Justin Trudeau drowned out by boos, protest chants during press conference in Toronto.
Toronto is probably the most liberal cucked stronghold in all of Canada and they're booing him. The Toronto and GTA are one of the major deciding factors to winning an election.
The Maritimes are the Liberal stronghold, and even they are getting sick of his shit.
Juan Reed
Hahah, that was glorious. >Hey Hey Ho Ho Trudeau has got to go! Soon.
Lincoln Harris
LOL it looks like his political stooges are clapping as the guy says turdeaus a traitor and wicked wicked wicked.
James Morgan
Fock! Yer done, bud.
Lincoln Edwards
Camden Rivera
It's ogre. Only this time, for real.
Owen Reed
Will be glorious when Trudeau gets reelected and the crybabies start throwing a temper tantrum. Like or hate Trudeau he's done a respectable job thus far. The weed legislation alone should be viewed as historical.
Wyatt Brooks
Its weird, they legalized weed and my taxes went up. That's what I call solid governance.
Daniel Walker
Based 100 million African immigrants incoming and Chinese take over
Liam Thompson
liberals will throw him under the bus. the boy is radioactive at this point. minority government here we come.
Elijah Brown
Eat shit
Joseph Thompson
I thought he was finished since the sexual assault allegations. But apparently getting you career smashed due to this only happens to conservatives.
Three guys, chilling in a hot tubbb.. too close in fact cause they are gay
Austin Morris
Thank fuck
Jaxon Martin
Toronto should still be nuked.
Jace Turner
fuck off we get nothing out of being taxed hard and we don't have daily protests like western cities. We are also very white especially cape breton (if were counting newfoundland they are whiter then a newborns arse)
Juan Young
They grow in my yard, trillium that is.
Parker Walker
Yuri Brezmenov warned people about his father, Pierre Trudeau, that he was not to be trusted.
I'm surprised he lasted this long. Either way each month is another nail in the coffin for the Libs. The election should be an ass raping crossed with a blood bath. Gonna be great to see.
Isaac Thompson
It's the most chaotic I've ever seen Canadian politics but anyway fuck him if he loses he deserves it but if he wins Canada deserves it
Nolan Peterson
cant wait for our stupid muslim bitch to end up like trudeau
Angel Rodriguez
Dont feel too bad Ontarios last premier wore a headscarf before your PM did
Eli Perry
more than half of canadians dont live in canada anymore
Kevin Sanchez
And you guys will elect another chinese puppet soon.
Parker Gomez
Stepdad *
Elijah Fisher
it would be glorious if trudeau and all the other criminals in government got the rope
Landon Gonzalez
They will cover each other's ass and sit on pile of golds.
Lincoln Howard
yea... unfortunately, governments aint shit.... corporations have a lot more influence.
David Green
Actually, I have a friend who lives in TO and it is not a Liberal Stronghold. Just ask the Ford brothers. They were sick of Wynne and all the BS from the Left.
What are they gonna change it to? Seems like all they have to do is remove the dots from the sides and put them into the middle. They don't really correspond to anything actually on the flower where they are anyway. In the middle they would at least correspond to the flower's male sex organs.
Gavin Myers
Downtown Toronto is rich whites voting for Liberals, the old suburbs are all poor whites and minorities voting for the Conservatives.
Henry Scott
My friend is in the part of TO affordable for regular folks like you and me. I guess that's the conservative part, by your description? Don Cherry is popular, if that tells you anything.
Blake Brooks
I'm surprise globanews report on this.
Nicholas Turner
It's funny how Canadian niggers are conservative unlike American ones
Christian Price
So am I and I can see where rob Fords crack video was made from my balcony
Jayden Evans
Toronto needs to be nuked.
t. Alberta
Ethan Scott
weed is legal and run by the provincial governments, the genie isn't going back in the bottle, Trudeau has served his purpose. Now we can get back to running the country sensibly with someone who is actually competent.
Colton Howard
i agree. thx for the weed... now ya gotta go
Angel Cook
Tonnes of scandals and broken problems, Done a respectable job. Muh weed. Wtf is wrong with yw Our brain? Lol. Oh ya. Too much weed, lmaaaoooo
Josiah Myers
Why on earth did the put those dots there?
Gavin Ortiz
lol. i quit weed before if became legal... he can suck my bag.... but only if he resigns
Nathan Williams
Robert Jenkins
Fingers crossed he will. I dkn't mind the legal weed but it reay wasn't worth the damage he caused. Good on you for quitting.
Christopher Moore
The eventual fate of all white cucks who swing left
Oliver Reed
The parasites always end up eating themselves, don't they?
Nice doctored video with rebalanced sound capture.
Luke Watson
This is how you know jews are pushing this thread. Jews love making fun of Ford. Rip, your brother will fix Ontario.
James Rivera
Anyone that doesn’t see a merchant is fucking retarded.
Michael Miller
I knew a guy in a lobby group to get weed legalised in the 60s. He had a copy of a letter from Joe Clark's office - Joe was open to legalising but there were too many obstacles back then. You know Justin has smoked it. Was Joe the first PM who is a midnight toker?
>my province is thinking about changing its logo because everyone realized it looks like 3 dudes in a hot tub lol I never would have noticed that before
Jackson Hernandez
Here the latest Main Street research poll Liberals still leading in Ontario. Massive leads east. If anything, the NDP is dying.
what's the problem? canada didn't expect this faggot to not be a jew did they? lmao hurrrr now lets vote in the cuckservative jews back and forth fuck normies
Juan King
You sound like a bad jimmy kimmel episode , you fucking kike.
Dominic Cruz
>you hate God >you hate Canada >you pander to minorities >you are an evil communist >SHAME. ON. YOU.
>Toronto is probably the most liberal cucked stronghold That's because they all vote NDP down here you faggot.
t. last straight white male & firearm owner in the downtown core
Angel Hernandez
Canadian legend
Brody Perez
>dude weed lmao xD
Evan Miller
At the time I thought Rob Ford was comedy GOLD. After talking to people and seeing what's really up, godspeed Doug, right? I have to say that I have come around to an appreciation I didn't have before. Also, I graduated high school the same year Rob Ford did.