Why are poor whites like this?

Why are poor whites like this?

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Progressive bourgeois whites have no allies

Being white and poor is the worst thing in America, they literally have no choice on who to vote for.
Republicans just screw them over.
And Democrats screw them over even harder, excplicitly hating on whites and giving countless privileges to minorities.

>tfw that man has a 180 IQ and has determined that life as dumbass produces more happiness

Both parties will fuck you, but at least the Republicans are for less government. Well less than the Dems at any rate.

You falsely believe that everyone desires to become rich.
You probably also (falsely) believe that everyone who criticizes israel does so because they are "jealous" of whatever positive trait one can ascribe to their race...which is pretty racist, by the way

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why are most leftists like what this based bugman is describing?

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Why would a poor white person vote for the party that calls them racist and wants to take their money and give it to inner city niggers?

So retarded they believe leftwing lies from people who are trying to replace them in their own countries whilst accussing them of racism?

It’s because the far left control the universities which means they also control the schools and therefore beta males like yourself are indoctrinated for years without hearing the other side accurately and can’t actually process the truth when it’s told to you

It's infinitely better than being one of the useless eaters in cities who hate the people that grow their food and mine the resources for their goods.

>voting is self interested rather than for what is best
great bait op, real original

>Leftist strawmeme.

>if you have a retirement over 200k you no longer get social security

why are shitskins like this?

These. Get bent, OP.

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Because they have a chance , unlike the rest of your victims stuck in vote plantations.

>wanting to pay the least amount of tax possible on an already low income

How can the working class be this stupid?

Fuck off, nigger

>Why are poor whites like this?
Trump won because he told beautiful lies to desperate people.

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Growing up/still living in the hood around mostly blacks and Hispanics has made me rightwing. Regardless of whether or not it's in my economic interests. That's why 99% of white leftists live in nice suburban mostly white areas. They wouldn't be screaming "black lives matter" if they had to live around blacks.

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The Russians could never fully grasp why communism could never take hold amongst America’s poor and even its extremely poor minorities. It was because every American deep down thought that one day they could be the millionaire or billionaire, and then they could shit on the poor too.

This is the American dream, the real one anyway.

>LOL only republicans funnel money into corrupt rich people, Dems would NEVER do that
>gee why dont people like communism? is it the oppression? The government censorship? The fact that it never has reached the success story that capitalism has?

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>I vote democrat because i hate myself for being white

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LOL this thread.

"OK guys, we're gonna do the 'Why do poor whites vote against best interests" thing. Let's be sure to presume that they all just want to be rich and that's the ONLY reason they would vote GOP. This will work. Fuck, time to go dilate and clean puss from my open wound"

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Because faggot leftists in the Democratic party put them out of work.

Exactly... so much of today's problems would go away if taxation powers of government were hard capped to 10% of gross earnings. If everyone, rich or poor or corporation, paid exactly 10% of gross earnings there would be no animosity between the classes. There would be no push for socialism.