legit experiencing second hand trauma over this guys

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Polish gov should have cut that leftist trash to pieces and sent them back as a kabob

this, but in minecraft

poland should have arrested the cps for attempted kidnapping

What do you expect from Child Prostitution Services? Someone is gonna start killing these people for their iniquities

Before you guys comment without reading the article

>The mom was in a mental hospital for schizophrenia
>The dad was a raging alcoholic and abused his kids when drunk

They aren't entirely innocent. But, there's still absolutely no reason that white Christian children should be placed in the custody of a brown Muslim.

they need to hurry up then this is legitimate emergency situation... what the fuck guys I try to take things easy and look for peaceful options or whatever but guys I can't just sit back and watch shit like this happen fuck this

I never cry and I'm legit getting tears in my eyes now how the fuck can this kind of situation be allowed to happen to people in their own country and no one has stepped in to bring in any kind of justice.

Imagine living in the land of your forefathers and a govt agency is sending AGENTS to taker your fucking KIDS from you and give them to MOHAMMED THIS ISNT A MEME THIS IS HAPPENING TO THIS GUY FUCK

Got a source on dad beats kids/alcoholic, i didn't see it in the tweets?

so wait, they just showed up at a random dudes house and tried to take his kids?

If that was truly the situation, why wouldn't Poland force the children to be returned?

well of course in Minecraft. Always in Minecraft

They probably used a flimsy pretext to attempt to take his kids. Child protective service employees and social workers in the west tend to be lefties with god complexes. Never put any kind of insanity past them.

You racist hillbilly american, what's so wrong about having an adoptive father called muhammed? :^)

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The anal tearings, I presume.

I seriously hope you guys aren't all larping about taking matters into our own hands when shit gets too real because as I'm sitting here right now I didn't even feel super emotional or anything when I made this thread but now I am actually crying, I have been on this fucking website since highschool and seen it all, I thought I was totally desensitized and could just laugh everything off but all this shit about clown world is all fun and games till they are literally organizing to take people's kids and give them to muslims in their own countries.

I don't give a fuck who is reading or monitoring this right now, I am a fucking extremist. Becausr this shit is extreme and I have had enough


America needs to invade Sweden.

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gamers rise up

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don't raise kids in shithole leftist countries user - or leave at the first sight of trouble. Me and my wife already agreed that if some leftist degenerate gov agent or teacher tries to do anything with/brainwash our kids we will be "taking a vacation with them to EE"

You now what to do. Just honk them all and dont forget to subscribe to pewdiepie.

This. But at least they told them to fuck off.

What the fuck

but those were nice muslims. Grooming gangs are a minority and exist only in the UK

what the actual fuck

A cut in EU gibs and Poland will fold just like with everything else

Those CPS agents should be rotting in a jail cell.

America is the current home and host of international Jewery. Our goverment is run by Jews and Jew-puppets for the exclusive benefit of Jews. The Jews have decided that homogeneous functional white societies are a threat to their long term survival and are attempting to unravel them as fast as they can.

America can fix nothing atm because white America is in captivity to Jewish rulers and interests.

These CPS agents should be rotting in the ground

that's a lot cheaper than a jail cell

based poles. Should have arrested the cps agents for attempted kidnapping and put them in prison.

swear to god I posted before reading yours. HIVE MIND.


yeah real tough choice

This is true

Nah, he had some mental issues, apparently. Haven't found anywhere what kind of mental issues.

Bet that muslim was fucking excited to be given three underaged swedish girls into his home.

IF hes a white nationalist they could claim that is "mental issues" its current year.

This has been happening in the UK since the 1980's, girls taken into care, moved away from local authority, placed in Muslim home as 'foster' kids as Muslims can't adopt, girl marries foster dad in sharia court. The Burkha was invented in order to hide this very activity, we are talking tens if not hundreds of thousands of kids all over europe.

>Someone is gonna start killing these people
It's only a matter of time before clown world crashes and burns.

user not giving leftist governments your kids, not wanting your kids to be raped and indoctrinated by Mohammad are mental issues to the left. I mean that unironically and we all know the modern leftist lunatic thinks this fucked up way.

Press S to spit on cucked swedes.

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or this


I don't know what to say or think anymore

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Stop being a faggot and learn how to operate a firearm and defend yourself.

They were better than swedish girls.

They were russians

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This is fucked up. You'd really support this? Taking a man's wives away in an islamic country? Stop trying to extend your imperialistic hand into every nonwhite nation for once god damn.

In all seriousness what the fuck? Muslims are allowed to "adopt" little girls? Their holy book tells them to be JUST LIKE a guy who famously raped tons of kids! You let them adopt children? Jesus christ this is fucked up. Think of all of the kids basically being handed over as sex slaves by the state and nobody does a thing. Fuck.

Muslims can't 'adopt', but fostering is different, these girls are the lucky ones, the rest end up as rape slaves.

honk honk indeed

I'm so glad the Jews thought it necessary to import them. Thanks, Jews. That was helpful.

Doubt that would hold in court, even in Sweden.

fucking disgusting

America needs to invade a lot of AMERICA at this point user. California is fucking out of line by miles and needs to be slapped down before we do anything overseas.

He will do just fine in Poland. It is a country fueled by vodka.

so they fit perfectly in pooland :D good

have you considered eco fascism?
it's all the rage

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They actually got rejected because Polish lawyers used an EU law to protect Muslim kids being Chritsianised against them.

The law forbids children being fostered in an "alien cultural environment" - so all the Maulim kids that get taken can only be placed with other Muslims. Poland argued that taking three young white Christian girls and putting them with a Muslim family also broke this rule and the courts had no choice but to agree.
I wouldn't be surprised if the EU now amended the law to allow our children to be placed with these rapists and paedophiles.

Fucking gold star reply

My first thought when looking at any muslim nation is "gee, we need to import literally millions of these every year because reasons or some shit".
Lebanon is a shining beacon guiding us all into the future, boy howdy /fucking s

keep giving them money as they spit on you and your shitty culture.

A mosque training jihadi is friendly?
You are sarcastic obviously.

This happens in the UK every day, I've seen it with my own eyes. The hearings take place in secret courts, the mother and father have gagging orders placed upon them. There's an extremely evil underbelly to our Social Services that's tied in with cases such as Rotherham etc.

I hear you, dude. I feel the same way. Why is this shit happening? I just want to know when the fucking madness will cease. How can it go on forever?

someone gunna tell him?

God bless Poland.
It's hard to believe that Poland, of all places, is the last salvation for whites in Europe.

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stay mad stupid leaflet

Oh user... I don't know how to break this to you. White flight is essentially over. There's nowhere left to run.


Ohhhhh yes, I'll let you read and feel the despair.
Remember, we asked for help, Jow Forums dismissed Tommy Robinson as a 'Kike Shill', well now he has been depersonned and so have others, thanks for the help shitlords, you are helping white genocide, the Kalergi plan, the Marxists and the Muslims.
We couldn't do it alone, we can't do it alone and now we are in a situation where we are locked up if we criticise grooming gangs and our democratic vote is being ignored.

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I did. Somebody had to.

First to fight.

30% of all acid attacks in london are made by poles.... poles are subhumans nothing else

He will fuck you.

Of course she wasn't allowed to eat pork. How would she get it? Who would buy and cook it? "well nobody was stopping her going to the store... so long as she had her burka on" is a weak af counterclaim.

not true, that is fake news to put the blame on white Europeans.

when we win, we will remember that the people we defeated, wanted us dead, poor and beaten our kids raped, and they thought it was funny, we wont forget that

Sweden needs to elect swedish men to all posituons in government and execute the traitorous women in charge.

What kind of "abuse"? If we're talking just physically disciplining them for acting out, which is frowned upon in leftist dystopias, then I'm entirely in his court.

I work at a grocery store, and whenever I see misbehaving children, they always belong to liberal faggots. The conservative parents just have to glare at their kids and the kid will just silently pout instead of acting out.

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moHAMmad Ali

>>The mom was in a mental hospital for schizophrenia
>The dad was a raging alcoholic and abused his kids when drunk

yes, it's called plausible deniability. CPS doesn't target anyone, just the ones they know they can get away with.

Isn't giving the children of one race to another in an organized fashion considered part (and parcel) of the codified definition of genocide?

Sounds like regular slavshit parents to me.

You got a sauce on this? Need some ragefuel

remember you are reading the left wing spin on the story.
what about her crucifix? do you think she is going to Church or being indoctrinated? do you think if she is prostituted off the police and media would tell you?

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Vocal troll minority shittalks Tommy, just like the one that shittalks Alex Jonestein. Everybody sane understands that they're better to have around than not.

Traitorous women like this?

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BASED POLAND stay stong pol bros

Holy shit
Deus Vult

>The girl was also said to have told her biological mother, whose care she was removed from, that 'European women are stupid and alcoholic' - but the council said today the girl 'didn't know what Europe was'.
That's not a red flag at all. No denial that it was SAID, only that it wasn't understood. That's exactly what's fucked up about it dailymail god damn.
>An internal investigation, led by one of its own social workers, also denies the child was told Christmas was 'stupid' and says the family held an Easter egg hunt at home.
>White British Muslim
Appears in the text, too... There's literally no interpretation of this combination of words that isn't deeply unsettling. Brits are such cucks that the MEN are converting to the invading ideology? Or, worse, it's in fashion now to call arabs white like mexicans became "white" in the US? Wow.

There's probably more to this story than just the hysterical tweet and the immediate outrage some faggots have to it

That's halal so it's ok.

>peaceful options
Blackpill of the evening: Peace is always a lie; struggle (war) is a universal constant.

You believe what they are saying? I saw pics of the father, he doesn't look like an alcoholic at all.
And when they place 3 young girls into custody of Muslims who are well known for what they are doing to children we all know what the government is really up to.

And the men can't always be trusted either

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How did we let it get so bad user? Not even larping here, I can't understand how hundreds of millions of people can just let this shit happen every single day and a few thousand never get together and do anything.

We a caliphate now boys


Fixed. You could ask Christine Assange.
>who is Elian Gonzales

>Just honk them all and dont forget to subscribe to pewdiepie.
2019 in a nutshell

If you cum in a jew mouth (male) you win

stay salty degenerate loser. Keep being mad that your "lesser"neighbour has more willpower and better morals than your own people.

You ancestors hate you btw. They want to spit on your corpse.