30 Percent Of American Men Are Incels
Just had sex not even 20 minutes ago
Jow Forums is more like 90%. almost everybody on this board is an incel (except for me)
What does it mean if you don't care or try to have sex? Besides being condemned as a weird loser.
dude prostitutes lmao
incel == not submitting to women
I'm volcel idiot
>30% of young men aren't having children in their twenties and instead are focusing on themselves.
Good. I fell for the marriage meme. I mean... I'm still married, and have a brood of offspring all of which look exactly like me, but I don't have time for vidya or hobbies. The last gaming console I purchased for myself was a Nintendo DSi XL. Feelsbadman.
>posting images of your child on Jow Forums
y i k e s
Probably that you have especially high IQ combined with not so great genetics. Women are repulsed by intelligent men, because it reminds them that they are inferior.
yea that's definitely true
certainly not trying to create new terminology or anything
Kek. It looks like the head of a grown man on a child's body. At least his kid is a meme.
Instead of crying about it, you can simply reproduce and take pictures of your own offspring. Be normal.
Like its a bad thing. Thing that's a massive army with nothing to lose. If only someone could tap into the autism.
In all seriousness, you either have some severe hormonal issues or some kind of childhood trauma that makes you shun intimacy.
Not wanting sex isn’t normal. Wires got crossed somewhere.
Probably more like nearly 50% are.
I'm a volcel.
If I had a choice between HIV and getting a girl preggo, I would choose HIV.
The #metoo era, divorce rape, and pregnancy literally put true fear into my soul.
t. Incel
Women need to realize that men can't be incels: there's always rape.
Ok lol
Fathers used to pay for people to marry their daughters. No wage slavery and pussy worship. Women are a liability.
Better to put your faith in dog.
I hope everyone here has read Brave New World. This was literally part of the book. Women get shamed in it for seeing the same guy more than once or twice. Welcome to clown world. HONK. HONK.
This girl sucked my cock last night. It was nice.
>tfw gf wants to fuck but i dont wanna
who else /volcel/ here?
we are /volcel/ bro
I don't know why but I've never wanted an intimate relationship with anybody, I'm not even sure I really love my family, I think i do but at the same time when i get down to it I feel like I only "love" them because they make my life easier and have manipulated them since i was a child to make things easier for me.
My entire motive in life is earning money and getting rich, I'm pretty sure I'm a sociopath, tho i would never get tested because psychology is a fake science made by jews to get rid of High IQ logical thinkers
>is male
>doesn’t care about sexual intercourse, the strongest desire hardwired into the male brain through millions of years of evolution
Lol k
Nice same
I just have a dog shit living situation for meeting women, or meeting anyone. I live in a nice gated community, but as soon as I step outside, its nigger/spic infested opiate epidemic ass shits ville. It's not really safe to walk anywhere. There is a 1/184 chance I'll get mugged, I looked up the statistics awhile ago and if anything it was a greater chance than that. My options are to walk around a crowded tourist area (no thanks), go to a night club and get laughed at for being short (no thanks) or I can go eat at a restaurant by myself (every now now and then, but meh). What's the point? I was kind of considering pretending to give a fuck about sports, so I could sit at a nearby bar, watch the TV, and attempt to have an excuse to maybe meet anyone......but meh. For me it's all location. I had a fuck ton of friends before I moved to this god forsaken shit-hole.
You’re probably a fat fuck who is out of shape. Work out more, your sexual desire will come back
Based as fuck. I still kind of wish I was getting laid desu, but this post is based.
No, this is just common incel cope. Seen it a million times before
Yeah, the older I get the less I really care about fucking. About once a week now and im good to go.
>be me
>6'4" average looking
>want to sex women
>avoid women because socially retarded
>friend thinks I'm gay or something
>friend is chad that fucked 50+ sluts
>doesn't understand why I don't get gf
>is still a good friend to me
>thanks chad
It means I wish I was you. A sex drive is a curse in the current year.
No it's not.....you have low IQ. I wrote a book.
Why are you still posting pictures of your kid to strangers? Kill yourself slowly.
And 50% of American women are either single moms or cat ladies, which are both essentially incels too.
>In all seriousness, you either have some severe hormonal issues or some kind of childhood trauma that makes you shun intimacy.
>Not wanting sex isn’t normal. Wires got crossed somewhere.
I dunno man, I didn't start dating women until I was 17, and that was only because I have Chad-tier genetics and women were practically throwing themselves at me.
>Parental death at an early age
>Difficult mother
>Evil stepfather
>Have friends, move
>Make new friends, move
>High school, lose most friends
>Why even bother getting to know people, you just lose them
If I were fat or average looking, I would have never come out of my shell and just been miserable all my life and increasingly bitter. I don't think there's anything wrong with being introverted. But you can never meet women that way.
The whole sex obsession people have is garbage though. I don't care if someone is a virgin. I'd probably try to wingman for them if they wanted.
It means you're a liar.
old widowers, males too young to have sex and unfixable neet neckbeards. that explains your fancy statistic
those are the feelings of the average woman tbqh, you sound sane or at least saner than your male counterparts. enjoy it, look for genuine love and not lust-filled hypergamy bullshit
Women are of the devil. I avoid talking and even looking at them. Let them die in their #metoo pit that they dug
Can relate to this. I left my hometown at 18 to go all the way across the country to a nice East Coast school. After that didn't work out, moved again. I got ripped away from my social circle so many times, I just got tired of trying.. ESPECIALLY after becoming red pilled, and not wanting to deal with negative people anymore. When I first moved here this douchy circle of people about 4 years younger than me was trying so hard to get me into their circle but.. I thought all of them were fags. Fuck hanging out with a bunch of dudes any way. In my mind, this is what growing up is. I was meant to live in a different time, a BETTER time mind you.
Why don't women want to reproduce with you?
Times have changed. Where once everyone was married off we now have a process of female selection. The long term outcomes are good though, healthier people tend to be more attractive. We'll go through a phase where our birthrate drops to near zero and then picks back up again with more healthy and beautiful people. In the long term this is good, in the short term though it might end in revolution.
If any of that is true, then why the fuck do you have a meme flag? Also, show the study that this is based off of. To me it sounds like some bullshit that you just pulled out of your ass.
>process of female selection
You mean roasties getting dicked down on the cock caracole? They end up marrying some beta simp in their 30s... they don't reproduce with all of the Chads they fuck. Get the fuck out of here WOMAN.
But.....all the high IQ nerds moved humanity forward?!?!?
They are not breeding anymore
>I hope everyone here has read Brave New World. This was literally part of the book
Please go on, elaborate. I'll read and respond. I know transgenderism and much more was predicted in Brave New World
When do you start to become an incel?
With 15?
Return the child, Podesta.
Human beauty is based on symmetry a more symmetrical face is more attractive. Symmetry in the face shows good quality genetic material. We're wired to pick healthy mates, that's the whole point of being attracted to someone.
They'll get some girls too. Female attraction is complex and some girls love smart guys.
Even being born 10 or 20 years earlier would have been SO much easier. Why do we have to suffer?
Literally easiest time to get laid ever lol what do you mean
I don't give a shit about getting laid. I mean finding some respectable girl to make a family with in a non-degenerate world.
closer to 80 percent on Tinder
what about the cels? Those volunteerly do not want to mate. I know a lot of them.
Technically you are volcels not incels, unless your dick literally doesn't work or you're totally broke you have no excuse why you can't just fuck a hooker.
The incel meme needs to die.
It's called celibacy.
Voluntarily celibate as the bong below you said
68% of Americans are obese
Your kid looks like he will light up his school in a few years
>semen quality good enough to get my wife pregnant on the first attempt
Guess that makes me part of the 1%
watching jews flail about because they killed their own good golem causing the jewnited states of america to fall, and subsequently the absolute destruction of israel and jews world wide.
It will be the most cathartic event in history.
> 1%
Are you white? Are your wife and child white? Are you fat? (If yes you're not white)