Nick Fuentes just got banned from Twitch after less than a day of that debate

Nick Fuentes just got banned from Twitch after less than a day of that debate

Destiny's fans are celebrating it

>but companies are totally not biased to the left! - Destiny

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Good. Kid is way to cocky and worse yet he's an alt-right sperg

>now get over here scruffy so I can suck your dick

twitch ARE the leftists

Don’t really care about e celebs but did he actually beat the almighty Destiny?

Jews are fucking low IQ inbred mentally ill psychopaths. This is why there's so much censorship. They can't argue. Their ideas are bad and they are totalitarian degenerates.

I'm surprised sargoy didn't cuck out on this one

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Destiny is a faggot nigger and was calling for political violence.

t. Loser tranny

Leftists no platform right-wingers frequently because all of their idiotic talking points can be disproven by simple observation and pattern recognition. From interracial adverts to leftist control of the media.

The globalists plan for the internet is coming to fruition. The ultimate bait and switch. Its becoming a hugely censored echo chamber. Because the left can be so easily btfo by anyone on the right who is really well read

so glad train let nick on its made this whole thing entertaining and not a shitty reddit circle jerk

Destiny kept on contradicting himself, applying standards on the right that his side never followed at all.

Good kick fascist off all platforms

if we didnt live in weimer would anyone listen to that idiot?

They fear Nick and his potential.

i'd say retribution is in order but let's be honest destiny has been an annoying faggot on the internet for so long anything that could be done to him has already been done to him. oh well, might as well smile.

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You fight it by just being good. You got to be really good. Nick.

pretty fascist to censor speech and kick people off platforms for begin opinions

You don't need to be "well-read" to be right-wing, you just have common sense and compare.
Idiots listen to him because he throws a lot of adhoms and recitiing the abstract of studies that he doesn't read.

Destiny loses to anyone with a smattering of intelligence which is why he won't debate anyone properly smart. He is also the master of pilpul

>You don't need to be "well-read" to be right-wing, you just have common sense and compare

that is true, the more well read the better though

Clown post calling for inaction. Many such cases.

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Well, given that they discussed that right wing points of view "don't get you censored" and that exactly that happened less than 24 hours later I'd say the points are on Nick's favor

He did because the format allowed him to rapidfire several premises. If the debate were slowed down and they were allowed to interrupt one another, Destiny could have caught him a few times.

Hence I would prefer that Destiny debate people who like to argue the specifics of points, like AltHype or his friend Sean last.

>goes extinct to pwn the repubs


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>Leftists no platform right-wingers frequently because all of their idiotic talking points can be disproven by simple observation and pattern recognition.
Then actually disprove it for once instead of proving them right.
Watch as destiny's leftist mocking and irony tactics get demolished in a classy respectful way, absolutely blown the fuck out. This guy is brilliant.

Holy shit it's literally like our magatard maymays

Also watch destiny getting his ass reamed by Ryan Dawson for a good laugh. Kind of surprised he even went up against Ryan desu, the guy is like a fucking walking dictionary

post a link to the debate at least you useless faggot.

Remember when Dawson turned the knife back on Nick? Pepperidge farm remembers

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>an alt-right sperg
An honest person that bluntly tells it like it is and has the balls to defend whites?

Why did he get banned? it's also funny how Destiny is allowed to hold explicitly leftist debates with commies and shit without getting banned.


Nick's not alt right, he's nu-right

>hes confident and defends white people? He should be dead!

And in so doing literally proving his points from the debate...and they cant even see it

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that women isnt even white

Nick's pretty suave. Also fuck you for supporting corporate censorship retard

There is no point in debating people like that. Gradually, you will realize it, and come to hate them.

Destiny "fans"? FANS? This guy has fans, really?

Nick is a young guy cutting his teeth on politics and political debate and he's doing great and takes the heat like a soldier. Fuck off, leaf.

think twitch bans anyone for wrong speech. There was a case of a streamer getting banned for saying they only believe there is 2 genders. Probably should have known better than to do a political debate on a gayming service.

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They see it. They dont care. They revel in it and act ignorant when it's shown to their face.

I wanna sniff Bratass

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And yet Destiny gets away with shit like this

Oh I know, it's just the fact that he and sargon had the patience to even be there listening to their bullshit for 2+ hours while remaining calm is mind blowing already to me.

>gaming service

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and you're right fag-right
he's done more in 18 years than you have in your entire life

>he won the debate

lmao no.. destiny and hassan BTFO him so hard, wouldn't be surprised if he reported himself just for the attention.

He said multimedia pushing miscegenation is bad and doesn't want genocide. This is what makes him a nazi.

im not a raging faggot so i dont watch random clowns debate things on the internet for tokens. Qrd me on what the debate was over between this beaner and this cuck.

Tell him to unblock me on twatter and I might care

what a fucking loser.

you forgot "i can make him have sex with my girlfriend". his fans are well known cuckolds

The whole thing

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Be honest this is a chad move. They have the power of the institutions behind them, pretend they don't, and grin in your face when it can no longer be denied, and then they just continue to deny it. Lmao.

They have institutional power and know it.

ok retard

Hassan is such a brainlet he BTFO'd himself while talking about the kurds, absolute single digit IQ moron

>lmao no..
holy fuck man try not to make it so obvious

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>I advocate for the group interests of white people

It's all so tiresome.... At least we know where we stand with these people.

What is this gay shit and why should I spend time watching it if I’m over 30?

debating these people is a waste of time

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twitch is for soibois, regardless.
most of the popular streamers are degenerates themselves.

The alt-right doesn't exist you fucking inbred retard

These same people think the media and big websites like amazon and twich are against THEM

Shit is going to get violent if this censorship keeps up.

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Everyone does. Desnity is pathetic

Then demand action and get your red booper ready because, surprise surprise, nothing will happen until the bubble pops and most of the western world is living like they're in Venezuela.

Destiny, Hasan, and every Twitch employee deserve a bullet in their brain.

Oops, almost forgot Twitter.

one can hope user

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>They have institutional power and know it.

Absofuckinglutely they do. The jig is coming to a head with this shit though. From the tech end, facebook, google etc to journalism and policy makers. Its obvious who wields institutional power in this country and many others.

Destiny literally said on the stream that he wouldn't have children if the future of civilization depended on it. It's hobestly the most disgusting shit I've ever heard. They don't care about anyone but themselves, all the rest be damned.

Their whole shtick would fall apart if they understood this. That's why their underdog rhetoric is so important to them. Without this fiction their sense of moral superiority vanishes.

grug sargon vs grug hassan best match up

These children are so fucking ugly, it isn't even an upgrade to pure blood negroes

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>Nick the knife: right winger voices are getting silenced
>Destiny: no they're not
>Sargoy: I'll send you an "I'm sorry" if they do ban you, chap

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How is that a chad move? That term gets tossed around so freely here you guys have lost sight of its original meaning, which is a personification of a symbolic alpha male. Alpha males don't need the backing of institutions because a "Chad" is respected by all, acknowledged by all and most importantly, doesn't give a fuck about micromanaging others on the internet or political duplicity. You are gay.

>imagine defending Chad on an anonymous water bottling facility forum

Who cares about this e-celeb spic?

most jewish, black and Asian people are openly against race mixing for their own, but that's fine haha!

If you ever need a better example to justify violence against these types.


Destiny was permanantly booty blasted by Alt-Hype and will never debate him again.

"so..I hope I'm wrong, but this may lead to alt righters digging up Hasan clips on twitch where he gets a bit too spicy with the communist memes. I can see Hasan eventually getting banned if the alt right autistic patrol find that their new cause."

Yeah, it would be a shame if people were held to the same standard...these people are fucking retards

Don't get why people think Fuentes is based. The zoomer is way too arrogant in his approach. He needs someone who can actually debate to go against, someone like Ghost Politics for example.

>Sargoy: I'll send you an "I'm sorry" if they do ban you, chap
And thats the rub.

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He's cocky because he's right

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Hate to say it, but the leaf is right. Fuentes is a cocky sperg of a zoomer. He also is in the Yang Gang and actually supports gibs me dats.

Hassan literally has a brain the size of a pea and can't debate against a brown paper bag you absolute nigger, how delusional do you have to be to think that braindead brainlet won anything?

He supports Andrew Yang. He's not really that bright

t. glow in the dark shill, keep seething

you have low iq

He is a sperg zoomer, and he is clowned and honkpilled. So what? He annihilated desTINY and hassan.

Good. fucking spic dumbass.


Dear god I hope so.
Once the violence outpaces law enforcement's ability to keep up, I'll be free to club leftists to death while strung the fuck out on cathinones til my heart's content.

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