How true is this?

How true is this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It’s true the only reasons Europeans “made” the majority of accomplishments is because they put the invention of dildos and numerals as the same value

100% true. There is no western civilization, its European civilization. They just move words around so they can distort the meaning.

Imagine thinking THAT is the meaning is Wester Civilization.

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>Thinking that "anyone" invented stone castles

True some of these things were invented by cavemen. The fire wasn't even invented by humans. Crossbow, print, paper money were invented by Whites. Zero was used by Greeks, same with the rest of numbers. The oldest know writings are European. Anyways Western Civilization is not limited to any of those

>No proof given


Attached: laughinginspace.jpg (1284x980, 262K)

>europeans did not invent western civilization

I wonder if the maker of this image realizes how retarded their doublespeak is.

Your pic doesn't contradicts OP pic.

>How true is this?

It's a bible meme that Jews push. The first agriculture (oldest at least) is found in British isles, then in Italy.

Metulurgy was European

writing = Vinca script (Danubian)

Rockets came from Natsoc Germany

Chariots from Eastern Europeans

Zero is a corruption of European math (an esoteric place holder) that came from Persian Muslims.

Boats have been around before known time. So has the wheel

Cities = Vinca culture

Castles are European, what they mean is buildings

Sails appear in the Medditeranian first but no one knows.

Numbers = Greek/Pythaogrus (before this they are scratches seen in Vinca scripts like IIII/

Horses with one rider comes from Eastern Europeans (size matters)

Laizze-Faire has nothing to do with Taoism

Christianity is shit

Attached: script vinca.jpg (1147x3300, 453K)

Do leftists realize that this same chart implies that Africans and Native Americans are retarded also?

If the Near East and the Far East invented everything, why was it Europeans who showed up on their shores in cannon laden ships with soldiers armed with muskets demanding their shit instead of Arabs and Chinese doing it to Europe?

Because wh*tes are subhumans that would invade you if given a chance.

Whites invented explosives before chinks, look for Greek fire

Also ancient romans and greeks had prints, before chinks

Its utterly stupid, none of those things, even IF they were discovered elsewhere first, are defining of the soul of a civilization. They are surface matter, the depths of western enlightenment thinking and rationality are concepts, they're morals, they're an approach to thought itself, not a random collection of thoughts and ideas.

Pink cumskins are imperialistic devils who will always try to conquer the world.

>>laizze-faire/"wu wei"

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Not true at all unless each item can be backed up with multiple verified sources and paperwork.

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Also Thales is not the father of Greek philosophy and his origin story comes 200yrs later.
The 7 sages are the first philosophers, and he's not the oldest of them

And Anaximander was the first writer on philosophy.

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The PIE(proto-indo european) people made up the high caste of all those civilizations. Hell the Scythians, as one example, ruled china for 1500 years. It was these people, the same that make up modern Europe, that invented everything.

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>Wu Wei
>Meaning the same thing as Laizze-faire
Nevermind the fact that market economics is a product of deliberate effort, and Daoism explicitly warns against intentional effort and drive, because all matters of intentional effort are ultimately counterproductive. Plus Daoist's saw high civilization (which is facilitated by the market, among other forces) as useless to mankind's happiness and ability to exist in harmony with the world.

>even IF
It's not

Whites didnt live in Europe their whole existence. They lived in ME and north africa when it was more firtle land

Chinese are in fact interesting folks.
>invent gunpowder but only use it for fireworks and parties
>europeans see that and go "holy shit we can use it for weapons"
>China gets utterly btfo with its own invention
>invent magnetic compass but only use it for astrology and fortune telling
>europeans see that and go "holy shit we can use it for sea navigation"
>China gets utterly btfo with its own invention

>posts Mossad memes

Also the people living in those areas during that time. Before the Arabs slaughtered all the indo-europeans would have looked like Italians and Greeks you idiot

Not sure how true it is but it definitely IS 100% gay, and you are 100% faggot for posting it.

No they would have been white like northern italians and ancient greeks.

lol there is absolutely nothing funnier than seeing you fat incels larp as prehistoric nazis and shit. lmao imagine if your actual ancestors could see you right now lol theyd prolly kill themselves just so you were never born haha

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we sure as hell perfected it all, i doubt any of you could put up a front otherwise when the spanish and jesuits came upon their huge caravels

Oh I know its not the case, however it doesn't even matter is my point. What defines the west is not as weak as the items on that list.

Greeks invented the Ballistic and then the gastraphetes earlier than chinks invented the crossbow

It's not about who invented what, it's about how it was used

Its bullshit. If those people invented western civilization what the fuck do they need to migrate for?

without the curiosity and ambition of the white man, humanity would be largely extinct in 2019.

There would be no humanity from the beginning

The British are thieves. City of London and all.

Any source?

the arabs tried and got butt fucked any time they tried a huge invasion instead of inch by inch, especially at vienna, and to think the winged hussars of the commonwealth obliterated the ottomans, fucking hilarious

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So the "sandniggers" are your family xd

Not true. You’d have to be retarded to think this kind of obvious leftwing bullshit is true like this guy

Google it. Also Chinese crossbows weren't real crossbows unless you consider a slingshot that shots pellets to be a cross-bow

Barbarian metallurgy surpassedroman one in many situations. Celtic armour, germanic swords(early steel)
European cities dont lack far behind but have to deal with winters the other ppl couldnt imagine
Every culture invented language, most came up with their very own written language
Europeans had numbers
Chariots were inferior even to cavalry without proper saddles, and require dry soil
European sails were the only good ones to ever exist and get used up to today
Books/papyrus werent the only medium to write on
Straight up lie on the metal weapon/armour part
Straight up lie on the europa part
No idea on mills
Straight up lie on guns
Correct on powder
Non functional cannons and rockets id count asa lie because of the malicious intend being obvious
The chinese crossbow doesnt predate the greek one and ontop of that is a 5pound draw weight embarassment to its inventor, nonfunctional against armour
Lie on printing press
Paper alright, papermoney just LEL
Earliest saddle is celtic, another lie

The Middle East had a head start on Europe. Humans spread to Europe later, and for a long time didn't have the populations to support urbanism, which then can support an intellectual class.

it strange because there is shit about how Philip the II, alexander the great's father, employed some boys who created the first "ballista." if you look tho, the chinese crossbow was also introduced around the time, sometime within 4th century B.C who fucking knows tho, the romans perfected its use though, something asians had a hard time doing with tech.

According to Wikipedia the first Chinese crossbows shot pellets, which means they were just fancy slingshots. First evidence for arrows came later

>How true is this?
Not true at all.

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Image is true. Except the printing press that was made in Germany but the art of printing was started in China it was just done by hand with blocks.

That pic is deprecated. Greeks and Romans had prints


that could definitely explain then an idea / use of the greek / roman ballista, the areas use to have minute trade, its possible one of those shitty crossbows came across someone in Greece where they literally exponentially multiplied the size of it for better use.

the oldest sign civilisation in denmark is about 120000k the oldest still standing graves are about 8000-9000k years ..Eroupe have been full of life for along time

The Chinese did use gunpowder for weapons. The problem is they attacked Europe with shit tier gunpowder weapons and consequently gave the Europeans gunpowder. Which the Europeans changed war with.

Stirrups came from the asian steppe which was populated by White nomads who showed the stirrups and the wheel to chinks

t. asshurt shitskin

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>Eroupe have been full of life for along time
Not as long as the other places

>t. wh*Te subuman

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The first chain drive was from greek automatic crossbows called polybolos

imagine thinking that putting gun powder in a tube that shoots up in the air is the equivalent of building a rocket that can get you to the moon.

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the black bull was actually created in north america by whites to create the strongest worker in the most cheapest fashion, mixing white genes into their blood line to make them sturdier. the irony is impeccable, especially once you realize how frail and skinny 100% africans are. the whities did it again jose, go home.

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Yes, we have real nogs here directly from the African jungle and they're different. They are short and skinny

Someone post the west stop meme

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The middle east also invented slavery, if your giving credit dont forget that one.

Europeans were great at taking good thing and making it better.
Half of listed things are actally not correct and half were shit compared to European made alternatives.

Non-Europeans did NOT invent Modern Civilization.
>Modern medicine
>Modern firearms

What language does everyone speak? They use the internet, who made that? Who made the computer, or phone they are using? The car they ride to work, in the country they live. Every aspect of their life is so European they don't even see it. Filthy ingrates.

Attached: Western Accomplishment.jpg (1200x964, 143K)

The image I posted was already in this thread, so here's another one instead for you guys.

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>The oldest know writings are European
Forget highschool. Do you not even have google, in Spain? The oldest, written language is cuneiform from what is, today, Iraq.

>They use the internet, who made that?
Americans, motherfucker. Fucking Europe.


The question he poses is too retarded, must be a troll or educated in America.

Fun fact: The chinese were still using matchlock firearms in the late 19th century. They made essentially no progress in over 1000 years.

Now I am all for proper citation and credit towards other civs for their contributions to "Western Civilization"
But this is a bit hurr-durr. This list applies to the whole world, as these are all Fertile Crescentesque contributions.

keep dreaming, faggot. Without our technology, you would start cannibalize each other


Attached: WhiteMenWorldsStrongest.jpg (960x696, 290K)

High school drop out level meme, I am Chinese btw.

Did they forget that middle East was overrun by Arabs after Muhammad died? Do they think middle East was Arab back then and somehow helps their garbage picture?

imagine thinking the Phoenicians weren't white

Based trips. The Swastika has always been a sign for White. In my eyes, nothing is as aesthetically pleasing as a hooked cross

False, just non white jealousy also implying the people in the middle east right now are the same ones that were there in antiquity.

Don’t you hate when jews larp as Nazis.

thank you for clearing it up

It's true, Europe didn't invent modern society as we know it. That is why arabs and chinese conquered the entire world.

Oh wait.

that's the left for you. diversity is our etc etc

Sick, Kys and help America’s white population. Or move back to be a good little insect
Du bist eine Insekt, chink

>Things built thousands of years ago by the current ethnic group residing in this geological location at the time
>Having anything to do with the current residents in the currents year

Europeans did not even discovery america. Phonecians were in Rio de Janeiro a thousand years before europeans.

The middle east, yes. Current theory holds that as the cradle of civilization. As for Asia, they actually didnt. They recieved these inventions from the west and retained them after Rome fell and we lost ground

Misleading. I'll do a rundown on some of them.

Wheel (invented at some point by almost everyone)

Agriculture (Gobeliki tepe discovery disputes this claim)

Metallurgy (Hit or miss. The Sea peoples which were likely European had metal swords in 1200 b.c. Whether Europe borrowed it or invented independently I can't say.)

Cities, bullshit. As is writing,alphabet and numbers. Most peoples invented all of these to some extent. We use the arabic form of numbers today but they didn't invent it.

Stone Castles (lol what?)

Chariots (Found in Europe, again hit or miss, boat sails are the same).

Books I'd argue against because the weather in the ME is more favourable to preserving things than Europe.

Swords, Shields and helmets, No. You can find sword designs from Europe that were copied by Middle-Easterners.

Christianity, Europa, Zero, Windmills (Yes, maybe, probably not, doubtful).

Guns (HELL NO. Europeans created firearms, Chinese created weird gunpowder weapons that only worked like half the time).

Gunpowder, Cannons, Rockets, yes Chinese invented those (I think Indians invented rockets).

Crossbows, arguably were older and fall into the ME category and those crossbows weren't the same design as European crossbows (lack the power to pierce armor).

Press yes, Compass yes, Wheelbarrow doubtful, paper yes, paper money maybe, kites possibly, horse saddle and stirrups doubtful but maybe the modern version of it though saddles existed a long time in the Mediterranean, Chain drives, propellers, laizze faire as a concept (maybe maybe and probably not)

The problem with this list is that it lumps in shit like numbers, philosophical ideas and swords in with things that were non-European in origin. The ideas existed, but didn't have a term and things like swords, numbers and saddles existed but weren't the same ones we used today.

It would be like saying the Romans and Germans invented the language of trade.

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Sumarian tablet rolls nigga. Let's ignore Noah and how his line spread as well because WE WUZ.

They invented some good and unique shit, but none of it was optimized for combat. If you look up the Deadliest Warrior Ming warrior vs French Musketeer, you can get a good idea what Chinese gunpowder weapons were like.

They did use Gunpowder weapons, but they were more like support weapons for Medieval combat than proper firearms.

>the wheel and chariots came from the middle east/near east

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Kind of does. Life before 1500 AD was more or less equal everywhere. The size of your economy was only determined by the size of your population. It was only after 1500 - exclusively thanks to Europe and its Western offshoots - that you saw a rise in GDP per capita. In other words, the Europe's economies could become the largest economy in the world despite not having the largest population. Same is later true for the US.

Modern technological civilisation is essentially a white invention.

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Yes, that's true, Greek culture, for example, is entire middle eastern and founded by middle eastern people, like Minoans and Mycenaeans, later there's europeans invasions like Dorians, Illyrians,Slavs and Romans in Greece.
Ancient Greek genetically are near eastern population, not european in general, just search about mycenean samples.

All the ancient civilizations aren't formed by Europeans, Rome, for example, are founded by Etruscans, near eastern people.


>The Wheel
Nah. Hellenics
Probably true. but who knows
>Metallurgy >
True... maybe
As we know it now, that would be the Phoenicians, who were very much not Arab
As we know it now, yes
>Rounded Arch
Mixed. Used first, true. Used in actual architecture, false. Canaanites who were, again, Hellenic
>Stone Castles
Technically true. The Scythians were the first, and they lived in the near east, but they are generally considered many things, but definitely not Arab
>boats sails
Seriously who knows
Pick one. Libros was a Phoenician city. Egyptians had red hair and caucasoid features even before the very Hellenic Ptolemy took over.
>Swords, shields, helmets
Probably true
>The name Europa
lol no
True, but Egypt again, not India
>powered mills
no idea

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So it's not our fault since we were too stupid to do it in the first place?
I wish these retarded faggots would make up their tiny minds already.

okay, then how about you fuck off back to those places then and leave white people alone? lmao
you won't because you know that whole image is a lie and you'd rather die with the white man's cock in your mouth than be forced to go back to the shitholes the brown races crawled out of

Attached: race white men - women.jpg (1200x997, 1.18M)

Also, but, europeans surpass those ancient civilizations started by Italian renaissance, that formed the best artists and passed science for all europa.