What do Blue Checkmark's say when you ask, where should you go if White?

Seriously, all the white genocider Jews on twitter, what do they say if you ask them where can you move to if they dont waht you in U.S./Europe/Aus/NZ ?

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Kike thread. Identity politics is for kikes. America is the home of all American citizens. Unity will defeat the zionists not identity politics.

Shut up Moarpheus, literally nobody believes this, not even you. If Jews thought different groups could unite they wouldn't have let them in.

This is the laziest jew tactic I have ever seen.

Think of what we could accomplish in one generation.

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guaranteed replies for math

Seriously nigger, you’re thirty years late.

It's funny, because let's just say, hypothetically, all white people were isolated on one, giant island. It would be complete and utter paradise. We would make greater strides and advancements in technology and in the medical field. We would probably be planning our first mission to Mars. It would be a technologically advanced utopia. All the mudhshits, niggers and browns would destroy their "civilizations" and attempt to come to our island in hordes; offering to work shit-tier jobs just to latch on to our culture. The Jews, per usual, would look to Segway in, whilst clamoring remember the 6 gorillion goy.

and by whypipo you mean *german scientists"

It works better if the math is correct.

SR-71 was first flown in 1964 so 61 years not 91

The Dark Ages sure were great in, you know, white Europe.
But hey, surely, if we're all just white on one shitty island it'll work out somehow, right?

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>dark ages

Great retort friendo!
Let's talk about Rome, and all the fun and betrayals and wars and other fun things.
Or would you like to up the period to the 1900s?
White people make nice societies, but a utopia is beyond us by a long shot, as we currently are.
So long as there's some sort of difference and we're not all completely uniform and at that point, not even human, we're gonna have some pretty bad times.
But hey, surely you have something amazing to tell me about how I'm wrong, right?

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If you are moarpheus you should unironically end yourself

in spite of all that advancement happened regardless

the amazing thing is how retarded you are and how much you discount *not violent* eras

Never happened though

lazy boomer

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But user, we're not talking about technological advancement, in which you are correct.
We're talking about a white society on an island being a utopia, and hey, maybe it is for about a week, but all things age, and differences are made, and blood grudges are fulfilled.

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violence is innate to the human condition

that user was using hyperbole and obviously would not assume violence wouldn't exist

I'm white and I like white culture but whites are not living sustainably whereas all other ethnic have lived sustainably. You could make this same "only 90 years" meme about the number of trees in the rain forest or the number of fish in the ocean.

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>dark ages
I get that the utopian meme of his was a stretch, but you need to de-judify your mind - not even mainstream historians ply this tripe anymore

The Jews hate it when their golems stop fighting each other and come to wring their necks.

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user, you realize that the entire western hemisphere would be a utopia if user's "logic" was correct, right?
You can argue jews and whatever else all day long, but you'll see just as much corruption, violence, and other fun things in your little island ethno society.

>y-you're just being controlled by jewish propaganda!
>it's the joooooossss

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Fucking kys you faggot.

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Sure, right after I rape you.

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Go back to yer site, we don't need anymore CIA up in heah

relatively speaking it was turning into a utopia
it still in in areas


They want genocide, it's the jews nature.
White people are whats standing in the way of them getting their race of slave goy.
If someone creates a country just for jews, and one just for blacks and one just for asians and one just for muslims the jews will fill the white country with the muslims and asians and blacks in hops of deposing of the white race.
Honestly is there where now jews there would more than likely be world peace right now.

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>We're talking about a white society on an island being a utopia
Fuck off, we're full.

Having fun freezing?

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>Having fun freezing?
At least I don't have to worry about being shot by a nigger.

Jews are white retard

*watches you freeze in live time*
nothing personneel, kid

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You are a brainlet.
Maybe read what was wrote again.
Just because you are a brainlet I will explain it.
White people are doing exactly what user said.
White people only the Utopia is ruined due to subversion of a certain satanic tribe that hates white people opening the gates to the hordes.
When A jew says 6 million to me I remind them that jews started the war, jews declared war and 186 million non jews died fighting that war for the jews.
I have no idea why that is lost on people.

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you continue to have no defense for your belief in the "dark ages" pop culture myth - which, I would like to remind you, has been debunked

I seem to remember about 80 years ago when Europe was completely flattened by a bunch of Nazi retards who died because they forgot to pack coats for Russian winter. White people hold the world record on killing white people.

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I acknowledged what he wrote user, my only contention is that he needs to purge old mythos like the dark ages characterizations from his mental landscape, that's all I wanted to remind him

came to post this
>plans were drawn up decades before 61

It's like you guys didn't read the second half of WW2 where the Nazis got their asses whooped by other white people and Germany went from the most powerful country in the world to the 5 most powerful country in Berlin.

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ur a nigger lets be honest i love smokeing niggers

We could be exploring the universe but instead we decided to subsidize millions of third worlders who haven't had a successful civilization in their history. Great idea.

and then all development of propulsion systems came to a stop. we're literally on the same style jet engines for 60 years now with only minor improvements.

>believing we went to the moon

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Guess what happens if the Nazis hadn't surrendered to the Communists. Go on, take a wild fuckin guess. Yeah, that's right boyo, America would have fucking nuked the shit out of Germany until they came begging for peace. There is literally no "what if" scenario for WW2 for alt history nerds to discuss about Germany that doesn't include them getting atomized by canned sunshine.

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You literally spent the last three decades allowing everyone in the world to be a citizen to the point it doesn't mean shit anymore. I'm not responsible for your demographic suicide and I won't be a part of it. That is my God given right.

kill ourself faggot, "dark ages" england built the tallest building in the world, beating the pyramid of giza, a building height no one surpassed until the "dark ages". that alone shows how much more technologically advanced they were than previous civilizations

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White people are better than your pic related, we put the SR-71 blackbird into service in 1964

>SR-71 was developed as a black project from the Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance aircraft in the 1960s by Lockheed and its Skunk Works division.

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If there was a superior race it wouldn't allow itself to get bullied on twitter.

>imagine the amount of money spent on blacks and immigrants from 1903-1963.

and then from 1963-today. and you have your answer for where all the exponential state sponsored progress went

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BlackBirds started flying in '64. So we're even fucking better than that. Kelly Johnson and the small team at SkunkWorks designed these things, and invented completely new technologies from scratch, by hand (paper, pencils, sliderules and hand tools) in four years.
Now, the stupid fucks put in an MP3 player and call it a revolution.

Crime is just a measure of testosterone. Why do you think there are 10 x more men than women in jail?

No, communists and muslims do.

They don't want us to have our paradise. They want to humiliate and exterminate us

Jews hold that record