Pol is an echo chamber. When will you NEETs stop bouncing the same old arguments around and take other perspectives and ideas into account? You may be surprised what you find once you broaden your horizon a little.
Brown man bad
This is you
nice bait nigger
brown man smart
Tfw OP hasn't considered the possibility that many of us have tried the open minded approach thoroughly before arriving at our current perspective. But then it would be less convenient to dismiss us I guess and we can't have that, can we?
Compare black children with fathers vs those without fathers and you will see see why you guys believe what you do about blacks.
fucking jackass....you belong in liberia wit yo bruvas...
>Pol is an echo chamber.
You say that but you come here in your droves every single day and post the same shit that seems to drown out half the board and we let you. So how is it an echo chamber?
Try that on lefty/pol/ and see how long it lasts. But nobody goes to lefty/pol/ because 1. it's irrelevant and 2. You're too busy shilling here trying to undermine us.
Pol is just where i go to brainstorm with the homies. I speak this Truth trough videe games and troll Twitter accounts and other such websites. I'm red pilling the masses
>Pol is an echo chamber
I don't expect you to argue any of your points in good faith but pic related explains exactly how it got to this point.
try harder shill
ugg ugg brown man smart
Hide and sage all flaggot threads.
Use a script to block them and pool becomes a million times better.
almost like were proven time and time again nigger
>Pol is an echo chamber
It tends to echo out.
>have literally done nothing
they're worthless
Little do you know that that’s actually the secret Kangz language. It was lost when Columbus destroyed the ancient African civilization of Kumbum three thousand years ago
>Brown man bad
Italians are based tho
We are an echo chamber and occasionally laffs are had
brown is not bad
the brown is shit
the reason to flush it down
>black people bad
>white people good
>your president
>lives in shithole
Did i miss anything?
>broaden your horizons
Most of us started with broad horizons.
Any functioning brain knows the importance of narrowing your sight when aiming at a goal.
Dont be so open minded that your brain falls out.
What particular perspectives would you like me to take into account, communist?
that man has def got some jew in him or greek, he is not full italian.
t. Italian and have never seen another italian with beady eyes like that. We all have big eyes and they are not close together or beady.
>evolution false
>brown man smart
>monkeys can be civilized
>one post by this ID
really makes you think
The ones that give him and his homies free shit
Lefties are untrustworthy idiots with no tolerance or compassion. They are liars and
they are only interested in power. Why would i vote for any lefty Dem ,as they make it
obvious their hatred of me.
The thing is, I used to be open minded. I helped out in inner city homeless shelters, went on a trip to Haiti to help at an orphanage, and went to a pretty diverse university. The conclusion I came to after considering all I learned and experienced, was that brown man is indeed bad.
I have been in neighborhoods where it is apparent that many of the precious residents hadn't worked a day in their life.
Ok. Every white ruled country that becomes non white ruled ends with whites being slaughtered. Why will it be different in the usa and Canada ?