth more than that. So I guess I keep paying into SS under Buttgayg so I can never use it. Ridiculous idea.


>paying into SS becomes optional
it already is optional, quakers don't have to pay in, Mennonites neither


Shit, I'm in my early 40s and I'm already well over that, and that's not particularly impressive.

As this man WILL be the nominee (DNC would rather sell "first gay president" more than "first woman president"), why would I vote for this?

This would prove several things I've been saying for a long time:

1. I won't get a dime from SS. The details of how exactly that would come to be are different, but the net result is the same.

2. Liberals are going to keep redefining the definition of "too rich, not paying their fair share" until it's literally anyone who makes more than minimum wage.

3. Liberals are going to go after EXISTING WEALTH, not just income.

4. A retirement nest egg of 200k isn't much. Kids, if I could give you one piece of boomer advice: If you are working, and you aren't putting SOMETHING aside for retirement, you are doing it wrong. I don't care if you're 18 and it's just 20$ a month.

>$200,000 for retirement
I know he's a faggot who probably doesn't have any elderly relatives that speak to him, but Jesus Christ is he out of touch.

So basically, if I've worked hard and paid off my house I don't get any social security? Most houses these days are worth more than $200k


I remember Hannity saying this like 10+ years ago and everyone calling him a tin-foil lunatic

Everyone paid into social security to collect social security. You can't expect me to pay into something and get nothing out of it.

That's bullshit. Social Security was never meant to be a welfare program. It was always meant to be a forced retirement fund so that the government wouldn't have to take care of the elderly. The only solution to save Social Security is to move to private accounts. Any other suggestion is pointless.

So everyone reverse mortgages their portofolios and we all die with nothing, from cradle to grave beholden to financiers. Gay shit homo

>my man Silent Cal at -$5 billion

Based, fuck boomers

No source on this. It must be fake.
No one can be this stupid anyway.

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Told you SS is a scam.

What you pay is nowhere near what the tax rate would need to be based on how much you will eventually collect. It never has been. People have voted for a lifestyle that they do not want to pay for.

no you paid into social security to pay for the people currently drawing it. not a single penny you put in will be around when its time for you to draw. in fact it was spent before you put it in to begin with, congress put SS into the general funds section so they can use the money for bull shit expenditures.

social security will run out in 20 years has been the prophecy literally since it began. Its like say the world is ending because of climate change, except that has been going on since the sun god created weather.

A guy with nothing is always happy to share. A guy with not nothing not so much.

AARP will bury this guy.

That is a fucking pittance.

>Told you SS is a scam.
That ID.

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Pretty much this.

What the fuck that pitifully low. Say you retire at 60 and live till 80. That's 10k/year to live on

Exactly. SS has been out of money for years.

Social security is a Ponzi scheme. Return everyone's money and dissolve the system.

Start learning 20 ways to prepare cat food.

That isn't how it ever worked. Current workers paid in to fund the currently retired, and it was assumed population would grow in a textbook Ponzi Scheme manner so that every generation could live off those below them in the ponzi scheme. That the ponzi scheme is now coming apart is entirely predictable given population stagnation and life expectancy increase. Surely you have taken a day off work during the week and seen hordes of fucking old bastards wandering around, doing nothing but spending your money? That mass of worthless old cunts, many not even that old, are the reason you are paying and will get nothing back, as it is going bankrupt rapidly.
I suggest you take some lessons from the great Dr Harold Shipman and start killing off old cunts.

Your pic is the perfect illustration of how bad boomers are fucking future generations

pay your fucking bills boomers

Steal from Whitey and give it to our circus midget spic goblins to shit out more anti-white criminals

welcome to neoliberalism

*Honk* *Honk*

> (OP) (You)
>You people are really bad at these today.
Are you calling this fake news? Wtf is wrong with you? Are you a conspiracy theorist?

Not a pittance if you're a Boomer parasite that owns 3 homes, lives of 2 rental properties, and has tax subsidsed solar panels for energy, and a 2 acre garden to grow food if need be. Boomers are living like fucking kings atm, on an income that we couldn't live off.

Big surprise, the boomers are a major problem for America yet again. When do we get rid of these useless entitled assholes?



Wtf? Even in a cheap CoL state with an owned property, how the hell is that supposed to last for 20 years? BRB doing nothing but buying cheap food and paying bills - feels good to retire, man! Also what kind of scam is it to be exempt from SS that you paid for? My God.

Like Larouche said, the Boomers will die off on mass suicide, when their credit cards/ credit line is maxed and cancelled. If they're not consuming, as quintessential narcissists, they're dying an ego death. Bring on the collapse and make those fuckers feel some economic hardship, and, hopefully, mass suicide.

hide retirement fund


Moar Boomerwaffen propaganda pls.

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When do we get rid of entitled spics?

>no welfare for boomers
Fucking BASED, guess I'm a #buttplug now

>let's just steal the money from people who saved for retirement
this is good if your goal is to accelerate public hangings

I shouldn't have to pay into social security, then. All money I've paid into social security should be returned to me plus interest for the devaluation of the money paid by inflation. $200k isn't a lot to retire on even in my state unless they plan on killing people at the age of 70.

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welp glad I wont burn through that in 2-3 years

Why would I put money away in the market/bonds/cds when I can buy guns/ammo or a bunker with it? We’re not going to be able to retire in peace anyway.

I think what he was trying to say was anyone who would draw a yearly retirement of 200k (a year). Not a total asset worth of 200k. But, yeah, I agree that was what he technically said. He just said it poorly.

>retiring with only 200k
You should have a couple million easily

>he thinks he's retiring at all
They're already talking about raising the retirement age to 75. When you hit 75 it'll be 85. Buy guns and ammo.

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If you have 200k at 65 you need SS lmao

but food stamps wont be

i dont see this tweet on his page

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This right here. Never be and to draw out of 401k because can't retire...when you do...taxes will have been raised so much that your draw is just to pay off more taxes.
Fuck it. Buy the gun.

1. 200,000 is peanuts
2. People pay into social security? so the government gets to steal everybody's money and not give it back.

this guy is really dumb. wow.

Well that’s it for buttplug. You do not fuck with boomer UBI

>Mayor Butt
Close enough

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does nobody know that social security is already a tax?

maybe the boomers will finally realize its a fucking scam and always has been