What made you redpilled or NatSoc

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Dumb shitskins around me being painfully dumb.

Jow Forums

Kikes, or whoever is doing the subverting.

Being in a middle School full of turks and other shitskins

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it's time for a change!

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Being heavily gangstalked non-stop from early 2016 to late 2017.

I hope it will happen in time

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This, but also the big bombshell for me was I found out what books were burnt, completely accidentally. And then I started looking to see what else I might have been lied to about. And then it was the whole fucking thing. The whole goddamn thing was a lie. Because the fucking britbongs needed a big bad enemy. So they made one out of what could have soon been an economic rival.

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When did you knew about the kikes? This knowleadge is a red pill in itself

When I accidentally realized that everything I despised when I was younger (the Media, corporations, banks and finance institutes, and the subversion of the sovereign rights of peoples all over the world) were owned and pushed by the same group of (((people))).

I have a small penis and am unsuccessful with women and have a crappy low-status job. The color of my skin is the only thing I have to be proud of and I lack basic critical skills.

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It didnt take any person or thing to make me think the way I do. I live an hour outside the city where im at and unfortunately have to venture out there every once and a while. The people there just have a lower standard of life and i cant seem to understand why. The city is filled with fuckin greasy hindus, niggers and arabs. But the worst of that is the ghetto whites. A regular day in my town is quiet, peaceful and full of genuine people. I drive 45 minutes and its like im in pakistan. Its not the location, the cleanliness or the lack of jobs that make it that way, because theres plenty of opportunity for everybody, its the fuckin people

This isn't some NeoNazi gathering. Neo Nazis are degenerates and don't remotely understand the National Socialist ideology they claim to represent. They're just disaffected larpers and don't even exist on this website.

being picked on in my sjw highschool for being white and christian

2/10 user, try harder


I feel like this place you drive is Surrey, BC or Toronto, ON.

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Holier-than-thou Boomers

I was in college in 2009, and had a lot of questions about the financial meltdown. Nobody around me, no adults, could answer any real questions. I began learning, and from there, began learning how geopolitics and realpolitik work as a result of learning the financials.

I also took a bunch of mushrooms, that helped me to throw away the brainwashing. But even before this, I was questioning everything-- even going outside multiple times you be sure the sky was blue and was always blue. Like I said, I had to be willing to question everything.

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Meeting over 2,000 niggers/spics through work and a grand total of 14 of them were not retarded dipshits.

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Living in a multicultural society.

LOL This shit gets worse every time it's posted

> first it was the inconsitencies of Sandy Hook
> attacks and no one doing anything
> migrants, nothing being done
> rapes and molestations making it worse
> learn about 13% and see their bullshit being used as an excuse to take my rights
> Ebba
> blah blah research blah blah
> FINAL STEP, Saint Tarrant

funny thing too, been trying for a couple years to red pill my friend. VERY SLOW progress. Tarrant accelerated his ass to my level a couple months ago lmao

>Tarrant accelerated his ass to my level a couple months ago lmao
bluepilled shill

I'm tired of explaining this, search for gangstalking or targeted individual program if you want to know more.

who might I be shilling for?

The fact that those who rule over us are complete psychopaths who only understand force, and thus only force will overthrow them.

And the ideology that best disciplines and militarizes the masses is the only ideology that will ever have any chance of steering us away from oblivion.

Might makes right and survival of the fittest are the true laws of nature.

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