It seems to me that Andrew Yang's biggest obstacle right now is his obscurity and the intellectual accessibility of his policies. With that I mean, that UBI sound like a retarded idea to almost everyone when they first hear it and they might only start supporting it once they have looked into it, which not many voters may be ready to do. So how do you estimate his chances once the public starts paying attention to him nearing the primaries? Will his ideas be too outlandish to gain traction?
Realistically, what are his chances
no way in hell he's going to win
every time i bring up ubi to normies/boomers they shit on the idea
>which not many voters may be ready to do
on the contrary
he promises money. People vote for that kind of stuff
the idea will have to be in the air for a while and the mainstream media will have to spoonfeed it to the normies and boomers for them to feel comfortable with it
Low. UBI is fucking retarded and anyone who unironically supports it should move to Cambodia.
lol Yang was relevant like a month ago, no one cares anymore
Are these the new White supremacist that shitpost on pol nowadays?
Libtards have NO TIME for Asians.
Libtards openly discriminate against Asians at Harvard and Yale, which prompted the Asians to sue Harvard.
If he was Hispanic or Black he might have a chance, but being Asian is as good as being White in the modern day Democratic Party.
Link them the Joe Rogan interview or one of Yang's long form interviews
probably because they wont get it with their social security. The social security the next generation wont get.
Actblue are a bunch of low testosterone males and dikes who troll conservative websites like pol trying to subvert them to swing more left.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of yang gang posts are from them. What they do for a living I don’t know. Probably borrow money from mommy.
No honestly I think most peoples first thought about ubi when they initially hear it is something along the lines of "well 1000 bucks per month would be nice, but this is going to ruin the country so i shouldn't vote for this".
won’t win a single state in the primaries and will drop out in disgrace
>UBI for me, not for thee
God I hate boomers
>every time I bring up UBI to people who are more intelligent than me and older than me they call me a retard
No shit
0 because he's a "yes man" to the left. He says that he's for pretty much any of the random things that people ask him about. The dumb fuck just said he would make the voting age 16.
Are you sure that he only adopted this position to pander to the left rather than that he just thinks 16 year olds should be considered old enough to vote.
Yangfags have been on suicide watch all week because the /ButtGang/ is taking over.
Now apply this same statement to UBI
His purpose was to make UBI a concept everyone knows. And he's done that.
Zuck already campaigned on a UBI platform in 2016 you gay retard. If yang has accomplished his purpose he can fuck off already.
He could easily hit 3rd or 4th place after the first debate if hes able to actually talk to the audience and the dema don't hamstring him.
>hoping for third place
is this winning?
>voting for blumpf
hahaha that orange man is funny looking and bad!
hahaha nothing you just said is wrong!
hahaha yeah i know let's all vote democrat lol, that'll sure teach that cheeto a lesson!
Yes, and also UBI is a pants on head retarded idea unless you are trying to kill the Fed and their dollar
hahaha let's keep voting republican they're fucking based!
yes, we should vote democrat to protect our guns and border. How wise of you.
I want the democrats to get in a bidding war for my vote. I want them neet bucks
Normies don't have to attention span to listen to interviews or read things.
He will win he is the chosen one.
>yanglets cant meme
>yanglets steal good meme
niggers confirmed
Buttigeig will defeat drumpf
No chance, but I support his candidacy because when the Freedom Dividend becomes a meme it'll further splinter the Democratic base and weaken their electoral chances.
He no win!
well his proposals sound quite unorthodox not to say crazy to some people. Yet because of this people may start getting interested to know what is this. I think he carries a strong message, which is something essential in politics.
>strong message
His chances hinge heavily on his message of ubi. If he is able to capture the audience with his message and it spreads I can see him actually winning, but he still has to go through DNC establishment which is a huge factor too. I don't care who becomes president, as long as it's not 4arris or b3t0 or b1d3n, these people will do nothing and just suck more corporate dick.
His best bet is if the other democrat candidates tear each other apart. Going after Biden is just the first stage. It will get nastier over the next year. Yang just needs to be the last man standing.
it'll be trump again
If they run someone like Biden or any other establishment candidate I will vote for Trump.
who would you prefer that they run?
>fucking milenials and their entitlement, WHY SHOULD YOU GET MY HARD EARNED MONEY!
>anyways i gotta go sign some bills for my social security and medicare
>pay into SS for entire life
>don't deserve it
kys kiddo. SS will be long gona by the time I'm old enough to get it and i will never get my money back, but you are still literally retarded.
at this point I don't think anyone can beat Trump unless it's an outsider.
anybody running that looks good or will trump win 2020?
look for those who offer specifics, yang is specific, bernie and some other candidates but a lot of these candidates give none and some like mayor pete think that dems care too much about specifics and that only tells me one thing. the same goes to the fake mexican beto, he has no chance because everyone knows a fake when they see one.
>look for those who offer specifics,
trump didn't keep his promises so vote for somebody else based on their promises
literal retard
The amount you pay into SS has no correlation with how much you get out. Most people who receive SS are getting way more out of it than they paid in
cool you aren't even from america and you're probably a chink so fuck off
These programs are the same all over the world
You are a welfare queen
The point is we at least have Trump on record promising the things he never gave us, what's the point to vote for someone who will give no specifics? why do you even run for president then? I want to know what you are for and I will vote accordingly, if you cant even list the stuff you want to do then screw voting for you. this is the mindset now. running for president just to beat trump will actually backfire.
Lol whites and niggers voting for a asian
only the losest IQs and brainwashed liberal nazis like him... why? free shit and most the brainwashed liberal nazis can only get laid with asian women...
so who are you going to vote for and why?
lmao obvious boomer trying to hoard the bag
link them his Tucker Carlson or Fox Business interviews then
it's short and concise
>If yang has accomplished his purpose he can fuck off already.
why are you obsessed with Yang leaving the convo? Scared Trump is bleeding voters?
who are you going to vote for?
yeah look at Bernie's impact on the national convo after 2016 and going into 2020.
Yang could easily shape the 2024 conversation if he gets to 2nd or 3rd place.
what place is he in now?
White liberals don't think yang is minority enough, and other minorities hate gooks bc they are annoying, so I'd say 0% chance