It's in our hands to fulfill to our great destiny.
It's in our hands to fulfill to our great destiny
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm also a woman.
and I'm a proud Nazi.
Well get to it and start making babies. Quit wasting time here.
Post bare feet you fucking whore
Also, based stockings. No girls wear them anymore and it makes me sad
Hey guys I have a great idea let's die for israel
find a white man, marry him, have kids, and raise them with a natsoc ideology.
Do you wish you never got them?
My fiancee and I plan to move to Austria before having children so they can be born in our native land :)
trash too
Sounds like a great plan
Marry me, and let's make the master race.
It makes me sad too :( Stockings are wonderful and proper ladies should wear them at all times! Bare legs are improper!
I hope your name doesn’t start with a K.
This. Whore discarded.
>I'm also a woman.
not with those arms youre not
No, I only have one and it was after a family tragedy. It was to honor him.
>even the most based of you broads cant seem to fully commit.
This man has clearly never seen a blouse. Proper women pride themselves on being physically fit, not sticks who die after having one child.
You look jewish.
Are you jewish?
Do your feet smell?
I'm a brown Mexican, let's breed?
women don't exist, only vril
How did ya get redpilled
And whats the best way to redpill women
nice tattoo, degenerate!
>Round Jew face
>99% chance of having soulless brown bug eyes
>frizzled wavy hair
Fuck off over to
I started to really brush up on WW2 as I love vintage fashion. From there I began to see the light so to speak. My fiancee was also a great help, he never was mean about it or forced it on me. He let me come to my own natural conclusions and educated me on a lot of how leftist propaganda works. He was always understanding and loving throughout the whole process and when I finally Sieg Heil'ed for the first time, he was so very proud and it made me so happy. I have proudly been a Nazi ever since.
Get the tattoo removed.
In your free time, spread redpills on the internet.
Focus on making white babies.
The Nazis gave medals to mothers for the number of children they had.
4-5 kids is a bronze medal
6-7 kids is a silver medal
8+ kids is a gold medal
Get a gold.
Wait for marriage to have sex.
Teach your children to have the same traditional values.
Dress modestly always. There's no excuse not to.
Value health and beauty. Take care of yourself.
Spread white culture. Classical music, old paintings, fairy tales, castles.
it's 1940's hair you absolute moron they all did their hair like this in the 40's you imbecile.
remove that tattoo
I like your shoes.
>Teach your children to have the same traditional values.
>Dress modestly always. There's no excuse not to.
>Value health and beauty. Take care of yourself.
>Spread white culture. Classical music, old paintings, fairy tales, castles.
Agreed! That is the plan. I have only ever been with the same man, I can't even imagine loving anyone else! I only dress in proper 1940s fashion, today's fashion is downright improper.
I appreciate you user. More than can be expressed over the internet in a few words. God bless
That's great! I'm glad.
>brown Mexican
>US flag
Checks out
Thank you! 1940s fashion is my most favorite thing!
With your nose, second chin, face shape you look like a typical Miriam.
Nice larp.
You're on the right track and I support you, America is a lost cause
Ty based nazi kween
>it's 1940's hair you absolute moron
>thinking that having frizzled, poorly taken care of hair was done by choice
lol ok, the Slav is jealous no pure white woman would want him.
There needs to be more NatSoc women, props to you OP, for once you are not a faggot
Thank you, what a kind thing to say! I love that GIF!
Damn u hot carry my black babies
I love that gif.
Here's a part 2
That's pretty rare around here, don't mind the stupid comments
post feet
ew he looks like a mexican
no prob OP. Just have as many Huwhite children as possible and teach them how Hitler's people cheered for him.
thankyou user
>This. Whore discarded.
>Saids the Reddit nigger that can't convert in the red zone.
What a lovely GIF! He was doing his best for us! I would love to talk to you more my fiancee and I are trying to make more NAtSoc friends, do you have a KIK?
Hey fuck you retard, us brown eyed people have souls too
Very light brown *might* get a pass, but the brown I was talking about is dark.
>pic related
Is he officialy a meme?
>greasy skin
>Russian fat face + weak chin combo
>wrist tattoo
>coarse arm hair
>cringey as fuck
Well, you've got tits at least...
>ride the cock carousal for years and years
>I want to settle down with a trad guy now ^^
good job becoming a literal meme, kys
>pure white
>Dark brown bugeyes.
You got a rebuttal for or do you just enjoy being a moron?
I know what you're talking about, Asians and Africans whose eyes are so dark brown they almost look black.
But having brown eyes doesn't make you non-white, race runs a lot deeper than just eye colour.
>tits at least
Going by what we already know, my money is on saggy bags with pancake areolas that point at the floor.
I know what you're saying, part of it is just in jest.
Not all brown eyes are non white, but almost every single non white has brown eyes.
>an honor to him
good job disgracing your body cunt
Show us your cock.
No, kindly fuck off, Juan. :)
I don't have kik, I have discord and stuff
>and I'm a proud nazi
and, no you're an attention whore
Lol ok faggot italians are white
Women need to join the cause too and it's going to be difficult for a lot of them if they don't think there are other women in it. Posting something simple like this isn't attention whoring.
>all these butthurt incels
No brown eyes here!
>the dark thing is a shadow as it is very late here.
My hair does look a bit messy, I should have cleaned it up a bit more and for that I apologize. However, because the photos are in black and white you can not see the more natural frizz of a woman's hair. I'd also like to point out if you saw my entire face I look much more German, but I can't post my whole face here because I don't want SJWs knocking my door down.
usual lurker here, you are fucking pretty. Damn.
>but almost every single non white has brown eyes
Yeah they do, but that doesn't make whites with brown eyes any less white, just because their eye colour isn't one that is unique to the white race.
You remind me of someone I know and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Well desu I do get what you mean about all or most non whites having brown eyes but insinuating you are not white if you have brown eyes is just stupid.
>but I can't post my whole face here because I don't want SJWs knocking my door down
you just did I can basically tell what you look like easily
based, anyone who says brown hair and blue eyes aren't white are retards. calling the fuhrer not white. Blue eyes brown hair gang RISE UP.
no, this is attention whoring. this thread would be deleted if it were a dude and you fucking know it. this is a shit thread and this bitch just wants attention.
You look cute
Yes. For those who dare to mire and be mired...
If you were a true national socialist you wouldn't use the term "nazi" it was invented by a jew as a derogatory term. You should use natsoc if you have to shorten it. Also who took the picture?
Cute. would marry and pump out kids. Don't listen to the niggers, OP.
Also use national socialist not "nazi". "nazi" is a jewish slur.
Gorgeous eyes, but why are you on 4 chan?
fake as fuck larp
Thank you! I'd love nothing more than for a fellow Nazi woman to hang out with and do our hair and nails together! We can shop for vintage clothes together and be best friends!
>mfw no larp
but saying nazi gets her more attention
nazi is a jewish slur as the above user pointed out
>tfw when you'll never have a second chin big enough to hold your head up at all times
>Hey guys look at me! I'm a nahtzee!! Am I based?? Lol so quirky and fashy
You want to know the whole intention of this thread? I know women lurk here, I lurked here for a long while. I'm tired of the same group of NatSoc friends, and desu there is nothing I want more in this world than a fellow woman nazi friend. We can shop for 40's clothes together and complain about modern moralities together over afternoon tea and do each other's hair.