Why does Jow Forums put Japan far above all Asian countries? When a Japanese man wants to marry an attractive woman...

Why does Jow Forums put Japan far above all Asian countries? When a Japanese man wants to marry an attractive woman, he goes to Korea. Koreans, even other Hans have your classically cute Asian features. Japan is the land of hook noses and square faces. Might be the Ainu or some other Turkic admix, but it's true. Travel and see for yourself. Korea, Taiwan - women that get posted here as "Japanese qts". Japan - large hook noses and 2/10 faces everywhere.

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>Why does Jow Forums put Japan far above all Asian countries?
WWII. Lurk moar newfag.

Dragon Quest

They're all disgusting. Thank god for surgery! You just don't breed with them. You let them die. It's what you do with all inbred creatures. You could try diluting they're horribly disfigured gene by cross breeding with them but than you risk having a weird son

>forgets about nased banzi boys

like both Koreans and Japanese

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I can smell the roast from here
you write like a bitch
or some 50 year old boomer

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we burned the gooks in vietnam
the korean military sold themselves to us to fund their economy from the 50s to 70s
the chinese are invading our country at record numbers
indians shit on the street
south east asia is a genocidal shithole
we nuked japan twice as a show of dominance

>try diluting they're horribly disfigured gene

At least their genes know how to spell.

japs are honorary pic related

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who dis?

whats with the serial spammer who keeps posting pictures of this japanese girl. its getting annoying as hell and she's not even that pretty.

Fuck off faggot, a Jap man would never marry a manly butchy Korean kunt!

Korean men love Japanese women because they behave like women, not some disgusting feminist cunt piece of shit like Korean women. Even mainland Chinese women are top shelf compare to the shitty Korean slanty eyed cunts.

Asian (clap emoji) women (clap emoji) are (clap emoji) ugly

>Why does Jow Forums put Japan far above all Asian countries?
It's a meme you dumb shit.

>he posts this on Jow Forums
why do you think fag

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Japanese Man+Korean woman =99% of Japaness/Korean marriages

theres more than one my friend
ure too weak for korean women it seems

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Weebs have an incurable disease called yellow fever that makes 5/10 gooks look like 9/10 gooks. Add the autistic culture, jewish race mixing shilling, and muh Hitler and there's your reason.

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They won't put up with shit from women, why go through the trouble of dealing with bullshit from a Korean woman, when you can stick to you own that is way better. Nothing to do with strength, all to do with logic.

Why do they go for ugly ones then when there are attractive Asian nations

yikes post

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cause korean girls are cute
and they like me
so do jap girls

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name one

because Jow Forums is a white board and when the Japs decided to attack PH they got BTFO'd so fucking hard that they're literally our subservient asians, so they're our guys now.

Risk of sounding really pathetic, but I've rarely ever interacted with any Asians. They're not common from where I'm at. I just enjoy Japanese media, so I like them best.

Yeah, but korea has no media worth exporting.


>doesn't know what Jow Forums is

>I've rarely ever interacted with any Asians
Just wait until you or your kid goes into stem. Their coworkers in american offices won't even speak english.

You want his real name or his show biz name?

I go to a tech school and am always surrounded by non-jap Asians. They all behave like inhuman robots, they don’t laugh, smile, make small-talk, nothing. Japs are the only Asians I know who actually act like humans. Poos are all weird, but they also act more human-like than chinks/ koreans, if you want to count poos as Asians, that is.

They are a industrious people with a rich history, there ideals are pure and share similarity with Europeans. obviously the modern world has took it's toll on them as with the rest of us, but honestly if they were the only race let into Europe we easily would be a type one species buy now if we hadn't been turned into vassals buy Jewish philosophy that is.