That's a really heavy subject

>That's a really heavy subject

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Other urls found in this thread:

>carries Sargon and blows Destiny the fuck out, so much so that he tries to get you banned from Twitch

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gtfo cancerfag

thats a very nice beard, He must be great at grooming if you know what I mean

It's just like when he was on the verge of tears against Jim or Naked Ape, except Destiny didn't have the ability to kick him out after 30 minutes and had to be thrashed for 4 hours in front of 30k people.
Deep down his audience knows he lost bad, no matter how they cry about him being a bad actor like they have every time he loses


Where my Nikkers at

manlet got Fuentes banned off Twitch lmao
proved him right

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Fuentes was on twitch? That is fucking hilarious.

Googl either debate
He kicked naked are his stream because Ape started laughing at him and referenced several studies about why Destiny was wrong about race

It's baffling that the mere concept of some ideas shouldn't be allowed to even mention. I don't even have any horses in the race, nor do I believe either or about DNA and IQ. I just don't get hwy it's such a controversial topic.
It's tangentially (by pulling a Destiny here) to say that it's controversial to say that fat people have more health problems related to obesity then non-fat people. Imagine if that mere utterance would be met with revoking of titles and social ostracization. Or how smokers suffer more from lung cancer and other illnesses then non-smokers. One may laugh at this, surely nobody would lose face by claiming such.
Until you claim that immigrants are a net loss for a country, and even if you pull up statistics from some nations showing it, it will be met with the same negativity and hostility. That you somehow have a moral duty to ignore some data because it is ideologically driven.

All the while, HasTiny tries to claim that we (you Americans mostly) live in a capitalistic society and that real communism or socialism will work because everyone will be happy and prosper because reasons.

>Uses site that track your data
I'm one of you goy....I mean guys

He does game streams there, but this means he can't be on future twitch streams or debates, same with metokur.

It's honestly why Destiny hides on Twitch, since everyone that has dabbed on him has been banned from twitch and they thus can't be in streams

Reading Hasan and Destiny's reddits is kind of amusing. They are seething. As if someone just killed their dog.

God I spent 2 minutes going through the Reddit thread about Nick being banned from Twitch. I was instantly reminded why I never go on Reddit.
What an absolute joke of a place.

why what happened?

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Who was in the wrong here?

>The more I think about it, the worse I feel. It was as bad as it could have possibly been. He presented Sargon of Akkad, as fucking stupid as he is, on the same level as Nick Fuentes, who believes in the same kinds of things as the Christchurch shooter. He even fucking called him a martyr. There is the kind of idiot like Sargon, who is so dumb he thinks Disney CEOs have political agendas and make movies for "SJWs" because they took a gender studies class in college and dyed their hair pink or something, and then there's a cunning, manipulative, lying cockroach like Nick Fuentes.


Nick dabbed on them in a debate and they were on the verge of tears. Then they had their followers mass report his twitch

Dont advertise your honeypot shit here. Against the rules.

40% of transgenders commit suicide
No one is clicking this shit.

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Theres always youtube

Why does anybody watch this manlet fag? He debates like he's in a high school debate club. His streams are boring as fuck

>I just don't get hwy it's such a controversial topic.
Do you really not get why addressing the fact niggers are dumber than whites is a controversial fact. That would kind of destroy the kikes plan to flood our lands with shitskins for cheap labor and easy votes.

Excuse my spelling mistakes it was made on short notice.

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I can't even tell if they're brainlet twitch spammers or pol brigades hiding their power level. Top comment thread has a pepeCozy avatar asking for examples of shit takes from Fuentes, someone said race realism, Pepe replies with "race is real is bad?" With over 250 likes. Holy fucking shit I hate social media

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Fuck off kike

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Just a random nazi on the internet. He thinks jews run the world, is a holocaust denier (at least, denies the number of deaths generally accepted by, well everyone), and said that inter-racial relationships are immoral and shouldn't be promoted in media. Just to name a few.

I'm posting this here because LSF removed it and I want to link it.

Comparing having sex with black people to having sex with dogs, As well as antisemitism:

Holocaust denial:

Race realism/ general racism (he also talked about it on the podcast):

Calling for the killing of globalists:

Compilation of a few things, including sexism, race realism, being against multiculturalism, general xenophobia, anti interracial relationships, talking about white people being bred out, some more antisemitism

All of this took me a few minutes to find.

Is this a bot?

Dmbrandon on twitter: Stop debating or talking to Nazis. Spit in their fucking mouth.

Dmbrandon was TOLD to quit HiRez (makers of Smite) for telling people to kill themselves repeatedly for getting on his "nerves", and "trolling" his games, and being "racist". He has a mental illness I call LITTLE MAN SYNDROME the same mental illness desTINY has

LMS = Little Man Syndrome commonly refers to people who bully others with words to get what they want as they have no real power.

DmBrandon needs to be made a fool of.

>Pic Related is of Dmbrandon's hand after attempting to open a bottle of onions a picture he took himself.

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Your point? He is right about all that. How does that make him anything like Ben "Israel first" Shapiro?

Do you know where you are? We agree with all of those here. How dumb are you? Go poison the well somewhere where your actually going to make a difference dipshit.

beep bop

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Sounds like he's based

newfags, you should not be using discord... ever

>That's a really heavy subject
>Really we're debating that?
>I didn't prepare to discuss that topic
>You can't really believe that
>Really, I can't belive you're arguing for that
>Outraged every time I'm wrong
>Interrupts x100
>Talking fast = winning to my 11 yo grooming po........ I mean audience

and clownpilled

>faggot nigger

Pretty sure he’s explicitly said many times that he 100% believes in the accepted history of the holohoax my dude.

idc here have some

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1st day here?

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Yes and?
We live in clown world, it's good to have people like Nick to dab on desTiny and wake up his sheep

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nigger im getting hella u's


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Damn Sargon was bodying them all over the place.

>nick was actually banned from twitch
That's actually hilarious. Baby bodied destiny and pea brain Hasan were so seething they get Nick the Prick banned off of the platform because they were so booty blasted. Truly incredible.

>I was only pretending to be retarded
HAHAHAHAHAH every fucking time.

It's because all claims from hardcore lefties rely, literally without exception,on the pillar that all group disparities are the results of social structures. When you suggest there might be differences in outcome that have a non-environmental basis (ie biological determinism), they shit their pants. This isn't to say it's invalid that social structures cannot effect outcome between groups (they do), but that is entirely different than saying they are the only thing that makes have different outcomes. It's totally contradicts their egalitarian world view.


>d-do you have any study to back this up?
>o-ok so what if it was true? So what if it was true?
>can you believe this?
>wait let me look that up
>high pitch screaming “whaaaaaaat?” Or “noooooo omagod”

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Hasan is THE hasan everyone talks about owning the moderators and making thots give him nudes for special treatment. I can't wait until this faggot gets #MeTooed

Nick is better than I could've possibly hoped for, holy fucking BASED

I loved watching the dishonest leftists using their mental gymnastics in this debate.
>Pewds is a right wing commentator if jimmy kimmel is a left wing one!
Um no, sweetie, pewds doesnt take any political stances he just defies leftwing thought control with edgy humor. Meanwhile jimmy kimmel is literally crying like a bitch on his show over policies. Its not even close to being comparable
>Right wingers have deadly lunatics! Our lunatics are just!
What about the fat fuck bernout who literally shot at republican congress? The undercover crowder video showing the tranny trying to get AK's?? Just because leftist lunatics are fucking shit at killing people compared to right wing lunatics doesn't mean they dont exist

There was tons of these instances, how do these liars live with themselves??

He's Chunk Ogre's nephew, I doubt anything like that will happen.

Capitalism 101, baby!
Do you think the boss of Amazon sits there and says "hey, this Nick guy, he got some of them bad thoughts, better ban him!". No! That would be stupid. Therefor, Amazon is capitalistic, thus Twitch is capitalistic, so banning Nick is a capitalistic idea and totally not politically loaded.
Or whatever nonsense reasoning is at play.

Jow ForumsDestiny/comments/b9v7lc/nick_fuentes_banned_on_twitch/

use to rekt this kid on sc2 ladder. streamsniped him to all oblivion ama.

it's just reddit copy pasta

Destiny wants political violence.

Big Yikes moment.

You think these thots won't eventually turn on him to get themselves a better position? Laughable.

I don't go on Reddit.


If something bad happens to him on twitch he'll just go back running to uncle and work for TYT.

My favorite part about Hasan was he was body shaming nick and saying he has the physique of a woman. Leftists never seem to practice what they preach


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Yes this guy is such a joke lmao

Oh he will for sure, but I bet he is slaying the top 1% of crazy leftists (wo)men for the moment

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Neither do I, but his banned thread is the first google result so I checked it out.

>That's a really short man

I saw this too, I loled. Like clockwork.

Watch out for the alt right toxicity that is the comment section.

anyone got highlights yet?

Perfect post.

Nick was high on the hog yesterday after clearly winning the debate, to get banned on twitch (which he barely uses, btw) after leaving desTINY and Hasan "the pea brain" absolutely SEETHING and booty blasted must be the most delicious cherry on top.

Deep subject? Im high ass fuck right now, soo deep shit is all man
And fuckyou caphca

Let him. Just more "victims of his horrible misogyny and threats" once it all comes out. I wonder what Cenk thinks of his cocaine habit.

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Chunky Ogre is probably more of a degenerate than his nephew.

Yeah thinking about it, Cenk is definitely the one who gave him the cocaine in the first place. I wonder if it'l take them all down eventually.


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Let’s go get that money.

thanks, I guess I need to start watching the guy

yea id love some highlights, dont have the time to sift through it rn

Hey anons. Where is this upcoming soph/destiny debate? Want to see the manlet get btfo by a 14 year old.

Hope nothing weird comes up if I start searching this username up on various different places.

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He's literally DESTROYING Sweden as we speak

Yeah Dmbrandon is a faggot that's for sure. I wonder what he thinks that people in the Smite community has his wife's nudes, and his tiny dick pick. (He has a 3incher).

(I play Smite a lot, and was a professional at one point).
Best clip

found desti-tard, copying talking points straight from destinys twitter, after deplatforming nick.

here faggot, choke on this.

I hope his new "totally not my twitter account" also gets platformed, for the social justice for deplatforming sleazy people from twitter and twitch

Steben "violence for me but not for thee" Bonell

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Lmao he actually said "No" to the comparison of sex with a dog and sex with a black guy. He calls both "degenerate", but you don't want to hear his reasoning of why he thinks that, so you don't want any more context.

Destiny shouldn't even be allowed on Twitch.

Direct calls for violence?

Someone notify the dailycaller people or Tucker for a Twitch expose.

Indeed a big destiny fan he is my favorite like an hero